Suddenly Spatial Doesn't Seem So Special: A Struggling College's Confessions
Track: User Presentations - Teaching
Authors: Steven Hills
Remember the time when GIS was special? There were not many of us, it was known what we did, we were treasured in our workplace. Now it's intrinsic in almost every field, we as GIS evangelists, are excited, thrilled with the potential. As educators we are eager to fill young minds with our geospatial knowledge, we have relevant course outlines and learning elements, we have the technology; we can build them to be geospatial. And we wait, we wait for them to fill our college seats, we anticipate high enrolments on our registration reports, and we wait. We have great potential, great job opportunities, great education, and we wait. I am a teacher in a struggling GIS program, our materials and delivery are second to none, but we struggle to fill the seats. My name is Steven, I am a GIS educator and I have a problem.