Visual Exploration for Decision Makers in School Districts
Track: User Presentations - Administration
Authors: Gustavo Zarrate-Cardenas
Organizations of all types and sizes are swamped with all kinds of data, in several and heterogeneous formats, and without any alternative to get meaning from that locked treasure of information.
Since 2010 our school district has been working on a GIS infrastructure project to link several processes and areas in our organization.
The process that has evolved and developed very fast in this new GIS infrastructure in our school district is the Analysis of Student Enrollment through an on-the-fly tool that has provided to the School Planning area pros with a powerful mechanism to give a new perspective and meaning about enrollment data.
Manager and planners provided with both student and GIS data on their fingertips have identified new ways to analyze data in several new dimensions and have become a real experience of Visual Exploration for decision makers in school districts.