
"Managed care - make it happen"
Track: Health and Human Services
Authors: Thomas Ledermann, Olaf Schaefer

Our health system is being increasingly squeezed by cost pressures and needs to respond quickly to new conditions such as wider-ranging outpatient services and new compensation models or the challenges of the demographic trends. Only with holistic services provided by all involved players can we, as citizens, expect better services for the same price. The Million-Dollar question, however, still remains the same: "How to make integrated healthcare truly happen?" In other words, the coordinated collaboration of all service providers like general practitioner, hospital, nursing organizations is important. As a cost centre, the health insurer has the corresponding data and can therefore deploy innovative IT tools such as GIS as a control and early warning system. Helsana and LCC have realized an Esri based GIS Health Care solution. The results obtained clearly demonstrate the added value of the active depiction of complex multidimensional data within a geographical context.

Thomas Ledermann
LCC Consulting AG Software Engineering
Raeffelstrasse 29
ZUERICH, Zuerich 8045
Phone: +4144 454 30 15
E-mail: thomas.ledermann@lcc-consulting.ch

Olaf Schaefer
Helsana Versicherungen AG
Zuerichstrasse 130
Duebendorf, Zuerich 8600
Phone: +4143 340 56 98
E-mail: olaf.schaefer@helsana.ch