Resources for Integrating Remote Sensing Concepts into GIS Programs
Track: User Presentations - Teaching
Authors: Ann Johnson
Integrated Geospatial Education and Technology Training - Remote Sensing (iGETT-RS) is a National Science Foundation grant (http://igett.delmar.edu DUE 1205069) to help increase the number of GIS programs teaching remote sensing concepts and data acquisition. iGETT-RS provides faculty from two year colleges, high schools and universities with in depth education in the important skills and competencies identified by geospatial industry experts for entry level geospatial workers. The curriculum has been aligned with the Model Courses developed by the GeoTech Center based on finding of the US Dept. of Labor and experts from Industry. The presentation will include how to access the free teaching resources developed by the iGETT-RS staff and the exercises developed by participants as well as how the workshop curriculum and exercises align with workforce needs. It will also explain how you can participate in future hands-on Institutes.