Rouben L. Isahakian, P.E.
and Patrick Cross

Street Lighting Information System

ABSTRACT: This paper will discuss various features of a MapObjects/Visual Basic application and its development.  The application allows users to display, query and update spatial data attributes representing street lighting infrastructure of the City of Los Angeles.  Additional topics will include relational database design, map layers, and workflow processes.



The City of Los Angeles' Bureau of Street Lighting has developed a Map Maintenance application to allow users to display and update data attributes representing L.A.'s vast street lighting infrastructure. The Bureau manages approximately 230,000 street lights on city streets that span 15 council districts covering an area of more than 400 square miles. As one of the largest municipalities in the United States, the City of L.A. faces a major challenge in keeping its lighting system fully operational and in a safe and aesthetically pleasing condition.


Streetlighting Projects and System Maps

Figure 1: Shiela Kline's 1992 artwork "Vermonica" consists of over thirty vintage L.A. City electroliers, erected in a lot at Vermont Ave. and Santa Monica Blvd.

While most of L.A.'s streets are lit with modern, continuous lighting systems powered with 120-volt multiple (parallel) circuits and using energy efficient High Pressure Sodium lamps, there are also a great number of older ornamental lights still powered by antiquated series circuits and using inefficient incandescent lamps.

New streetlights are installed and existing ones retrofitted through the assessment improvement act of 1911 and by public works construction projects funded from various sources. Street lighting construction projects in the City of L.A. are usually designed by private consultants, while some are designed by in-house engineering staff. During the project's design phase, lighting designers heavily depend on so-called Street Lighting System Maps, or SLSMs--paper maps typically drawn at 100-scale and depicting physical locations and characteristics of street lights.

Figure 2: Street Lighting System Map Sample

The accuracy of the information on the street lighting system maps is crucial to a successful design and goes a long way in preventing repetitive field checks and costly change orders that lead to project cost overruns. The Bureau has always looked into ways of improving the quality and accuracy of system maps, and recently hired a private contractor to perform a data conversion of those maps into an Esri shapefile format.

While the conversion project was completed without major problems, the responsibility for development of a maintenance application to keep the converted data up to date fell on the Bureau's IT division.

Map Maintenance Application

The IT staff considered various technologies, and after analysis selected MapObjects with Visual Basic (VB). The staff subsequently undertook additional training to acquire the skills necessary for successful development of the application.

The Map Maintenance application or module is the first of three mission-critical modules that will make up the Street Lighting Information System, a central data repository to support day-to-day business operations. The other two modules are Query and Display and Project Tracking.

The Query & Display module is similar in functionality to the Map Maintenance module, except it will be used by management, field, and engineering staff for the sole purpose of viewing the streetlighting data without modifying it.

The Project Tracking module will be used by both management and engineering staff to track a project's status in great detail. These modules will be developed upon successful implementation of the Map Maintenance project.

The Map Maintenance application was built entirely in Visual Basic 6.0 using Esri's MapObjects 2.0 and other Microsoft ActiveX controls. The main data comes primarily from two sources:
    1. Esri point shapefile depicting streetlight locations, and
    2. Microsoft Access database containing streetlight attribute information.
The data are accessed using MapObjects query tools, as well as MS ADO 2.5 Data Access Library. The data are retrieved, viewed, and edited based on Streetlight Identifier (SLID). The SLID is a system-assigned number that uniquely identifies every streetlight in the City, and which provides a link between the shapefile and the database.

Figure 3: Application Components

Streetlights are modeled as geo-spatial points on a separate map layer associated with attribute information. A handful of attributes reside in the shapefile's dbf file to provide for record linking and to support canned map rendering functions, but most of the attributes reside in the Access database shown below.

Figure 4: Database Design

The most pivotal tables in this database are related to each other in the following order: t01_Streetlight is related to t03_Luminaire in a one-to-many relationship, while it is related to the t05_Project in a many-to-many relationship. In other words, a particular streetlight can have many luminaires and be associated with many projects over time, while any given project can consist of many streetlights. The relationships defined in Figure 4 are based on business rules and eliminate data anomalies.

This design also provides a robust data architecture for retrieving and modifying streetlighting data as well as a strong foundation for integrating with other organizational databases.

Careful consideration is given to the order in which the various layers are presented to the user. When the application is started, all six layers are loaded, but only one, the Map Index Grid, is displayed.

Figure 5: Initial Display
As the user selects an increasingly specific area of the map for viewing, more layers and annotations are displayed, providing greater detail and more useful information. This method of scale-dependent displaying of map layers improves performance of the application by reducing the time spent on refreshing and redrawing of map features. In short, MapObjects exposes a wealth of properties and methods to control the appearance and behavior of a map.

Additionally, buttons on the toolbar become enabled or disabled depending on the current map scale. This provides the user with visual cues that make the application more user-friendly. The scale-dependent state of the interface can be controlled with the following code, which is fired from Map Control events:

    moStLiteLayer.Visible = dblScale < 7500    If mdblScale < 500 Then
        Toolbar1.Buttons("ZoomIn").Enabled = False
                 mnuZoomIn.Enabled = False
    End If

When the user "zooms in," the individual streetlights are displayed as red squares (Figure 6). Clicking on a given streetlight results in a pop-up of the Edit Streetlight form (see Figure 7) showing all the underlying data about that particular streetlight.

Figure 6:  Interactive Display
With help from the ValueMapRenderer object, streets (or other significant map or geographical features) can be symbolized based on their classification, as shown in Figure 6. In this figure the major thoroughfare, Van Nuys Boulevard, is shown with brown lines, while the residential street, Erwin Street, is shown with gray lines. Having street classification so clearly displayed on the map aids lighting designers in making equipment selections, as well as discovering discrepancies in underlying data.

This form (Figure 7) facilitates updating of records in the database and performs validation for compliance with business rules. The form pops up as modal, so that the user must close it before attempting to edit another streetlight record.

Figure 7:  Edit Streetlight Form


When building a GIS (Geographic Information System) using MapObjects, consider the following tips, making sure to allow ample time to design the application before beginning to code. (If you don't take the time to think it through, you'll end up spending a lot of time down the road changing things around and re-coding your application.)

These tips are not inclusive, but can help new developers orient themselves and decide on an appropriate plan of action.

Tip 1-Map Layers

Decide how to present the data. What are the layers? What is the appropriate order and scale for the display of map features? (For example, Map Maintenance App displays street centerlines only at scales under 20,000 and streetlights at scales under 7,500.)

Tip 2-Toolbar

Design a toolbar with buttons that will provide access to most commonly used functions. Generally, these functions will fall into three categories: navigation tools, query tools, and edit tools. Enable or disable the buttons appropriately as the user zooms in and out of the map. (For example, the Add Streetlight button becomes enabled only at smaller scales to insure accurate positioning of new streetlights.)

Tip 3-Status Bar

Design a status bar with panels to display the current state of your application such as cursor coordinates, map scale, operations allowed (e.g., edit or add), etc. The more visual aids provided, the more user-friendly the application will be.

Tip 4-Data Access

Decide on data access methods (ADO, DAO, or both) and how the retrieved data will be presented to the user. One simple approach would be to use popup forms, similar to EDIT STREETLIGHT (Figure 7), in combination with OCX controls like Microsoft's MSHFlexGrid, ImageView, TreeList or third-party controls like Sheridan Data Widgets.

    1. Assign a Meaningless Primary Key. When designing your database, make sure the primary key is a meaningless number to isolate it from any factor that might change in the future-and thus require further programming efforts. (In the Map Maintenance application, the primary key is SLID.)
    2. Implement Transactions. If your application will update several tables in your relational database, make sure to include code for implementing transactions so that if something goes wrong, it will be possible to recover from partial updates and keep the database integrity intact.
    3. Use Disconnected Recordsets Instead of Arrays. Wherever possible, work with recordsets. These are much easier and programmatically less involved than working with arrays, especially when the data will be displayed in a grid or a listview.
    4. Use Stored Procedures Instead of Inline SQL Statements. For basic retrieve, update, insert, and delete operations, use stored procedures. Stored procedures generally execute faster than inline SQL statements and also encapsulate all the field and table names, making application maintenance a much easier task.
Tip 5-Limit Shapefile Size

MapObjects Help states: "If using particularly large datasets (greater than 100,000 records) for searching, consideration should be given to storing data in SDE rather than Shapefiles." If this applies to your application, and you can not afford SDE because of prohibitive costs, consider breaking up the shapefile into smaller files to improve performance. Otherwise, use PlaceLocator and Geocoder objects to speed up searches.

Tip 6-Design a Centralized Error Handler

To save users from annoying and unrecoverable errors that can crash the application:

    1. Include an On Error Resume Next statement in your subroutines.
    2. Better yet, spend some time designing a centralized error handler that will recover the application from every anticipated fault. For example, the error-handling sub in Figure 8 can be placed in the main VB module and called from other subs in the application:

Public Sub ErrorHandler(Optional sSubName As String = " ")
'report the error to the user
   MsgBox sSubName & " Error:" & Str$(Err.Number) & vbCr & _
        Err.Description, vbCritical, _
        "Reported by " & Err.Source, _
        Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext
'write the error message into the external error log
   LogError Err.Number, Err.Source & ">>" & _
        sSubName, Err.Description
'reset the mouse pointer for a map control and VB forms
   frmMain.Map1.MousePointer = moDefault
    Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
'test for any specific error numbers and respond
'with appropriate actions
End Sub  

Figure 8:  Example of Error Handler

Tip 7-Implement Error Log

If the application is intended for multi-user access, adding an error log will help in monitoring and correcting errors when they come up. The sample code above calls the LogError sub to append an error into the error log file.

Tip 8-Deployment Issues

Just because your application is completed and running well, your mission is not accomplished until the application is successfully installed and tested on the machine other than the one you used during development. In fact, a lot can go wrong before the application even starts running on a client machine. Combinations of operating systems, networks, VB versions, ADO data providers, shared dynamic link library files and other software can create an environment in which the application may not properly execute. The following recommendations will help to minimize such problems:

    1. If the budget allows, use third-party deployment tools like InstallShield by InstallShield Software Corporation instead of VB's Package & Deployment Wizard. Third-party deployment tools function better than the Wizard and will save valuable time that otherwise will be spent in troubleshooting faulty installations.
    2. Familiarize yourself with MapObjects deployment requirements, as outlined in the "Building Applications with MapObjects" manual that ships with MapObjects. Also, check the Esri's Developer Connection for additional information:
    3. Use Dependency Walker that comes with Microsoft Visual Studio as a useful tool in troubleshooting your application deployment.
    4. Download and deploy the latest Data Access Components (MDAC_TYP.EXE) from Microsoft's website.


The IT staff members of L.A. City's Bureau of Street Lighting who developed the Map Maintenance application are neither programming pros nor cyber gurus. Provided with some training, excellent tools and support from management, they have been able to create a specialized application that promises to save the City in employee hours and costly project overruns.

The primary intent of this paper is to encourage other department or agency members, who may be considering the need for similar applications, that they, too, can successfully develop an in-house MapObjects application.



Visual Basic Programmer's Journal

Access-Office-VB Advisor

Books: Balena, Francesco. Programming Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. Microsoft Press, 1999.

McManus, Jeffrey P. Database Access with Visual Basic 6. SAMS, 1999.

Gunderloy, Mike. Visual Basic Developer's Guide to ADO. Sybex, 1999.



Rouben L. Isahakian, P.E.
Senior Systems Analyst I
Bureau of Street Lighting, City of Los Angeles
600 S. Spring Street, Suite 1400
Los Angeles, CA 90014
Phone: (213) 847-6520
Fax: (213) 847-5388

Patrick Cross
Senior Systems Analyst I
Bureau of Street Lighting, City of Los Angeles
600 S. Spring Street, Suite 1400
Los Angeles, CA 90014
Phone: (213) 847-5400
Fax: (213) 847-5388