
Are You Smarter Than A ... Smart Meter?
Track: Water, Wastewater, and Storm Water
Authors: William Flynn, Ron Diaz

The City of San Marcos is pleased to relate an overview of how its Public Services department recently implemented a smart grid system for its water and electric utilities. After a short overview of smart grid technologies, this paper focuses specifically on the benefits and challenges that confront municipal water utilities in establishing an advanced metering infrastructure, and how GIS can be used as both a tracking and analytical tool. This presentation will provide you with a combination of success stories along with anecdotes on the many challenges that had to be overcome along the way, in which the City had to continually outsmart the smart grid! This case study offers tips and insights on how water distribution departments can deploy a smart water metering system of their own, and will address issues relating to physical deployment to the field, customer expectations, IT, data issues, security concerns, and cross-departmental communication.

William Flynn
City of San Marcos
630 E Hopkins
San Marcos, Texas 78666
United States
Phone: 512-393-8028
Fax: 512-392-2625
E-mail: wflynn@sanmarcostx.gov

Ron Diaz
City of San Marcos
630 East Hopkins
San Marcos, Texas 78666
United States
Phone: 5123938030
E-mail: rdiaz@sanmarcostx.gov