
A. J. Wells, F. M. Cocks, C. Cryer and L. Davidson

The Implications of Geographic Information Management for Accident Distribution Analysis

It has been suggested that whilst injuries are a major public health problem, the amount of research with respect to other forms of morbidity and mortality is small. This situation is not due to a lack of interest with local authorities, county councils, ministry of transport, emergency services and numerous charities actively interested. It is more likely to be due to limited funding, no main organising body and lack of integration between data collection services (Cryer et al., 1993). Furthermore, whilst numerous fields within health care management are beginning to benefit from the influence of geographic information systems (GIS), the implications for accident distribution analysis have still to be fully realised. The aim of this paper is to offer a broad definition of the role of accident distribution analysis to those with an understanding of GIS and to assess the theoretical potential of GIS within this area. The present structure of research between the University of Greenwich and the South East Institute of Public Health is outlined and discussion offered on the present pilot study. It is concluded that GIS offers unique opportunities for the visualisation of accident distribution data and future enhancement of present relationship analysis and spatial modelling. However, incomplete and incompatible data sets severely restrict the accuracy of quantitative output whilst increasing the time required for analysis. Whilst this is not in itself a new conclusion the serious effects on analysis through GIS offer further reason for a major assessment of data collection and processing within this field.


World-wide, injuries are the leading cause of death during half of the human lifespan (Barss et al., 1991). Within the United States, whilst deaths induced by injuries are low in relation to other causes such as cardiovascular diseases and cancer, the average age of those who die from these diseases is far older than those who are fatally injured. If measured in terms of lost potential years of life, these injuries were found to claim more years of life annually than cardiovascular disease and cancer combined (Rice et al., 1989). If non-fatal injuries are included, the conservative estimate of the lifetime cost of injuries since 1984 has exceeded one trillion dollars within the US alone (Baker et al., 1992). For the United Kingdom, a total of 4,000 deaths and three million people visiting hospital per year due to injury at home or at leisure (Department of Trade and Industry, 1992) has lead to a suggested cost of 1% of gross national product, equating to £2500m (Vipulendran, et al., 1988). The personal effect of such injuries is impossible to quantify. However, conclusions as to possible implications can be drawn from research in the UK that found accidents caused three children to die every day and resulted in 10,000 children being permanently disabled every year (Child Accident Prevention Trust, 1989).

Injury rates and their associated causes are not constant throughout a resident population. (Cryer et al.) (1993) examined injuries within South East England and concluded that the leading causes of death were motor vehicle traffic crashes, suicides and falls which accounted for 61% of all accidental deaths. The leading cause of hospitalisation were falls, accounting for 41% of accident admissions with especially high rates for falls within the over 65's community. Two further variables, the place of accident occurrence and type of injury, are also assessed by injury epidemiologists. Nationally, for example, accidents in the home are the biggest cause of injury mortality and morbidity (Secretary of State for Health, 1991).


Discussion still continues within the field of accident distribution analysis on the definition of the terms injury and accident (Bijur, 1995; Avery, 1995). The Oxford English Dictionary implies that an accident is without apparent cause, a product of chance, an Act of God, or a random event which is out of control of the individual or society. This fatalistic attitude implies that accidents are inevitable and there appears no point in the attempted prevention. However, within health preventative programmes which focus on accidents, the definition of an accident is:

"An unintentional damaging occurrence resulting from sequences of chains of events. Property damage or personal damage (injury or disease), or both can occur."

(Low, 1988)

This definition suggests a cause-effect relationship for accidents, a view which is supported by Cryer (1995) who concludes that all accidents can be attributed to a set of causal factors which interact in a way that leads to injury or property damage. These factors are dependent on the nature of the accident. For example, Cwikel and Fried (1992), stated that research within the last decade has shown that falls within the elderly do not happen by chance but result from a combination of medical, environmental, psychological and social factors that interact with physiological age-related changes.

The definition of injury (based on those provided by Waller (1985) and Robertson (1992) is quite distinct from accident and can be considered as

"Tissue damage resulting from either the acute transfer to individuals of one of the five forms of physical energy (kinetic or mechanical, thermal, chemical, electrical or radiation) in amounts above the tolerance of human tissue, or from the sudden interruption of normal energy patterns necessary to maintain life processes."

(Cryer, 1995)


The contribution of knowledge to our understanding of injuries comes from many sources including microbiology, sociology, psychiatry and biomechanics. However, an increasing desire to consider the spatial distribution of events has led to an increased use of injury epidemiology. Epidemiology, i.e. the scientific study of the distribution and determinants of health and disease in human population can be split into two divisions (Robertson, 1992). Descriptive epidemiology includes the identification of injuries and quantifies its incidence in relation to time, space or person characteristics within a population. Analytic epidemiology attempts to identify the causes of the injury in relation to a specific factor, or more often multiple, interacting causes.

The field of injury epidemiology is an important facet of injury control, accident prevention or reduction of the seriousness of injury. Whilst the spectrum of research is beyond explanation within this paper, three broad categories can be exemplified. Some researchers have examined the theoretical approach to accident analysis offering structure and improved analysis technique to future research. For example, Haddon (1972) introduced the concept of a three phase system, pre-accident phase, event phase and post-accident phase which has been used to classify the direction of accident prevention.

Research has also used descriptive epidemiology to improve present understanding of injury patterns (Whitelegg, 1987) or to increase the efficiency of resource management. Finally analytical epidemiology has been used to assess hypothetical relationships between selected variables and the specific type of injury (Durkin et al., 1994).


The use of GIS within health care management is more recent concept. The initial impetus for a broader acknowledgement of the possible role of GIS came from the Consultation on European Environment and Health Systems meeting (Frankfurt, 1989), where the World Health Organisation (WHO) stated that:

"Geographical Information Systems are of value in the compilation and presentation of environmental health outcome data related to the impact and use of health services at national and regional levels."

(WHO, 1989)

Whilst this statement concentrates on environmental factors such as air quality, water quality, etc., a working group was formed to determine the role of GIS and enhance its capabilities within the field of health care management. WHO concluded that the role of GIS would be as a hypothesis generator or persuasive tool rather than a confirmation mechanism (WHO, 1992). Furthermore, whilst it was acknowledged that GIS offers theoretical benefits for analysis within this field, the demonstration of operational GIS packages would offer the highest opportunities for advancement of GIS within this field. Past research within the field of GIS and health care management has followed two paths. The first is an examination of the research methodologies concerned with data manipulation, processing and visualisation. Work by Austin (1992) linked police and hospital road accident information in order to maximise the quantity of information concerning a single incident. Others have concentrated on the statistical processes through which patterns of disease or accidents can be examined (Jones et al., 1995). Researchers have also assessed the need for the visualisation of results to be dependent on the data and analysis. Pukkala (1992) concluded that if the occurrence rate for specific diseases is very low, this precludes the use of normal visualisation techniques. In a case study using cancer incidence, the boundaries associated with political and regional factors were found to limit the available visual information. Instead it was suggested that smoothing and interpolation techniques be used.

The second area concerns practical applications of GIS within health care management. The outcome of this research has been focused on one or more of the phases listed in the last section. Within the pre-accident phase, further work by Austin (1994) assesses the use of GIS as a producer of information for the prevention of accidents. By measuring the variation between observed and expected accident rates for road networks, it was concluded that GIS would improve mistake identification in accident report forms, increase the efficiency of road repairs management and identify the home location of casualties. This research later concentrated on the use of GIS in the analysis of child safety during journeys to and from school (Austin et al.,1995).

Research concerned with the post-event phase of an accident has either examined the improvement of response times for ambulances, or been used to organise the distribution of facilities within the community. Research by Jones (1993) examined the role of GIS in the routing and timing of ambulance response dependent on variables associated with the road network. Whilst suggesting that the quality and accessibility of data limit analysis, the process did offer opportunities for improvement in resource allocation planning. For the counties of Somerset, Devon and Cornwall, GIS has been implemented at the heart of the information network used during an ambulance response incident (Ward, 1994). The purpose was to increase the information available during a call-out and maximise the routing efficiency to any particular incident.

The formation of an internal market within the NHS during the early 1990s increased the need for the strategic planning of money and resources for regional (RHA) and district (DHA) health authorities, general practitioners and primary health care facilities. Due to the size of these administrative areas and the possibility of merging selected DHAs, data manipulation and analysis of the population within a selected area is difficult. With the introduction of GIS, numerous researchers have offered information on the catchment area of a selected health care provider. This organisation of the catchment system and the order and size of the hierarchical system for health care was been examined using GIS (Bullen et al., 1994). Through the use of information concerning official boundaries, shopping centres, roads, railways, flows and social and demographic profiles, a proposed hierarchy of local community areas for health planning was composed for the West Sussex area.

Work by Dawson and Aspinall (1994) introduced the user, in this case the South Thames Regional Health Authority, to a system for the easy access of census information including, deaths, fertility rates, age, sex and socio-economic status. Whilst it was suggested that the analytical component of this system was limited, the tool was useful for descriptive epidemiology and offered much in the way of future development. This availability of information is also of use to general practitioners. Hirshfield et al. (1993; 1995) offered the same form of socio-economic information and demographic data for catchment areas of GPs in order to assess for differences between the availability of primary health care. However, instead of direct comparison to variables supplied by the Office of Census and Population Survey (OCPS), a super profile ranking system (Brown, 1990) was employed to delineate between areas of differing affluence. This locality profiling was also employed by Wain (1993) in the Walsall area to improve the geographic correlation between areas of high disease, such as coronary heart disease, and the required services.

This rationale of extending the information available concerning the provision of health care has been further extended to the pharmacies (Hirshfield et al., 1994). Information concerning the locality in relation to the GPs, type and size of the community served and the type of services available including information as to their individual role as advice-givers was offered as useful information for the future siting of pharmacies.

As well as general facilities, GIS has been used to site more specialised equipment. In the Wirral Health Authority, GIS was used to site a second oncology centre (Todd et al., 1994), using decision parameters based on patterns of morbidity, mortality, population and environmental factors.


The present dearth in research on accident distribution analysis within the UK does not reflect the applicability of GIS to this subject. Whilst numerous statistical packages and databases have been employed with much success, the visualisation of information and therefore the ability of the system to completely fulfil the role of a hypothesis generator and communication too is somewhat lacking. The visualisation power of GIS, combined with the availability of data processing, manipulation and analysis, offers the accident analyst possible solutions to a range of problems. These problems were summarised in a report on the collection and dissemination of accident data (Child Accident Prevention Trust) and include:

i) Tailoring data management, analysis and especially visualisation of results to the requirements of the user.

The range of agencies requiring information is broad and purposes to which the information applied varies. At a national level, these include government, academics and researchers, organisations working in the field, the private sector and the media. At a regional scale interested agencies include Local Health Authorities (LHAs), for health promotion, planning and preventative work, voluntary sector agencies, inter-agency groupings and local practitioners.

ii) Collating information on the geographic distribution of potential socio-economic, demographic, behavioural and environmental risk factors for comparison with accident distribution.

It has been suggested that there are gaps in the data available concerning causational factors (behavioural and environmental) which lie behind the occurrence of accidents as well as information linking accidents with socio-economic profiles and characteristics. Furthermore, local studies have shown wide differences between accidents occurring in different districts, which can be explained geographically, environmentally and sociologically.

iii) Integration of differing base denominator data

Problems in analysis have been caused by incompatibility of coding systems, use of different populations and denominators and lack of temporal continuity. Standardisation is required to gain a truer picture of trends in casualties (numbers of casualties per unit population) and type of accident (e.g. number of road accidents per unit traffic volume).

iv) Temporal analysis for intervention management

Within accident analysis it is considered essential to review trends and plot changes over time. This is required to examine whether intervention measures are successful and to manage resources for future prevention schemes.

v) Modelling

Estimates of the overall picture can often only be made by extrapolating the findings of local studies. Whilst this is sometimes the only option in the assessment of the picture of the nation, it can be dangerous if the region used is not a typical area. Furthermore, modelling offers information for future injury prevention planning and resource allocation.

It has long been established that the correct visual presentation of such spatial analysis is as crucial as the data analysis which produced them (Cassettari, 1991). The effectiveness of GIS as a communication tool offers a distinct advantage over the statistical packages and databases which are presently employed within the field of accident analysis. This is especially the case due to the large number of end-users of the information, many of which have differing information requirements. Through a structured design, GIS also offers the possibility of information access to users ranging from the information specialist, to the information enquirers (Worrall and Rao, 1991), increasing the versatility of data dissemination. The ability of GIS to map environmental considerations spatially is also well documented (Brown, 1991) with software structured to allow the comparison of more than one factor concurrently (e.g. age, sex, socio-economic status, housing density etc.). Use of GIS with data produced by the OCPS (Martin, 1991) also allows the standardisation required to calculate rates of injury for areal comparison. Finally, the requirement to measure change over time using geographic information systems has already been proved to be important for spatial analysis (Langran, 1991). Whilst present studies concerning injury analysis do not contain this component, it may prove useful in the assessment of preventative measures in the future.


At present, the pilot study is at an early stage. Due to methodological problems associated with the analysis of medical data, the results produced to date can not be included within this paper. However, a discussion can be offered concerning the study area and the use of hospital in-patient information within a GIS.

The area available for study was covered by the South Thames Regional Health Authority (STRHA) and contained district health authorities from Kent, E. Sussex and Inner and Outer London. Within this area, 37,286 hospital admission records were made available, covering almost all accidents requiring hospital treatment during 1991. Of this figure, 34,068 were resident and were treated in the project area whilst the other 2,602 records relate to residents of the area who were admitted to hospitals elsewhere in the country. Each case offered information on the spatial distribution of residence, the type of person injured and the type of accident I injury occurring (Table 1).

The second data source, originating from the OCPS, contained the age structure and boundary information for the area based on the 1991 census. Due to the relative size of the area and limitations set by STRHA because of data confidentiality, the data was analysed at a ward level.

The accident information offered two distinct series of problems, those pertaining to the data formats and those associated with the data collection process. The original data was collected at hospitals throughout the country and organised by a series of regional computing centres. An extract from this data concerning the first episodes of cases whose principal diagnosis is an injury, within the South Thames (East) region, was then transferred to SEIPH. At present this is stored and manipulated using SAS, an in-house statistical software system from which data was transferred to the GIS. Whilst this process of data transferral is under review, there are three causes for concern.

i) Data format

At present, the number and type of value delineators offers distinct processing problems. It is suggested that most existing problems will be solved through the optimisation of the data transfer format. However, because the sequence of accident code and injury code was not constant throughout the file, an intermediate processing stage will have to be implemented before the data can be used within a GIS.

ii) Area coding

The coding system, used to site the accident information was different to that used by the OCPS. Whilst the basic areal constituents were the same (1991 census boundaries), conversion tables are required before the two sets of information could be merged.

iii) Missing values

Due to the variable nature of the information being coded, the number of columns contained within a particular case varied throughout the data set. There was no specific pattern to this variation with some cases having no patient identification code, more than one injury or accident code, or no spatial information. Routines are currently being written which will automatically correct for missing data or spurious characters.

The problems associated with the collection of information are dependent on the nature of the accident and the body which collects the data. Whilst researchers have discussed the problems associated with the use of accident data collected from bodies such as the police on road accidents (Gooder and Charny, 1993), the data under consideration here is hospital in-patient information.

The main problem for spatial analysis is that of the incident siting. The spatial information defined within each case relates to the place of residence of the injured party. No information is present on where the injury occurred. This may artificially increase or reduce the number of injuries occurring within an area. Other problems are present due to the diversity of information required and the complicated nature of errors within the data. These can be split into those which can be defined and those which may be more difficult to measure. In the case of missing data, whilst this may cause problems in the compilation and analysis of files (as discussed above), the influence on results can usually be quantified.

The effect of case transferral between consultants is more difficult to define. In a number of cases, the injury has required more than one consultant for treatment and therefore could be counted more than once. Whilst this could be overcome by using just the first consultant episode within each case, other problems such as single cases being admitted numerous times within a four week period are more difficult to assess. Further problems may occur in the coding of cause of injury. The specific cause may fall into more than one category, producing a requirement to decide which code to use. Incorrect coding or preference towards a particular code may cause variance from the true pattern, although coding rules are published which may provide a qualitative description of the effect.


For the time being, most of the research will be concerned with data formats and compatibility between coding systems. However, once completed for STRHA, the processes could be transferred to other health authorities within the U. K. For the longer term, age and sex distributions combined with the socio-economic data held by the OCPS or local authorities, offers an almost limitless field of hypothesis generation for GIS. However particular projects have been considered of particular interest.

i) Visualisation of the areal distribution of burns

This will be used as a specific example of the use of GIS for standardisation of data using the base population figures to assess whether the distribution of burn injuries is dependent on selected factors. At present these include, the socio-economic background of the area, the percentage ethnic population, the standard of housing and the role of local authorities in targeting accident prevention.

ii) The analysis of falls within the elderly community

Falls are the principal cause of injury among older people in the S. Thames (East) area, with 50% of falls resulting in some form of injury (South East Institute of Public Health, 1995). The spatial analysis of these falls may offer an opportunity to reduce injury levels in line with the Heath of the Nation guidelines (Secretary of State for Health, 1992). Data taken from hospital in-patient data is based on the residential address of the person involved. For many types of accident this may make spatial analysis problematic as the place of accident occurrence is critical. However, as a large percentage of falls within the elderly community occur in the home, a direct link is formed between the place of residence and the place of injury occurrence. Past research has suggested numerous factors which increase the risk of falls within the elderly. Some of these are environmental hazards associated with the dwelling and can only be assessed if an inspection of the dwelling is carried out. However, visualisation of the distribution of falls within the elderly coupled with OCPS information on socio-economic background and local authority information concerning the state of housing may offer improvements in the targeting of future inspections to reduce the risk of falls.


Research within the UK concerning the role of GIS within accident distribution analysis is extremely limited. Three hypotheses can be suggested for this apparent lack of work in this area. The GIS community may not be aware of the accident information present, a hypothesis confirmed by the omission of accident information (except local authority road accident reports) from the list of major data sets of spatially referenced information contained within the Chorley report. Secondly, those with specialist GIS knowledge may have considered the data format to be unsuitable for use with the available software. Finally, the accident analysis specialists may not be aware of the possible implications that GIS may have on epidemiological studies.

Whether one or all of these suggestions are correct, the solution is to begin discussion between the interested parties on the role of GIS within accident distribution analysis. This paper offers a beginning to this discussion. However, as discussed here, the way forward is the production of working examples that offer the user of the information (accident epidemiologists) proof that GIS can offer benefits within the field which are unique to the particular system. It is hoped that future work will begin to offer analyses concerned with those project noted earlier which appear in theory to offer scope for GIS involvement.


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VariableLength and type VariableLength and type
District of Treatment2 (C) Hospital provider5 (A-N)
Admission source2 (N) Admission method2 (N)
Discharge method1 (N) Discharge destination2 (N)
Patient identification10 (A-N) District of Treatment3 (A-N)
Sex1 (N)Postcode 7 (A-N)
Local authority code4 (A-N) Electoral ward2 (A-N)
Referring G. P. code8 (A-N) Registered G. P. code8 (A-N)
Speciality of treatment5 (A-N) Diagnoses 1 - 77 (A-N)
Date of hospital admissionY-M-D Date of discharge or deathY-M-D
Age3 (N)Century of birth - 8 or 9 1 (N)
Date of BirthY-M-D

(C) Character

(N) Numeric

(A-N) Alpha Numeric

Y-M-D Year, month, day

Wells, A. J
Telford House,

Cocks, F. M
School of Earth Science,
University of Greenwich, Medway Towns Campus
Chatham Maritime,

Cryer, C
South East Institute of Public Health,
David Salomons' Estate,
Broomhill Road,
Tunbridge Wells,

Davidson, L
Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham Health Commission,
1 Lower Marsh