
Veteran Transition Support Viewer
Track: Defense and Intelligence
Authors: Mario Carreno

Proposed GIS Program with the assistance of (GEOFidelis) is to implement a ArcGIS Server web based mapping application to assist United States Marine Corps' Wounded Warriors and transitioning Marines in finding local and regional resources with ease. The Veterans Transition Support (VeTS) Viewer program vision establishes an expectation for the Wounded Warrior Regiment's (WWR) technical and operational resources that transforms the current multi-web applications environment into a Virtual Resource. A "Virtual Resource" combines multiple databases in to one Geospatial Information System (GIS) platform that will foster the development and visual connections that support a Marine's care and transition. The end state will increase the efficiency of an organization's view of historical, current and forecasting data and expand the regiments outreach to remote location throughout the United States.

Mario Carreno
H-49 Santa Margarita Rd
Camp Pendlton, California 92055
United States
Phone: (760)212-6627
E-mail: mario.m.carreno@usmc.mil