Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering,
United States Military Academy, West Pt., New York, 10996, USA
Panchromatic SPIN-2 imagery acquired
by the Russian KVR-1000 satellite camera system was evaluated for use in mapping
fuelwood resources within a portion of the woodland-savanna ecosystem of
southern California. Three fuelwood density classes, described in m3/ha of woody
biomass and green weight in kg/ha, were mapped based upon percent crown closure
as measured on two meter panchromatic satellite imagery and conditions observed
in the field. A comparison of the resulting fuelwood density class maps to
actual fuelwood volume conditions showed a good correlation between predicted
and existing volume conditions. Due to the large area coverage provided by this
type of satellite imagery it may be possible to use the methodology demonstrated
in this project to conduct inventories of fuelwood resources in other
mediterranean geographic zone woodland-savanna ecosystems.
The semi-arid mediterranean geographic zone is
generally located between latitudes 30(N and 35(S on the west coasts of
continents. This zone is well distributed throughout the globe and can be found
in southwestern Africa, Chile, Australia, the southwestern United States, and
the countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea (Rumney, 1968; Omernik, 1987).
Rangeland for grazing of livestock, cropland, and fuelwood are the primary
natural resources being exploited within these regions (Ashmann, 1973).
Increasingly, pressures are being placed upon these resources due to
urbanization and growing demands for the products generated from these lands. It
is likely that the impact of these factors will become more significant as local
population levels continue to rise (Meyer et al, 1986).
Fuelwood volume inventories typically involve the generation of models
predicting the volume of woody biomass from easily measured variables such as
stem diameter and total height. Such models have been shown to be capable of
producing reliable estimates of fuelwood volume conditions for individual trees
as well as for forests on a per area basis (volume/unit area). Although
valuable, this technique does not provide resource managers and policy makers
with information documenting the distribution of fuelwood resources or the
spatial variation of density conditions occurring within forested sites.
Remotely sensed imagery acquired from satellite platforms is increasingly
being used to conduct assessments of fuelwood resources in ecosystems found
within this geographic zone. Much of this work has focused on the extraction of
Anderson Level I land use categories from Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and SPOT
multispectral satellite images (Anderson et al, 1976; Smith et al, 1990;
Chuvieco et al, 1996; Klaver et al, 1997; Keane et al, 1999). While useful, this
level of information provides little to no data specifying fuelwood volume
conditions of forests within this ecosystem. This is due to the relatively poor
spatial resolution characteristics of these satellite sensors.
It has been shown that spatially continuous data describing the distribution
of fuelwood volume conditions within the mediterranean geographic zone may
successfully be generated from the interpretation of forest crown closure
conditions on color and color-infrared aerial photography (Pillsbury et al,
1979; Brockhaus et al, 1992). Results from these studies indicate that the
agreement between mapped fuelwood density classes and actual field conditions
may range between 91 and 97 percent. Aerial photography offers the dual
advantages of providing imagery with high spatial resolution that is also well
accepted as a mapping tool in the management of natural resources. Regional
fuelwood volume mapping using aerial photography is, however, problematic. A
mapping project conducted by the California Department of Forestry to map
fuelwood density conditions throughout the woodland-savanna ecosystem in that
state required the interpretation of over five hundred medium scale aerial
photographs. Additionally, multi-temporal mapping of this resource will be
restricted to once every ten years due to the cost associated with the
acquisition and interpretation of the aerial photography used in this mapping
High spatial resolution satellite imagery may provide an alternative to the
use of aerial photography in the mapping of fuelwood density conditions within
this geographic zone. Until recently the spatial resolution of satellite imagery
precluded its use in detailed fuelwood inventories. Even at 10 metre2 (m), the
resolution of SPOT panchromatic data, crown closure will be overestimated as
openings in the canopy that are less than 10 m will not be seen. However, high
resolution imagery acquired from space based platforms, previously only
available to military organizations, are now available to the public and private
sector. Imagery at 2 m2 and 1 m2 resolution acquired by the Russian SPIN-2 and
the IKONOS satellite remote sensing systems respectively are now available for
most regions of the world. At these levels of spatial resolution it may be
possible to map fuelwood density conditions from satellite imagery by applying
the same techniques developed for the use of aerial photography.
Study Site Description
The site selected for this study is located along the central coast of
California, USA, northwest of the city of Paso Robles on the Camp Roberts
Military Reservation. This military reservation encompasses 17,000 hectares (ha)
of land and is used by the California National Guard for military training
exercises. A twenty-two square kilometer segment of the reservation that is
excluded from use in training exercises was selected as the study site for this
project. Approximately 2,200 ha are encompassed within the site and a variety of
fuelwood density conditions occur here. The site selected is located
approximately 15 miles northwest of the area used in a study conducted by the
author and reported in 1992 (Brockhaus et al, 1992). The focus of this earlier
study was on the use of color infrared aerial photography in mapping fuelwood
density classes. Significant urbanization has occurred in this area since the
time of the previous study precluding its use in this work.
The landscape is typified by low rolling hills and rugged mountains and is
part of the Santa Lucia Mountain Range. The highest elevation is in the western
section of the site where peaks range from 600 to 1,100 m. The lowest portions
are in the east where the elevation is 200 m or less. Streams are typically dry
during the summer months and free flowing during the winter. Two rivers within
the study site flow year round, the Salinas and the Nacimiento. The
Mediterranean climate, typical of the area, provides a wet season in winter and
a dry season during the summer. The rainy season extends from late November to
early March, though light showers may occur during the spring and summer.
Highest levels of precipitation, 280 mm, occur in the range of hills and
mountains nearest the Pacific Ocean coastline with decreasing amounts down to
150 mm farther inland. Average temperature during the winter is 9(C and the
average daily minimum is 1(C while the average daily maximum is 33(C. Relative
humidity at mid-afternoon in the spring is less than 35%, in summer 15%, and
during the winter 40%.
Three of the eleven primary vegetation types found in California occur within
the study site: (1) grassland; (2) woodland-savanna; and (3) chaparral (Munz,
1973). Annual grasses such as Bromus mollis, Bromus diandrus, Avena fatua,
Danthonia californica, and Hordeum jubatum predominate. Commonly associated with
these grasses are herbaceous plants such as Erodium cicutarium and Medicago
hispida. Grasses predominate in the winter and spring while herbaceous plants
generally are more conspicuous in the summer and fall. The chaparral vegetation
type occurs on dryer exposed slopes and includes shrubs such as Larrea
tridentata, Quercus durata, Adenostoma fasciculatum, Quercus dumosa,
Arctostaphylos glauca, and Rhus diversiloba. Three deciduous tree species
dominate the woodland-savanna type. Quercus agrifolia can be found growing on
northern protected slopes, Quercus douglasi commonly grows on exposed drier
slopes, while Quercus lobata typically are found in fertile valley lowlands.
These species are primarily utilized for fuelwood and watershed protection.
Categorization of Fuelwood Density Classes
The 1992 study by the author using CIR aerial photography relied upon volume
models and basal area relationships established in previous research. These
efforts included a stand density characterization study for the woodland-savanna
ecosystem in central California that was completed in 1979. This work began with
the development of volume and green weight equations for tree species found
within this region (Pillsbury and Stephens, 1978). Additional research lead to
the generation of a set of criteria for classifying fuelwood stands into
specific density classes (Pillsbury, 1979). Three density categories were
defined which divided the range of volume and green weight values into three
broad groups (Table 1). The final phase of the study resulted in a series of
crown closure classes that were shown to correspond to the three volume density
categories (Pillsbury and Brockhaus, 1979). The range of crown closure
conditions found to be correlated with the fuelwood density categories were
10-35% for density class I, 36-75% for density class II, and > 75% for
density class III.
Mapping Fuelwood Density Conditions with Russian SPIN-2 Satellite Imagery
Two meter resolution panchromatic SPIN-2 satellite imagery providing complete
coverage of the study site was obtained through Aerial Images Corporation,
Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. This imagery was produced from the KVR-1000 camera
Stand density characteristics for deciduous species in the
central coast of California
system onboard a Russian Cosmos spacecraft. A 1000 millimeter camera lens is
used to acquire individual scenes that encompass an area of 40 km by 160 km.
Film used in the KVR-1000 camera system is sensitive to electromagnetic energy
with wavelengths between 510 and 760 nanometers. The imagery was acquired on
October 9, 1991 and was cloud free. Data was provided as both a hardcopy film
product and in a digital format. The most recent satellite was launched on
February 17, 1998 ensuring continued coverage, although not on a systematic
basis. An additional satellite, scheduled for launch in late 2000, will provide
continuing coverage in the near future. Thus, this type of imagery could be used
as part of a long-term fuelwood inventory programme.
All analysis and interpretation of the satellite imagery was performed on a
laptop computer. Delineation of the fuelwood density class boundaries was done
using the ArcView geographic information system (GIS). Once the imagery was
imported into the ArcView GIS a multi-phase approach was taken in the
interpretation of the forest canopy crown density and the generation of
resulting GIS data layers and associated attribute files. This process included
the following steps: 1) when viewed on the computer screen forested sites with
homogenous crown densities were identified on the satellite imagery; 2) polygons
defining the boundary of these homogenous units were delineated using the
on-screen digitizing capabilities of ArcView; 3) the average canopy crown
density of each area was estimated ocularly; 4) each delineated polygon was then
assigned to one of the three fuelwood density categories (density class I,
10-35% canopy closure; density class II, 36-75% canopy closure; and density
class III, >75% canopy closure); and, 5) entry of fuelwood density class data
for each polygon into an attribute table associated with the digitized GIS data
layer. When completed the GIS data layer contained polygons delineating 95
individual fuelwood stands occurring within the study site and an attribute
table documenting conditions interpreted for each stand.
Field Verification of Interpreted Fuelwood Stand Density Classes
One man-week (7 days) was spent in the field documenting fuelwood volumes
within the 95 stands delineated on the SPIN-2 panchromatic satellite imagery.
Hard copy prints of the satellite imagery, CIR aerial photography, and a global
positioning system receiver were used to locate each stand in the field. In some
instances the sites were accessible by vehicle, however, in most cases the
verification team would be in the field for two-day periods hiking between
Once a stand was correctly located three points were randomly selected within
the stand for data collection. A wedge prism was used to make basal area
measurements at each of these points and then averaged to generate a single
value per stand. Volume (m3/ha) and weight (kg/ha) estimates for each stand were
then derived from previously established relationships between basal area and
these variables.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION An error matrix comparing the fuelwood density class as interpreted on the
satellite image to the actual density class for the 95 stands was constructed to
determine the accuracy of the interpreted data (Table 2). Elements along the
diagonal of the matrix represent sites that have been correctly interpreted on
the satellite imagery. Column off-diagonal elements indicate sites that were
omitted from the true density class for that site. Row off-diagonal elements
represent sites that were interpreted as belonging to one density class when
they actually should have been assigned to another category.
An investigation of the error matrix shows that there is close agreement
between the satellite interpreted classes and the conditions observed in the
field. Of the 95 stands identified on the satellite imagery eighteen were
improperly assigned to one of the three density classes. Incorrect
classifications on the satellite imagery were always between adjacent density
categories. That is, a high-density site was never interpreted as belonging to
the low-density class. Conversely, low-density sites were never assigned to the
high-density class. Six low-density sites were assigned to the medium-density
category. Three medium-density sites were assigned to the low-density category
while six other medium-density sites were interpreted as high-density sites.
Three high-density sites were included in the medium-density class.
In each of the instances where a stand was assigned to an incorrect density
class the crown closure of the polygons as interpreted from the satellite
imagery was within 10% of the upper or lower limits of crown closure for that
class. This may be a function of the spatial resolution of the imagery, 2 m2.
Small openings in the canopy that are less than the spatial resolution of the
SPIN-2 imagery may not be visible when viewing the imagery. As a result the
crown closure of an individual forest stand would be overestimated.
Interpretation accuracy was analyzed from two different perspectives. The
first approach views accuracy from the "producer's" point of view.
This is the probability that an area that is actually low-density in the field
will be assigned to that class when interpreted on
Satellite image interpretation error matrix.
the satellite imagery. Producer accuracy levels were 0.78, 0.72, and 0.91
respectively for the three fuelwood density classes. The producer accuracy of
0.91 for the high-density category could be interpreted as follows; 91% of the
fuelwood sites identified as high-density in the field were interpreted as
high-density on the satellite imagery. The second method for investigating
accuracy views it from the "user's" perspective. User's accuracy is
the probability that an area delineated as low-density on the satellite imagery
will actually be low-density in the field. User accuracy levels were 0.82, 0.76,
and 0.85 respectively for the three fuelwood density classes. The user accuracy
of 0.85 for the high-density category would be interpreted as follows; 85% of
the sites classified as being high-density on the satellite imagery were
actually high-density in the field.
Estimation of canopy crown closure, whether from aerial photography or
satellite imagery, is a very subjective process. Thus, these types of
interpretation errors should not be unexpected. It is encouraging to note,
however, that of the 95 fuelwood stands mapped eighteen of these types of
interpretation errors occurred. This indicates that although mis-classification
of sites in this process will occur that these errors do no represent a
significant component of the total number of stands mapped.
Results from this study indicate that high-resolution panchromatic satellite
imagery may be a reliable form of imagery for mapping the distribution and
density of fuelwood stands in the mediterranean geographic zone in southern
California. It has also been shown that when the imagery is available in a
digital format and incorporated within a GIS that data layers and associated
attribute tables may be generated simultaneously with the interpretation of the
imagery. Although digital data and a laptop computer were utilized in this study
the fuelwood stands within the study site could also have been mapped using
large-scale hardcopy image maps of the satellite data. This procedure would be
similar to that taken in the 1992 study utilizing CIR aerial photography and
could be a viable alternative to those organizations unable to utilize laptop or
desktop computers.
Additional types of high-resolution satellite imagery are available, or will
be available in the near future, that could also be used to map fuelwood density
conditions. Panchromatic one m2 and four m2 multi-spectral imagery collected by
the IKONOS satellite are available through the Space Imaging Corporation. It may
be possible to attain increases in interpretation accuracy when using the
panchromatic IKONOS imagery due to the slight improvement in spatial resolution.
Errors in interpretation could increase when using the four m2 data due to the
inability of interpreters to see openings in the canopy less than the resolution
of the imagery. However, this effect could be mitigated somewhat through a
merger of the multi-spectral and panchromatic imagery there bye taking advantage
of the spectral and spatial characteristics of both types of data. The next
generation of the French SPOT remote sensing satellite will have a panchromatic
band with a spatial resolution of two meters. This data will be available
worldwide with systematic repetitive coverage. Imagery from each of these
systems could potentially be used to map fuelwood density conditions.
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Dr. John A. Brockhaus Major Dale R. Manry
Associate Professor
Geospatial Information Science Program
Dept. of Geography & Environmental Engineering
United States Military Academy
West Pt., NY 10996
Assistant Professor
Geospatial Information Science Program
Dept. of Geography & Environmental Engineering
United States Military Academy
West Pt., NY 10996