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Esri Proceedings

2009 Petroleum User Group Conference


Spatial Enabled Documents By Linking GIS With Document Management Systems

View Presentation [PDF]

Jürgen Mischker, OMV Exploration and Production
Jeff Hecht, GIS Technology, Inc.

In the past in OMV Exploration and Production (OMV E&P) GIS and the document management system (eDMS) were separate systems. Questions such as—"Do we have exploration studies stored in our eDMS for a specific area of interest? Do scanned paper logs exist for well X in our eDMS? In order to perform a lessons learned for drilling a new well, can we obtain all drilling reports from surrounding wells?"—were not be answered immediately. The linkage of these systems finally allows now a two-way analysis. The user can find all documents associated with a specific geographic feature, or alternatively, find where, spatially, within the GIS certain documents are associated. This linkage also allows the user to perform a spatial query to find multiple documents associated with multiple geographic features. The linkage was created by using the unique identifiers (e.g. UWI – unique well identifier) and the document class, which are mandatory metadata field of the eDMS. The eDMS and GIS can be managed independently of one another, and no changes were required in the work processes used to update either system. Thus, OMV E&P staff is now able to access documents also via a geographic interface, which allows spatial queries on a wide range of documents.

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