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Esri Proceedings

2009 Developer Summit

Building RESTful Apps and Services Using MVC

—Brian Noyle, DTSAgile

Listen and view the presentation [FLASH]

The presentation will leverage a suite of tools in the http goodness toolbox to discuss the implementation of RESTful applications and services utilizing Esris REST and JavaScript APIs in association with Microsofts ASP.NET MVC framework. Caching, linking, bookmarking, and friendly URLs are all nice features of the RESTful architecture but, as a developer, consider the impact on your next Geoweb app of having absolute control over addressable resources (data views and maps), guaranteed code quality governed by TDD principals, the opportunity for pluggable back end services in a hybrid solution, and the opening of doors for software and data interoperability over HTTP! The presenter will focus on real-world examples from recent development initiatives to illustrate the potential impact of RESTful services and applications in the geospatial enterprise. Implementation challenges for strictly RESTful URLs, architectural patterns, code examples, real-world systems demos, and other shiny bits will all be in attendance.

Prerequisites: None

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