
2020 Education GIS Conference Proceedings

The Education Summit @ Esri UC provides a forum for members of the education community to come together and share their GIS experiences and knowledge. Here you will find copies of papers given by EdUC attendees on various topics in San Diego, California. We hope that you will benefit from these papers as you take what was learned at the EdUC and apply them to your own work.

Title Presentation Video Author
Higher Education Plenary--Navigation Change Presentation Video Geri Miller
Higher Education Plenary--The Most Watched Website in the World Presentation Video Mara Blake, Reina Murray
Higher Education Plenary - Moving Online Video Allison Meezan
Higher Education Plenary-- Navigation Change on a Cloud GIS Campus Presentation Video Peter Knoop
Designing a Cloud-First Introduction to GIS Presentation Video Joseph Kerski, Nicole Kong, Diana Ter-Ghazaryan, Jennifer Swift
GIS in Schools Plenary Session; K-12 Presentation Video Charlie Fitzpatrick
Teaching with GIS in Schools Presentation Video Tom Baker
Retooling Library GIS Services for Online Learning and Research Presentation Video Angela Lee, Megan Slemons, Russ White, Patricia Carbajales-Dale, Him Mistry, Miriam Olivares
ArcGIS StoryMaps in Higher Education Presentation Video Dave Cowen, Miriam Olivares, Shana Crosson, Peter Knoop, John Glover
Teaching in the COVID-19 Era Presentation Video Charlie Fitzpatrick, Alice Im, Ericka Close, Christine Fox, Rick Ferdig
Data Collection Presentation Video Kylie Donia
Teaching with ArcGIS StoryMaps in School Presentation Video Michelle Thomas, Ross Donihue, Liz Todd
Education Resources Video Patty McGray, Aaron Zureick
Esri Press Video Catherine Ortiz, Stacy Krieg, Sasha Gallardo
What's New in Learn ArcGIS Video Riley Peake
Teacher Tips: Generating Joy with ArcGIS Online Presentation Video Anita Palmer, Barbaree Duke, Laura Bowden
Managing ArcGIS in Higher Education: Best Practice Video Peter Knoop, Geri Miller, Seth Perry, Len Kne, Ellie Masoomkhah
Managing ArcGIS in Higher Education: How Do I Get to a Best Practices State? Video Peter Knoop, Geri Miller, Carlos Barahona, Amy Work, Cory Langhoff, Ryan Baxter, Dalia Fadel, Alexandra Chrystal, Fredy Pulido
Managing ArcGIS in Higher Education: What Admin Tasks Remain in a Best Practice State? Video Peter Knoop, Geri Miller, Seth Perry, Peter Wiringa, Ellie Masoomkhah
Managing ArcGIS in Higher Education: Supplementing Best Practices with the ArcGIS API for Python Video Peter Knoop, Geri Miller, Seth Perry, Jim Detwiler, Mark Lindberg
Pedagogies for Engaging Students Online Video Mark Stewart, Josef Strobl, Jennifer Swift, Diana Ter-Ghazaryan
Returning to Campus Safely Video Brian Baldwin, Aaron Cheuvront, Diana Henderson