Bruce Rindahl
Groundwater Modelling and Analysis
Using the USGS MODFLOW program
and ArcView
The City of Aurora's Utilities Department is utilizing ArcView 2.1 to analyze
groundwater modelling and aquifer response the Cherry Creek alluvium. ERSI's
ArcView 2.1 was chosen for displaying drawdowns, stream flow and aquifer
elevations simulated from the USGS MODFLOW program because of the clear display
of the complex model simulation results. Utilizing ArcView's ability to join
GIS coverages and text tables, an easy to use interface for displaying MODFLOW
results was developed. This application is the basis for a water rights
application and a basin-wide management plan for the upper Cherry Creek basin.
This paper will lay out the steps in the development and use of this tool
including Avenue script customization.
The City of Aurora is a community of approximately 247,000 located in the
southeast Denver metro area. Aurora is the third largest city in the State
of Colorado. The service area of the Utilities Department is about 135 square
miles. Figure 1 shows the general location of the model grid.
Since 1956, some of the water supply of Aurora has come from a seven wells in
the Cherry Creek aluvium located just southwest of the city. As a result of
State of Colorado regulations enacted since the wells were drilled, an analysis
of the potential impacts to the Cherry Creek and South Platte stream system was
required for continued use of the wells. In 1991 the City of Aurora hired
Bishop-Brogden Associates, Inc. to analize the well field and the effected reach
of Cherry Creek.
Bishop-Brogden Associates (BBA) selected the MODFLOW
computer program with an additional streamflow package developed by the USGS. The
purpose of this paper is to describe the application of ArcView to display and
analyze the results of this modelling effort.
Figure 1 - Location of the City of Aurora
Model Description
The model developed by BBA consisted of a 72 column by 244 row grid of 200 foot
squares aligned along the axis of Cherry Creek upstream of Cherry Creek
Reservoir. Due to the limited scope of this paper, a detailed description of
the parameters of the model is not included but can be optained from the City of
Aurora. Input parameters to the model for each cell are tabulated in input files
read by the MODFLOW program. Additional parameters such as streamflows, well
pumping, and time periods are also input to the program. Outputs are typically
groundwater elevation, drawdowns from the starting conditions, and streamflows
in either printed form or binary files. Printed output is quite voluminous
and requires a through knowledge of both the particular model and
groundwater hydraulics.
GIS Coverages
In order to evaluate the model results using ArcView, the 72 column by 244 row
grid was created as a polygon coverage by ArcInfo using the GENERATE and
FISHNET commands. Additional attributes of Row, Column, and Loc-Tag were added
to correspond to the model. Loc-tag is simply a character string consisting of
row number and the column number seperated by a "-". The Loc-Tag is the vital
attribute through which model results will be joined to the coverage (or Theme
in ArcView). Additional fixed attributes such as bottom elevation and
transmisivity are added to the coverage from the model input files. The basic
grid can then be displayed using ArcView as a standard theme. Finally, the
coverage was translated to the correct coordinates of the actual location of
the model in order to utilize the existing GIS coverages of the City of Aurora.
Figures 2 and 3 show the model grid displaying the bottom elevation and transmisivity respectively. Figure 4 shows a portion of the attribute
table for the coverage.
A copy of the model grid coverage was created using only those cells where Cherry
Creek streamflow is modeled. This coverage is used to analyze the surface flow
in the model. In addition to the model grid, coverages were developed for other features in the
model such as well locations and monitoring holes to display these features on the
same reference as the model.
Figure 2 - Bottom Elevation of Cherry Creek Aquifer
Figure 3 - Transmisivity of Cherry Creek Aquifer
Figure 4 - Attribute Table of Cherry Creek Model
Displaying Model Results
As stated before, the MODFLOW program can output results in both printed output
and binary files. To utilize the GIS coverages described above, the binary files
were translated into ASCI text tables. Several simple programs were developed to
read the binary output files and output the text tables. The program first skips
the header of the binary file then reads and stores the value for every cell in
the first time step (or stress period as it is called in MODFLOW). This is then
repeated for every time step in the file. Finally, the output file is created
first by writing the header, then one line for each cell consisting of the
Loc-Tag and the values for the drawdown (or head elevation or streamflow) for
each time step of the model run. As an added bonus, this procedure can be used
to compare two model runs. The first run is read in and saved in memory, then
the second is read and the output file is the cell by cell difference between
the two files. In this manner the impacts of well pumping can be analyzed by
running two models - one with and one without pumping - and comparing the
results. Copies of the program codes are included in the appendix.
The final step to displaying the model is deceptively simple - just join the
attribute table of the model grid with the output text file using the Loc-Tag
field. The model can then be displayed using any time step using the legend
editor of ArcView. In addition, the identify tool can be pointed at any cell
and the complete drawdown pattern for that cell is displayed. Maximum and
average drawdowns can be computed for each time step using the field menu on
the attribute table. Drawdowns greater than a specified criteria can be
displayed using the query tool. Thus a complete model simulation can be
displayed and analyzed in one View in ArcView. Figure 5 shows a typical model
run displayed on ArcView.
Figure 5 - Display of Drawdown Impacts of Aurora Pumping
Aurora Pumping 4000 AF/Year - Drawdowns are in feet
Enhancements to ArcView using Avenue
In addition to the standard features of ArcView, several functions were created
using Avenue for this project. Three scripts were developed to control the legend
editor. One allowed the user to specify specific steps in the legend, i.e. show
the drawdown in even one foot increments. Another allowed ramping of colors
between specific values in the legend so negative drawdowns (or higher elevation than
the starting elevation) could be graduated shades of one color while positive
drawdowns could be graduated shades of another color. Finally, a third script
allowed grouping several categories together into one legend (grouping all negative
drawdowns together as the positive drawdown is of more concern). All thes scripts
were useful in this project, however they will all be standard features in ArcView
Animation is also possible through the use of Avenue. By sequentially displaying
the groundwater model one stress period at a time an animated picture of the
effects of pumping can be displayed. This allows an clear visualization of the
reaction of the aquifer during the model simulation.
One enhancement worth noting specifically is the use of "gnuplot" to graph both
model results and monitoring hole data on the same graph. The program "gnuplot"
is a copyrighted but free command-driven interactive function plotting program
which runs on most UNIX platforms and Windows machines. The tremendous benefit
of "gnuplot" for this application instead of the charting functions built into
ArcView is "gnuplot" allows time-series data and data from separate tables to be
plotted on one graph. Some of the model runs in the analysis of Cherry Creek are
calibration runs tied to specific dates and streamflow and pumping runs. By using
"gnuplot" the data from both of these sources can be graphed together and compared
for calibration purposes. In the ArcView application a tool is created where the
active themes are selected and the data is read from the respective tables. The data
is then written to an ASCI file in the command format of "gnuplot". Finally, "gnuplot"
is launched using the data file as input. Figure 6 shows a sample of "gnuplot" displaying
the data from a model run. Copies of the Avenue Scripts are included in the appendix.
Figure 6 - gnuplot of Modelled Results vs Monitoring Hole Data
Summary and Conclusions
Through the use of ArcView 2.1, the City of Aurora can now analyze and display
complex groundwater model results from the USGS's MODFLOW program. The ease of
use and clear display of the effects on the Cherry Creek aquifer allow the ability
to analyze more simulations and "What-If" scenarios than would be possible through
conventional analysis. The areas of most significant impact are visually obvious
even of highly complex models. This application is the basis for a water rights
application and a basin-wide management plan for the upper Cherry Creek basin.
ArcView and ArcInfo were developed by Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (Esri)
MODFLOW was developed by Michael G. McDonald and Arlen W. Harbaugh for the USGS
The streamflow package for MODFLOW was developed by David E. Purdic for the USGS
The paticular model described in this paper was developed by Bishop-Brogden and Associates,
Lakewood, Colorado under contract with the City of Aurora.
gnuplot was developed by Thomas Williams and Collin Kelley
David Denholm is the coordinator of gnuplot 3.6
Major contributors to gnuplot (alphabetic order):
John Campbell
Robert Cunningham
David Denholm
Gershon Elber
Roger Fearick
Carsten Grammes
Thomas Koenig
David Kotz
Ed Kubaitis
Russell Lang
Alexander Lehmann
Carsten Steger
Tom Tkacik
Jos Van der Woude
Alex Woo
Sample Source Code to translate MODFLOW binary files to test tables:
int argc;
char *argv[];
int i,j,c,d;
int sign,k;
float z;
float store[72][244][26];
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen(argv[1],"r");
for(i=0;i<56;i++) /* 56 bytes in the header - machine dependent */
for(k=0;k<26;k++) {
for(j=0;j<244;j++) { /* 244 rows by 72 columns - model specific */
for(i=0;i<72;i++) {
store[i][j][k] = z;
for(i=0;i<60;i++) /* 60 bytes between stress periods - machine dependent */
for(j=0;j<244;j++) {
for(i=0;i<72;i++) {
if(store[i][j][0] < 999.9) { /* 999.9 is a flag in MODFLOW that this cell */
printf("%d-%d",j+1,i+1); /* is not active - this reduces the file size */
Sample Avenue Script to animate groundwater model:
if(av.GetActiveDoc.GetActiveThemes.Count > 1) then
MsgBox.Info("Select only one Theme!","ERROR")
return -1
theView = av.GetActiveDoc
theChart = av.GetProject.FindDoc("Discharge along Stream")
theCFList = theChart.GetFields
theCVTab = theChart.GetVTab
cList = theCVTab.GetFields
theTheme = theView.GetActiveThemes.Get(0)
theTName = theTheme.GetName
aLegend = theTheme.GetLegend
theFTab = theTheme.GetFtab
aList = theFTab.GetFields
aField = MsgBox.List(aList,"Select the First Field","Legend")
theFF = aList.Find(aField)
aField = MsgBox.List(aList,"Select the Last Field","Legend")
theLF = aList.Find(aField)
if(theCFList.Count > 1) then
for each i in 1..(cList.Count-1)
for each i in theFF..theLF
newField = aList.Get(i)
CVTindex = cList.Find(theCVTab.FindField(newField.GetAlias))
Sample Avenue Script to launch gnuplot:
theBitmap0 = _theVTab0.GetSelection 'Globals are set in another script
theBitmap1 = _theVTab1.GetSelection
lf = LineFile.Make("/tmp/tmp.gnu".AsFileName,#FILE_PERM_WRITE)
lf.WriteElt("set title 'Cherry Creek Groundwater Model - 1995 Results'")
lf.WriteElt("set xlabel 'Date'")
lf.WriteElt("set ylabel 'Elevation'")
lf.WriteElt("set timefmt '%m/%d/%y'")
lf.WriteElt("set xdata time")
lf.WriteElt("set format x '%m/%d/%y'")
lf.WriteElt("set grid")
lf.WriteElt("set key left")
lf.WriteElt("plot \")
for each r in theBitmap0
lf.WriteElt("'-' using 1:2 t '"+_theVTab0.ReturnValue(_theFieldList0.Get(_theNF0),r).AsString+"' w l,\")
lf.WriteElt("'-' using 1:2 t '' w p,\")
for each r in theBitmap1
lf.WriteElt("'-' using 1:2 t '"+_theVTab1.ReturnValue(_theFieldList1.Get(_theNF1),r).AsString+"' w l,\")
lf.WriteElt("'-' using 1:2 t '' w p,\")
lf.WriteElt("'-' using 1:2 t '' w l")
for each r in theBitmap0
for each i in _theFF0.._theLF0
aField = _theFieldList0.Get(i)
x = aField.GetAlias
y = _theVTab0.ReturnValue(aField,r)
if(y = 0) then
for each i in _theFF0.._theLF0
aField = _theFieldList0.Get(i)
x = aField.GetAlias
y = _theVTab0.ReturnValue(aField,r)
if(y = 0) then
for each r in theBitmap1
for each i in _theFF1.._theLF1
aField = _theFieldList1.Get(i)
x = aField.GetAlias
y = _theVTab1.ReturnValue(aField,r)
if(y = 0) then
for each i in _theFF1.._theLF1
aField = _theFieldList1.Get(i)
x = aField.GetAlias
y = _theVTab1.ReturnValue(aField,r)
if(y = 0) then
System.Execute("/usr/local/bin/gnuplot -persist /tmp/tmp.gnu")
Bruce Rindahl, Senior Water Resources Engineer (Primary & Presenting Author)
City of Aurora, Utilities Department
1470 South Havana Street
Aurora, CO 80012
Phone: (303) 695-7383
Fax: (303) 695-7491