ArcGIS Server Hosted on Local Virtual Machines vs Cloud (EC2)
Track: User Presentations - Teaching
Authors: Jennifer Swift
Both local virtual machines on USC servers and the Amazon Elastic Computer Cloud (EC2) interface are being utilized to teach Esri ArcGIS Server 10.1 in a graduate "Web GIS" class within the USC online GIST Graduate Programs. Implementing virtual machines provides each student with their own individual "server" over which they have complete administrative control. Each semester, GIST IT staff create a new core with a full suite of ArcGIS server, SQL Server and other required software, replicated on demand. This architecture provides a convenient and easy learning environment for both students and faculty, though it consumes significant resources. The EC2 implementation of ArcGIS Server introduces students to an exciting alternative to local server hosting, available to them even after their courses are completed. This presentation will detail our experiences in implementing both architectures - advantages and disadvantages - including the latest feedback from GIST students, faculty and IT staff.