
Firebird: GIS driven mobile dispatch control for emergency services
Track: Emergency Medical Services/Fire
Authors: Raj Chundur, Thomas Wuerzer

Mobile dispatch support with integrated mapping is the main task for CagisFirebird.
Firebird intercepts dispatch calls from the fire department's MDC. Its processing-logic extracts vital information from the dispatch message, geocodes addresses, and locates the incident on a mapping interface. Equipped with GPS support, Firebird presents the emergency unit's current location and suggests routing to the incident. Its internal database holds preplans, emergency handbook, contacts, radio frequencies and phone numbers. Firebird is built for touch screen tough books in fire trucks and just finalized a four month field test.
The presentation focuses on ArcEngine based software developed by the Cincinnati Area GIS (CAGIS) consortium, founded and maintained by the City of Cincinnati and Hamilton County, Ohio. We will present the success story of CagisFirebird with its architecture and the various tasks it has supported with the fire department of Forrest Park, Ohio.

Raj Chundur
138 E Court Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
United States
Phone: (513) 352-4662
E-mail: raj.chundur@cincinnati-oh.gov

Thomas Wuerzer
University of Cincinnati
School of Planning, DAAP
PO Box 210016
Cincininati, Ohio 45221-0016
United States
Phone: 513 884 7737
E-mail: wuerzets@mail.uc.edu