The City of New Berlin, Wisconsin conducted an Urban Ecological Analysis (UEA) to map and analyze the benefits of trees and green spaces. The presentation will show: 1) the methodologies used to conduct the analysis; 2) the benefits of the Citys trees in terms air pollution removal, energy conservation and storm water retention; 3) how current development regulations effect trees; and 4) how the analysis help to alter the regulations to enhance the development of the City. The City used Arcview, Image Analysis, Spatial Analysis and American Forests CITYgreen software to perform the analysis.
Executive Summary
Project Overview
The Department of Community Development, funded in part by an urban forest grant from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Forest Program, conducted an Urban Ecological Analysis of the City of New Berlin Wisconsin. The purpose of the project is to determine the benefits of trees and green spaces in the City. The analysis assessed the value of trees on specific sites throughout the City and inferred those results to the entire City.
The analysis used Geographic Information System (GIS) technology to measure tree cover, building area, and impervious surface area. City staff used CITYgreen software from American Forests, the oldest national nonprofit citizen's conservation organization, and Arcview software from Esri, the world leader in GIS software, to conduct the analysis.
Major Findings
- There are approximately 560,000 trees in the City, creating an average canopy cover of 13%.
- Trees store over 94,000 tons of carbon and sequester carbon at over 2100 tons a year.
- Trees save urban residents a total of $11,000 each year in cooling costs. As young trees mature, this is expected to grow to $107,000 in saving each year.
- Trees in the City remove over $478,000 worth of pollutants each year.
The City of New Berlin is conducting an Urban Ecological Analysis (UEA) to map and analyze the benefits of trees and green spaces in the City. The UEA itself will consists of identifying tree and open space policy issues, collecting base-map data, determining City tree and open space ecostructures, conduct local tree and green space inventories, performing study area analysis, and estimating City conditions from the study area analysis. The results will include benefits of trees and open space in terms air pollution removal, energy conservation, and changes in runoff calculations. This report describes the methodology, results for each step, and recommendations. The Department of Community Development used American Forest's CITYgreen software to conduct this analysis. The report shows how the results from the UEA and CITYgreen software can be used in reviewing permit applications.
The urban
As part of the Growth and Development Master Plan update (GDMP) process, the Department of Community Development (DCD) realized the need to understand the environmental and economic benefits of trees and greenspaces. DCD decided to conduct an Urban Ecological Analysis (UEA) to determine these benefits.
The UEA will:
- Aid staff by providing factual information showing the vital economic and environmental roles of trees.
- Measure the effectiveness of present tree/landscape ordinances.
- Assist in revising the City's zoning and subdivision ordinances, development policies and site planning guidelines.
- Serve as a baseline for modeling design scenarios for subdivisions, commercial and industrial development.
The City utilizes
trees to screen
The City closely followed the suggested American Forests Urban Ecosystem Analysis Process: First, identify policy issues. Second, acquire necessary GIS data such as aerial photos, property lines, etcdetermine ecostructures and select sample sites. Fourth, conduct field inventory. Fifth, digitize trees, buildings, and . Third, impervious surfaces and input data. Sixth, run CITYgreen analysis. Seventh, estimate citywide results. Eight, present results.
Identify Policy Issues
A New Berlin Park and Recreation Survey Report was prepared in November 2000. This survey found that 84% though old growth woodlands should be preserved. In addition, 80% preferred mostly natural parks. This is a indication that the citizens of New Berlin want to preserve trees
GIS Data Acquisition
The City is fortunate to have most of the GIS data layers needed by the analysis. The City already possessed property, street, surface water, soil, zoning, land use, slope and building footprint maps in addition to relatively current aerial photography.
However, satellite photography is needed to infer the site analysis to the entire city. The City purchased multispectral satellite photography from Space Imaging Inc. The photo was acquired on July 16, 2000. The multispectral image contains four separate bands: red, green, blue, and near infrared. This allowed the City to find the areas of vegetation by using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) using Arcviews Image Analysis Extension. Areas with vegetation will have high NDVI values. Water-based elements like clouds and lakes have negative values. Roads, bare soil, and buildings usually have near zero values.
The next step of the Urban Ecological Analysis is to select sample sites that are representative of different land use and land cover characteristics. CITYgreen referees to these as ecostructures.
Ecostructures are formed when land cover data is combined with other data representing land use, neighborhoods, or watersheds. These Ecostructures stratify the City into basic ecological components (i. e. single family, high-density housing - high-density tree canopy, etc.). .
Eight layers were chosen to be used to determine the ecostructures: Planning Concept Areas, Environmental Corridors, Floodplain, Habitat Areas, Tree Soil Groups, Tree Cover, Wetlands, and Zoning. The Growth & Development Master Plan identified twelve Concept areas that are functionally similar areas of the city. Environmental Corridors were previously identified areas that contain concentrations of high-value elements of natural resources. Floodplain is the 100-year regulatory floodplain. Habitat Areas were previously identified as areas that contain a good diversity of wildlife. Soil Groups identified the soil series woodland suitability groups. Tree Cover identifies areas with tree canopy cover. Wetlands are mapped regulatory wetlands. Zoning is the official zoning map of the City.
The Eight
These eight layers were merged together by doing a union operation. This resulted in more than three thousand unique combinations of the layers. Obviously this is much more detail than necessary and a methodology was used to determine similar combinations. The coverage was converted to a 100x100 grid. This process alone reduces the number of unique combinations by half due to the smallness of some of the combinations. A statistical correlation was then done to determine which layers had similar characteristics. For example: poorly drained soils was correlated with the wetland layer and could be considered one layer instead of two. This was done until there were only thirty groups left. Similarity was determined by using the statistical correlation and local insight as guides. The process continued until there were only thirty combinations that were reasonably different.At the end of the process it was decided to merge two of the quarry-related groups together.
Each of the combinations is an ecostructure with different land use and land cover characteristics. Staff then created an ecostructure classification map.
Classification Map
From the twenty-nine ecostructures identified, twenty-nine sites were randomly selected. On closer examination of the sites and given time and budget constraints, only the sites in the developed areas of the City would be inventoried on-site. Several sites, such as the quarry and agricultural sites had few trees and they were inaccessible. It was also felt that there was more interest in determining the impact of trees in residential, commercial, and industrial areas, rather than in farm lands, parks and quarries.
The City worked with a local consultant, Geographic Marketing Advantage from Franklin, Wisconsin to inventory a total of 15 study areas. Each of the 15 study areas was chosen from a series of identified Ecostructures. The consultant ground-truthed each site using aerial photography as a base. At each site, the consultant located all of the trees and identified them on the one-foot resolution aerial photos. This method was found to be more locationally accurate than locating with GPS. At best, GPS provided an accuracy of around ten feet, while the aerial photos proved to be accurate within five feet. The consultant, using datasheets, collected information on each tree including species, DBH, diameter class, height class, health, ownership, potential conflicts, and groundcover. The consultant then entered this information into a database.
Staff then began performing the study area analysis using CITYgreen. Staff digitized the locations and sizes of each tree in the study area using the datasheets. Buildings and impervious surfaces were drawn onto the study area using aerial photos and existing GIS data layers.
Site Analysis
When all the map features were digitized and the field data entered into CITYgreen, staff prepared the site statistics. This includes site, tree, building, and impervious surface statistics. The Findings section lists the relevant statistics for each site.
Once this was done CITYgreen then analyzed the environmental benefits of the trees on each site. Staff then preformed analysis or carbon storage and sequestration, air pollution removal, energy conservation, changes to stormwater runoff calculations, and modeled future benefits.
Carbon Storage and Sequestration
CITYgreen estimated the carbon storage capacity and the annual carbon sequestration rates of trees within a study area, using formulas adapted from US Forest Service research. CITYgreen references feature data about tree canopy cover to make its estimates. CITYgreen also looks at trunk diameter information recorded in the tree attribute table, calculating the average diameter distribution for the site.
Air Pollution Removal
CITYgreen estimates the annual pollutant removal capacity of trees within a study area, using removal rates established by the US Forest Service research in Milwaukee, Wis. Dollar benefits estimates produced by CITYgreen are based on actual and external costs associated with a pollutant once it enters the atmosphere, as documented by the US Forest Service. CITYgreen references feature data about the tree canopy cover to make its estimates.
Energy Conservation
CITYgreen estimates the direct shading benefits trees provide to residential buildings within a study area, calculating the kilowatt-hour savings and solar savings for the study site and per household. Each house is estimated to have $200 in annual cooling costs. CITYgreen references attribute data about a tree's species and size and combines it with information about canopy shape, leaf persistence and shading attributes. CITYgreen uses features data to determine the proximity of trees to buildings and to find out if a tree is on the right side of a house to provide shade. The energy savings analysis is applied only to trees that are within 35 feet of buildings. Energy conservation is not computed for commercial buildings.
Storm Water Runoff Reduction
CITYgreen estimates the change in stormwater runoff calculations within a study area, using curve numbers for urban and suburban soils recommend by the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service. The software employs methods documented in Technical Release 55: Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds, commonly known as "TR-55," to estimated the flow of water over land within the study area boundary. CITYgreen illustrates the impact of tree canopy and vegetation on storm water runoff, time of concentration (in hours), and peak flow for a study area. CITYgreen estimates the change in amount of water that would have to be managed if all trees within a study area were removed. These values are only for illustration purposes, and are not intended to be a substitute for reliable engineering site analysis.
The storm water runoff analysis needed additional information about the site. The soil hydrologic group (very pervious, somewhat pervious, somewhat impervious, very impervious) was identified using the existing GIS soil map and database. The average percent slope of the site was measured using existing GIS elevation data layers. A three inch storm event was used for analysis. For comparison, the official City 2-year 24-hour storm event is 2. 7 inches. A Type II Natural Resources Conservation Service Rainfall distribution was used for every analysis. CITYgreen stormwater analysis may not be used for determination of compliance with the Stormwater Management Plan.
Modeling Future Benefits
CITYgreen can estimated the future benefits of trees. The software estimates the future growth of trees within a study area. Looking the tree's size, height, diameter, and species growth rate a new modeled tree layer is added that will show what the tree canopy will be in the future. This new "future" tree layer can then be used to run the same analysis processes described above. This can then be used to compare future benefits of the existing urban forest with existing benefits.
In addition, when detailed landscaping plans are submitted for a proposed development. The relevant information about the trees can be entered and the benefits can be estimated for the time at planting and the future.
City-Wide Analysis
Two different methods were used to infer to the results to the rest of the City. The first is to infer the site results to the ecostructure through averaging. The second is to use the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) to compute the estimate. The results for both methods are presented, however the NDVI is more complete and assumed to be more accurate in most cases.
Estimation by Averaging
Many CITYgreen studies infer the sample sites to the rest of the area by finding the average of the "value" per acre to compute a "rate", such as average number of trees per acre, average carbon storage per acre, average storm water benefits per acre, etc. This "rate" (average value per acre) is then multiplied by the total acres in the ecostructure. The common exception to this is the energy analysis. Instead of finding the average savings per acre, the savings per household are usually computed. This "rate" makes much more sense to the reader. However, when the estimates were computed on both per acre and a per lot basis, the estimates differed by as much as 80%. This method also places very heavy emphasis on identifying costructures. Changing how ecostructures are identified results in significant changes in the results. In addition, there is no way to infer results to ecostructures that were not sampled.
Brightness shows
higher NDVI values
and thus denser
(Bare soil shows dark)NDVI Regression Estimation
The City attempted to find a better method to infer the results. One method was to use the satellite photos as a base for the CITYgreen regional analysis module. However, the IKONOS photos (4 meter pixel), it was discovered are not compatible with CITYgreen software. SPOT photos (30 meter pixel), which are compatible with CITYgreen, were not obtained since IKONOS has a factor of 56 times the resolution of SPOT photos. This low resolution is not suitable for a total study of 37 square miles.
The Esri's Arcview Image Analysis extension can compute the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). NDVI is a common method to compute the relative health and density of vegetation. The NDVI would be used to infer the results from the individual sites to the City as a whole.
The average NDVI value was found for each site. The various characteristics of each site (% canopy, # of trees, carbon storage per acre, runoff, etc.) was determined. A simple-linear regression (least-squares method) was then used to fit a line through each of the site values. The characteristic was considered the dependent variable and the NDVI value is the independent variable. The line is determined by: characteristic = m * NDVI + b where (m = slope & b = intercept as determined by regression). It was found that the regression equation was able to account for almost 50% to 90% (R Squared) for the differences between the sites.
This method has the advantage over the averaging method in that the tree value can be computed for anywhere in the city based on actual site observation (the satellite). The detail is only limited by the resolution of the satellite photograph and the ability to compute a NDVI. Each site does not have to be consistent throughout an ecostructure. Ecostructures are not necessary for estimation, but can be used to compare different areas, such as residential verses commercial. It would be possible, and enlightening, to compare values based on different factors such as current land use, zoning district, or even city council district.
The frequency of
NDVI is plotted
against the NDVI
values for the
sample sites.
Since with the
highest NDVI
values were not
sampled, these
areas of the City
are most likely
underestimated.It must be noted that since NDVI values vary from week to week based on the season, no "one" formula can be used. The "correct" m and b values must be determined for every image since they will vary from image to image. For statistics involving a percent, such as canopy cover, the regression was performed on the observed percent. For other statistics, such as number of trees, the rate per acre was computed and the regression was performed on this rate, such as number of trees per acre.
There are some limitations to this method. Sample sites with a full range of NDVI values should be inventoried. This will help to minimize statistical error. Areas with healthy and dense vegetation, such as agricultural land and golf courses, are overestimated. These areas will have high NDVI values that do not necessarily correlate with urban forest canopy. One possibility is that these areas would be estimated independently of the remaining area with strategic sampling.
Forest & Site Composition
Site Analysis
Site statistics, such as total area, canopy area, impervious area, building area, and number of homes were gathered by aerial photography, GIS data layers, and ground truthing at each site. Tree statistics, such as species identification, size, location, and health were gathered by aerial photography and ground truthing at each site. The results of each site can be found in. Analysis summaries of each site are shown in Figure 1.
It is not surprising to find that the residential sites had the highest percentage tree canopy and least building and impervious surface cover. However, the Business Park and Commercial sites had many more trees per site, which is not surprising since these sites are much larger. All sites were equally diverse with an average of 5.6 species of trees. It is interesting that urban residential sites a higher average DBH than rural residential sites, but rural residential sites had a higher average height class. Business Park and Commercial site trees' were much smaller than residential site trees. It should also be noted that none of the Business Park and commercial sites violated maximum 75% buildings and impervious surfaces coverage requirement while the average DBH is the required minimum.
City-Wide Analysis
City-wide analysis of the urban forest characteristics were computed by both the Site Average analysis, Figure 2, and the NDVI analysis, Figure 3. This discussion primarily covers the NDVI analysis. The Site Average analysis values are presented for comparison. Over 23,000 acres was part of the analysis. The urban residential ecostructure is the largest ecostructure in the City.
Canopy Size: The City has an average canopy cover of 13%. The tree canopy covers more than 3000 acres. Parks and conservation areas had the highest average canopy cover, 16.5%. While urban residential areas had the most canopy coverage, 886 acres
Building Size: Not surprisingly, Commercial & Business Park areas had the highest rate building cover, 17.7%. However it was surpassing to see that the quarry and agricultural areas also had high estimates of building coverage as computed by the NDVI analysis. This is due to NDVI values for exposed soil and buildings are almost identical. It should be noted that this estimation has the lowest statistical certainty of any rate computed by the NDVI analysis.
Impervious Area: Again Commercial & Business Park areas had the highest rate impervious cover, 24.7%. However urban residential areas had the most in terms of acreage, over 1000 acres of impervious cover.
Number of Trees: It is estimated that there are over 560,000 trees in the City. Over half of these trees are in residential areas. Almost a quarter of the City's trees are in parks and conservation areas. Quarries, not surprisingly have the fewest trees.
Many of the
City's Parks
have a dense
Black - No Tree Cover
Red - Little Tree Cover
Yellow - Medium Tree Cover
Green - Heavy Tree Cover
This graph shows
that the number of
trees in a ecostructure
area closely parallels
the size of the ecostructure.
It also quickly shows
which areas have
more or less than the
Carbon Benefits
Site Analysis
CITYgreen estimated the carbon storage capacity and the annual carbon sequestration rates of trees for each site. The results of each site are shown in Figure 4.
At first glance it may be surprising that the Business Park and Commercial sites had the highest amounts of carbon storage and rates of sequestration per site. However, some of the sites are large and have many younger trees that store carbon and high rates.
City-Wide Analysis
City-wide estimates carbon storage and sequestration were computed by both the Site Average analysis, Figure 5, and the NDVI analysis, Figure 6. This discussion primarily covers the NDVI analysis. The Site Average analysis values are presented for comparison. The carbon storage benefit is estimated at $22 per ton for both carbon storage and sequestration.
Carbon Storage: The trees in City store over 94,000 tons of carbon valued at over $2 million. Over half the carbon storage is in the residential areas, another quarter of the storage is in the park and conservancy areas. Urban and rural residential areas store nearly equal amounts of carbon.
Annual Carbon Sequestration: The trees in City sequester over 2100 tons of carbon valued at over $46,000. Over half the carbon sequestration takes place in the residential areas, another quarter of the sequestration is in the park and conservancy areas. Urban and rural residential areas sequester nearly equal amounts of carbon.
Whenever possible,
existing trees are
preservedPollution Removal Benefits
Site Analysis
CITYgreen estimated the annual removal rates for ozone, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, particulate matter, and carbon monoxide. The results of each site are shown in Figure 8.
Much like the carbon sequestration analysis, the commercial and business parks sites had the higher amounts of removal of pollutants per site. This is mostly likely due to these sites having younger, smaller trees that remove pollutants at higher rates.
City-Wide Analysis
City-wide estimates value of pollution removal by both the Site Average analysis, Figure 9, and the NDVI analysis, Figure 10. This discussion primarily covers the NDVI analysis. The Site Average analysis values are presented for comparison. The dollar benefits estimates produced by CITYgreen are based on actual and external costs associated with a pollutant once it enters the atmosphere as documented by US Forest Service research in Milwaukee.
Pollution Removal: City trees remove over $478,000 worth of pollutants each year. Urban residential areas removed the most pollutants, followed by rural residential areas, and parks and conservation areas.
Energy Benefits
Estimates for the energy benefits of trees were computed by Site Average analysis, Figure 7. NDVI analysis was not performed since the energy savings is mostly computed by the position of trees relative to the building. The NDVI values would have little correlation with this. Urban residential sites were studied since they typically were smaller lots with more trees. Rural residential sites, while often having more trees, typically had trees farther from the homes and thus didn't provide energy benefits. In addition, the CITYgreen analysis only computes residential savings, not commercial savings and thus no analysis for those ecostructures were computed.
Annual Savings: Trees provided energy benefits on only two of the sites sampled. This is most likely do to the city being a relatively new community with new homes and young trees. However, this is not to say that the savings is not significant, over $11,000 is saved in cooling costs each year by trees.
Annual Savings in 20 Years: The savings provided by trees is expected to increase by a factor of ten in twenty years. One of the benefits of CITYgreen is that it can "grow" trees based on current size, species and health condition. When the trees on the urban residential sites were aged 20 years, it was found that the average annual savings increased from $1.16 to $11.29 per home. This translates into savings of over $107,000 each year just in the urban residential areas. This clearly shows it pays to maintain healthy and long-living trees.
Storm water Benefits
Site Analysis
CITYgreen estimated the benefit of trees due to the change in initial abstractions for calculating storm runoff. This is done by comparing the site with trees and then without trees to provide the difference.
The sites with the higher ratios of canopy to building and impervious cover had the greatest change of runoff, peak flow, and volume. On average, the rural residential sites had more storm water benefits than urban residential sites. The commercial and business park sites had nearly identical rates of reduction.
City-Wide Analysis
City-wide estimates of the storm water benefits of trees was not performed. The City felt that the methods used by CITYgreen made too broad of assumptions that reduced the value of the results. These assumptions may lead to missinterpreted of the results.
City of New Berlin Policy
Current Zoning Ordinance
The present revision of the City of New Berlin Zoning Ordinance was adopted in January 1993. It contains specific guidelines on the preservation and maintenance of the urban forest. These polices should be kept in mind when looking at the results of the analysis. The following is a summary of these Zoning Ordinance requirements:
Limits to tree cutting in lower-density and multifamily residential districts and (Rural Estate R-1, Suburban R-2, Low-Density R-3 & R-4, Two Family Rd-1 and Multi-Family Rm-1):
- Lots shall not be clear-cut, no more than 10,000 square feet (20,000 in R-1 and R-2 districts) of natural vegetation shall be removed during construction.
Lot coverage and Open Space requirements for Commercial and Business Park zoning districts:
- Landscaped areas shall occupy a minimum of 25% of the lot area
- Buildings and impervious surfaces can cover a maximum of 75% of the lot area
Woodland Preservation requirements:
- It is City policy to preserve significant natural forest and woodland areas in the City.
- redit is given for existing trees in satisfying landscaping and screen requirements
- Deciduous trees five inches or larger in caliper and coniferous trees ten feet or taller must be preserved unless it will unduly restrict development of the site
- Trees that were destroyed without approval must be replaced
- Development must occur outside the woodland when practical
- If the entire site is woodland, the development will be placed to optimize the number of existing trees that will be preserved
- Utilities are placed to minimize disturbance
- Easements are required to restrict further disturbance of woodland
- A variety of compatible tree species shall be used for landscaping or reforestation
Landscaping requirements:
- Landscaping is required in all districts except residential and agricultural
- One tree is required every 30 feet of public street frontage
- The minimum size of newly planted trees is: Deciduous 2 ½ DBH caliper, coniferous 6 feet tall, and ornamental trees 1 ½ DBH caliper.
Parking Lot Screening and Landscape Island requirements:
- All parking lots (other than those agriculture and residential districts) must be screened from residential uses they border
- Landscape islands must total at least 5% of the surfaced parking area.
- Landscape islands shall consist of trees, shrubs, flowers and other similar plantings.
- The preservation of existing trees can be included in the minimum landscaped area requirement.
Parking lot
landscapingGrowth and Development Master Plan Update Recommendations
This is a brief overview of the proposed new City of New Berlin Zoning Ordinance. This ordinance revision is being conducted as part of the GDMP update process. The document reviewed was considered the final draft of the ordinance and only minor changes will likely be made. Some of the changes made in the language of the ordinance are a result of the UEA and increase awareness of the urban forest. Very significant changes have been made to the landscaping ordinance. The City expects the ordinance to be adopted by the spring of 2001. Again, these revised polices should be kept in mind when looking at the results of the analysis. The following is a summary of the new Zoning Ordinance requirements:
Woodland and Tree Protection
- The purpose is to preserve the aesthetic qualities preserve the natural environment; enhance the developed environment; control erosion, slippage and runoff; protect wildlife habitat; and conserve energy.
- A "Limits of Development" (LOD) is approved by the City as part of the approval process. No trees may be removed outside the approved LOD. The maximum LOD for residential uses is 60% for nonresidential it is 75% including driveways.
- Deciduous trees greater than 5 DBH or conifers taller than 10 feet that are inside the LOD shall be preserved or replaced within similar sized trees (the ordinance is specific of size and numbers of trees that are suitable replacements)
- For a strip of trees within 50 feet and paralleling all navigable water bodies: no more than 30% of the length of the strip can be clear-cut; a clear-cut opening cannot be greater than 30 feet; and the remaining trees shall leave sufficient cover for buildings.
- Trees cannot be removed for the sole purpose of providing open views to or from structures except for safety reasons
The ordinance goes into detail about protecting trees during construction inside the LOD regarding runoff, root zones, and utility trenches
- Existing trees greater than 4 DBH of acceptable quality can be used for landscaping or buffering requirements
Landscaping and Buffering
The landscaping section has been significantly expanded, only the basic overview is presented.
- Landscaping is required in all nonresidential development and multifamily dwellings
- A landscaping plan is required
- Installation
- One tree for every 1000 square feet of lot area covered by impervious surfaces except parking lots (this is in addition to parking lot landscaping requirements) is required
- 60% of the required landscaping shall be in the front yard.
- A landscaping installation compliance security is required to insure compliance with the ordinance
- Only native or adapted trees can be used, a list of over sixty acceptable tree species is included with the ordinance
- To insure species mix, the ordinance lists the maximum percentage of any one species based on the total number of trees on the site
- The minimum sizes of newly planted trees are: Deciduous 50% 4" DBH, 50% 2" DBH; Evergreen 50% 8 feet tall, 50% 6 feet tall; and ornamental trees 2" DBH
- The installed trees must meet the American Association of Nurseymen specifications for Number 1 Grade trees (B-grade or park-grade trees are not permitted)
Street trees.
Trees are to be located to not extend beyond the lot line once it has reached it mature size
- Credit is given for preserving existing trees within the LOD
- The ordinance goes into detail about proper method of installation
- Maintenance
- A landscaping maintenance compliance security is required to insure adequate maintenance for three years
- The ordinance goes into detail about property methods of maintenance and lists required maintenance practices
Parking Lot Landscaping
- All parking lots with five or more spaces must have perimeter landscaping
- One tree is required for every 20 lineal feet of parking surface adjacent to an arterial street (30 feet for non-arterial streets or when the parking lot is adjacent to the side or rear lot, 40 feet when walls or fences are used),
- Trees should be grouped instead of evenly spaced.
- The tree planting area between the parking lot and street is a minimum of ten feet (eight feet for between the parking lot and access drives)
- Should be semi-opaque during winter
- All parking lots with 20 or more spaces must have interior parking landscaping in additional to perimeter landscaping
- For every 2500 square feet of parking lot area one tree will be planted
- Landscape island must account for 10% of the parking area
- The landscape island must allow for adequate root aeration
- Plantings are to be arranged to maximize shading
Ordinance Comparisons
A site in the business park that recently need to improve its landscaping was randomly selected to compare the requirements of the current and proposed Zoning ordinance. This site is 3.57 acres, the building and parking lot cover just under 75% of the site. These comparisons are shown as Site EXP in.
Existing Conditions: There are only six threes of the same species on the site that does not meet current landscaping requirements.
Current Zoning Ordinance: To gain approval of any proposal, the landscaping must be updated to meet current requirements. These requirements require one tree for every 1000 feet of frontage with a minimum size of 2.5 DBH for deciduous and 6 feet tall for coniferous. In this example, 26 trees in total would be required.
Proposed GDMP Updated Ordinance: The proposed GDMP ordinance would require 1 tree for every 1000 feet of frontage (its not on an arterial) and an additional 1 tree for every 3600 square feet of open space. Half of the deciduous trees must be at least 4 dbh, the other half must be at least 2 dbh or greater. Half of the coniferous must be at least 8 feet the other half must be at least 6 feet. No more than 40% of the trees can be the same species. In this example, 36 trees would be required.
Note: CITYgreen
stormwater analysis
cannot be used
for compliance
with the Stormwater
Management Plan.
After completed the UEA, staff have a several recommendations. The recommendations fall under three categories: How the report can be used as a urban forest baseline, what changes can be made to the development process, and improvements in CITYgreen software.
Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, Development Policies and Site Planning Guidelines Revision
The proposed GDMP modifications to the landscaping requirements will increase tree canopy coverage. This modification should be formally adopted. This will significantly increase tree canopy in commercial and business park areas.
The use of CITYgreen analysis methods should be incorporation into development review of proposals were landscaping is a primary concern, especially when preservation of existing trees is an issue.
Although the City does not require landscaping for residences, the City should promote planting of trees in a manor that will provide greater energy savings.
Model Baseline
This report serves as a baseline for future residential, commercial, and business-park development in the City. For conditions citywide, the use of satellite photos should be used in the future to track changes against year 2000 conditions. Also, additional sites in the institutional, agriculture, and conservation lands should be surveyed. This will allow for more accurate estimations of citywide conditions.
As more sites are sampled and better estimated are made using NDVI regression and and land uses the ecostructure map should be updated.
CITYgreen (v3.0) Software
The software should be modified to be able to use IKONOS imagery directly for analysis.
A method to estimate the energy benifits of trees on commercial structures should be developed.
To be able to compare CITYgreen analysis perform in one study to another study, exact methods to identify ecostructures should be developed. Exact methods to infer sample sites to estimate city wide conditions also need to be developed.
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Forestry Program: This project is funded in part by an urban forestry grant from the State of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Forestry Program as authorized under Wis. 23.097.
Greg Kessler, Todd Niedermeyer & Geographic Marketing Advantage, Diana Kanter, and Brad Sippel
Not available in HTML version.
American Forests:
Author Information
David B Haines, AICP
Mapping Coordinator / Associate Planner
Land Information Services Division
Department of Community Development
City of New Berlin
3805 S Casper Drive
New Berlin Wisconsin 53151
Phone: (262)-797-2445