GIS Across the Curriculum: Planting TULIP Bulbs at CSUSM
Track: User Presentations - Teaching
Authors: Allen Risley, Theresa Suarez
CSUSM holds a summer workshop for faculty entitled: Technology Utilization in Learning and Information Platforms (TULIP). In 2012, TULIP included a GIS track, for faculty to add GIS components to their courses. CSUSM does not have a GIS Center and just launched a Geospatial Studies minor, so including GIS is a new idea for most faculty on campus. Six professors took the plunge, developing materials and projects adding Geospatial thinking to their courses, in several departments: Liberal Studies, Sociology, Political Science, Kinesiology and Visual Arts. The buzz generated by these courses encouraged non-TULIP participants from these departments and others (e.g., Anthropology, Marketing) to add GIS-based assignments to their courses as well. Examples of the courses and assignments will be presented, with discussion of student learning outcomes involved, GIS resources used and lessons learned regarding support of GIS for non-geographers. Keywords: curriculum development, instructional development, university, new users, online, training, cross-disciplinary.