E-Government and Internet Mapping Solutions using Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Prepared for the Esri International User’s Conference
Written by: Ravi Nigudkar (Independent Consultant)
Don Hoag (Deloitte Consulting)
Deloitte Consulting-Client GIS Team Creation:*
GIS Mapping Solutions Project Phases:*
Project Design and Development:*
State Of Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare:*
Enterprise Data Warehouse Integration:*
Geocoding Software Integration:*
Necessary Features of Geocoding Systems:*
Selection Criteria and Assessment:*
Childcare Providers in ArcIMS:*
Figure 8: Childcare Providers ArcIMS Application County Zoom Level*
Figure 9: Childcare Providers ArcIMS Application Zip Code Zoom Level*
Figure 10: Supplemental Childcare Providers County Hyperlink Report in ArcIMS*
Figure 11: Supplemental Childcare Providers Zip Code Hyperlink Report in ArcIMS*
Employment and Training Programs in ArcIMS:*
Figure 12: Employment and Training Program ArcIMS Application*
Figure 13: Supplemental ETP County Hyperlink Report in ArcIMS*
Personal Care Homes in RouteMap IMS:*
Figure 14: Personal Care Homes Initial Map View () in RouteMap IMS*
Figure 15: Personal Care Homes Find Feature () in RouteMap IMS*
Figure 16: Personal Care Homes Route Feature () in RouteMap IMS*
ETP and Childcare Providers in RouteMap IMS: *
Figure 17: ETP and Childcare Providers Map Customized in RouteMap IMS *
Office of Income Maintenance Philadelphia Information Map in ArcIMS: *
Figure 18: OIM Philadelphia Information ArcIMS Application *
Figure 19: OIM Philadelphia Information District Map by Cash *
Figure 20: OIM Philadelphia Information Zip Code Map by Food Stamps *
Figure 21: Portal Implementation for Offices at the Department of Public Welfare *
E-Government and Internet Mapping Solutions using Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
E-government solutions require mapping of welfare and provider data by agencies that provide public services. These maps then facilitate reports, studies, and policy development. This paper illustrates the use of GIS in the realm of Internet technology for providing mapping solutions. County/State welfare offices want to analyze welfare data and understand the performance measures and distribution of providers and services. County managers would like to spatially (via maps) ascertain from their data the performance of different welfare and social services provided by different counties. The paper describes the implementation of time-tested projects developed on ArcIMS and RouteMap IMS platforms.
With the advent of the Internet and the explosive growth in Internet commerce, the concept of electronic government as well as the use of the Internet to serve as means of carrying out government business could not be ignored by agencies of the local, State or even the Federal government. Many State and Local government agencies in the United States began to concentrate on e-government initiatives in an effort to ‘modernize’ and ‘reinvent’ their governments. So what is E-government?
E-government means using digital technology to enable citizens, taxpayers and browsers to access information and services from a given governmental entity, such as an office, department, bureau, commission or agency. The websites or portals enable contacts between the e-government entity and the stakeholders in e-government. These stakeholders generally include the public, the vendor community, and officials from other state/local or federal governmental entities.
Currently many state and local governments use time-consuming, labor intensive, paper-based procedures for accepting and processing applications that have anything to do with government policies and business. The e-government ‘initiative’ reduces this long drawn processing of information by electronically strengthening the relationship between the public and state through effective and efficient information exchange, while reducing the cost of that information delivery. The ‘initiative’ involves increased collaboration within different government organizations as well as the public. The solutions for e-government ‘initiatives’ would depend on the use of innovative technologies that can be deployed via the Web. Typically an e-government ‘initiative’ includes services such as online tax filing (for state or personal property taxes), registration of motor vehicles, applying for business and other licenses, searching for property within the flood zone insurance program (FIRM), and other citizen commentary and code enforcement.
In each of these examples, there is a geographic component associated with information delivery or exchange of data. The digital technologies and the solutions based on them include GIS and XML. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are a electronic information systems that analyzes, integrates, and displays information based on its location. GIS is a powerful visual display tool that presents the results for an analysis via a map using a wide variety of scales. GIS is a technology that can create "on-demand" maps for the user to enable visualization and exchange of data, whose common attributes are associated to a place and geography.
In the past, GIS data had to be modified for different GIS applications. However, the increased capacity in data storage technologies and the integration of large-scale legacy systems into Enterprise Data Warehouses (EDW), coupled with more powerful desktop computers, allows major GIS vendors to focus on developing software that will access data without time-consuming modifications. Increased accessibility will allow the user to perform spatial analysis of once-separate datasets, previously stored and maintained in legacy systems. More importantly, the State and County managers can now analyze their information using GIS tools through a visual medium.
The Extensible Markup Language (XML) is an important emerging technology that has proven to have a significant impact on the Internet information exchange. The process of connecting different systems has been made simpler, thus allowing the exchange and delivery of information much easier. The XML technology has solved the most pervasive problem: data exchange. It is emerging as an universal data exchange communication standard capable of moving information across different platforms and different applications to funnel all data exchanges. XML finds its use in GIS. The government agencies involved in the e-government initiative also see XML’s potential to cure its on-going data integration woes.
The Department of Public Welfare for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has extensive welfare data by several Program offices on the citizens of the Commonwealth.
Some of that data includes the location and distribution of Childcare centers and vocational facilities of youth, for Office of Child, Youth, and Family Services (OCYFS), and information on Employment and Training sites (ETP) for the Office of Income Maintenance (OIM). In addition, data on Retirement homes, welfare recipients’ Personal Care homes, and Nursing facilities are also stored on the Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) for the Office of Social Program (OSP). This data is accessed by county caseworkers and welfare administrators for evaluating the effective quality of the instituted welfare programs of the Commonwealth.
This paper describes in detail how the GIS team created the GIS Portal and applications for implementation of an enterprise-wide comprehensive GIS mapping solution those incorporating spatial data requirements for different Program Offices while accommodating their different needs.
Health and human services agencies today are faced with tougher challenges than ever before. Many of these challenges stem from government’s increasing focus on performance and outcome management – requiring agencies to orient toward customer service, to produce measurable program improvements, and in some cases, even to make a lasting change in the lives of their clients. And agencies are making progress toward these goals. But they’re finding that one of the biggest challenges to surmount involves the management of information – and the ability for time-crunched leadership and management to quickly and easily find the information they need among the silos of data dispersed across agencies throughout the state. Consolidated information is critical to helping health and human services agencies successfully improve their performance, and the outcomes of their clients.
Deloitte Consulting is in a strong position to incorporate GIS into the modern public sector enterprise and allow these agencies to find and use their information. Health and human services agencies are increasingly turning to GIS to help them display, explore, and understand the huge amounts of information that face them. These GIS solutions have helped agency personnel make better-informed decisions, increase their ability to analyze and use information, and ultimately improve program effectiveness across all the agencies a GIS solution supports.
Deloitte Consulting has worked with welfare, employment and training, child welfare, childcare, and health agencies to build GIS solutions that integrate various aspects of the programs. In order to effectively manage the integration process, we’ve found it makes sense to start with the most critical information, and then add related information in stages. This allows our consultant-client teams to quickly see the results of their efforts; it also allows us to quickly incorporate their feedback into future iterations of GIS solutions.
We’ve found that technology alone does not make an effective GIS solution. It is imperative that a GIS solution be built with an unyielding focus on the people who will ultimately use it. This means that the end-users must be intimately involved every step of the way, so in the end the GIS solution will fit the particular information needs of the agency.
We work side-by-side with our clients to identify the types of information they need to analyze in order to better manage their programs and improve client outcomes. This information is organized into three tiers: themes, critical success factors, and measures. Themes are the general areas an agency needs to focus on in order to reach its overall goals. For example, an agency charged with moving people from welfare to work might identify promoting "personal responsibility" as one theme they want to work toward with their clients.
Because it would be very difficult to quantify a theme such as personal responsibility in a given client, the next step is to determine the main conditions that support the theme. These conditions are called critical success factors. In the case of the personal responsibility theme, critical success factors include quantifiable client data such as average education level and employment trends. Finally, measures provide the broad foundation of basic information "slices" or "views" used for reporting and analysis. In our example, measures may include demographic information such as gender and other factual information such as the programs a client is currently enrolled in.
Because different people within an agency need different types and levels of information, our mapping solutions typically support several ways by which users can interact with their data. These range from simple color ramping and ad hoc report generation, to analytical GIS maps that identify meaningful patterns in the data, to advanced decision-support functions. Users access these tools via client/server and Web-based or browser-based navigation.
Deloitte Consulting devises methods and tools that can benefit our clients by increasing the efficiency of a GIS team. When Deloitte Consulting approaches GIS at our client’s site there are four main areas that initiate all GIS solutions. These four areas are the creation of a joint Deloitte Consulting-Client GIS Team, developing the GIS Mapping Solutions Project Phases, adhering or creating Standards, and developing the strategy for implementing E-Government solutions.
Deloitte Consulting-Client GIS Team Creation:
Deloitte Consulting works hand-in-hand with our clients to create the most viable solution possible for the client’s needs. In order to do so, Deloitte Consulting develops a GIS team comprising of Deloitte Consulting practitioners and client personnel. This team is responsible for all the GIS work involved at the client site. Deloitte Consulting will initially lead the effort and incorporate all the necessary tools and knowledge while gradually transferring those tools and knowledge to the client. At the end of the engagement, the client will be able to self-sustain their GIS work. The GIS team will be responsible for taking mapping requests, managing the resources allocated to those requests, and completing all the necessary steps to include the map in the "production" environment.
Figure 1: GIS Project Team Organization Chart
In order for the group to take mapping requests, the GIS Team needs to incorporate two formal request structures. The first form is accepting requests from user workgroups. Workgroups are generally created in technical environments to test the inclusion of new data into a system, to take user requests, and develop applications. Workgroups tend to focus on their area of specialty and are capable of generating GIS requests based on their own data. A less formal method of gathering requirements will come from this group, where GIS team members will illicit mapping requests from workgroup members.
A more formal method of procuring GIS requests is the creation of a Data Processing Service Request (DPSR). Variations of DPSRs exist in every IT department of organizations, but the essential functionality is for a person or department to generate a request for technical/informational service. DPSRs can be implemented over the Local Area Network (LAN) as a web form, submitted directly to the servicing department in question, or exist as a verbal commitment later described on paper. An existing DPSR can easily be adapted to fit the needs of the GIS team. This document formalizes the structure of requests for GIS services because the author of the DPSR must collate a certain amount of information in the format required by the DPSR and the form implies ownership of the GIS services provided.
A second responsibility of the GIS team is the management of resources allocated to GIS service requests. Ideally, GIS resources are devoted to tasks that add the greatest value to the organization. Deloitte Consulting has found through extensive project experience that the best model to follow when devoting GIS resources is the 10/30/60 framework. The framework attempts to categorize the types of requests to the GIS team, generated by user workgroups, into three categories: Ad Hoc, Static, and Dynamic. Furthermore, the framework guides the GIS Team’s devotion of resources based on the types of projects undertaken, the amount of data involved in creating the projects, and the number of users of the final maps.
Ad Hoc requests are those requests where the type of project fulfills a limited need because the business question the map answers is limited in scope, the amount of data utilized in the map is often small, and the number of users specified on the DPSR is low. The number of maps generated by these requests is lower than other request types (usually only one map). Also, the maps created should be less functional in nature; these maps would require less effort to develop, are usually not refreshed with new data, and are not entered into the data warehouse environment. These types of requests should require only 10% of the GIS Team’s resources.
Static requests are those requests where the type of project fulfills a larger need with a wider scope, the amount of data utilized in the map is larger than Ad Hoc requests, and the number of users specified on the DPSR is higher than Ad Hoc requests. The number of maps generated by these requests is higher than Ad Hoc requests. Also, the maps created have moderate functionality since their use is a static view of data; these maps require more effort than Ad Hoc requests to develop, are usually minimally refreshed with new data, and are entered into the data warehouse development area and possibly the production area. These types of requests should require up to 30% of the GIS Team’s resources.
Dynamic requests are those requests where the type of project fulfills the largest need with the widest scope, the largest amount of data is utilized in the map, and has the largest number of users specified on the DPSR for the organization. These types of requests will generate the most maps of the three types. Also, these maps will have the most advanced functionality since their use is a dynamic view of the organization’s data; these maps require the most effort to develop, are refreshed with current data on a regular schedule, and are entered into the data warehouse development area and then migrated to the production area.
The third responsibility of the GIS team is to move the map to the production environment. Technical projects often develop two logical environments into their work plan. The environments are almost identical in every way, but their uses differ widely. Often, technical staff will store these environments on different servers in order to reduce conflict between applications. The two logical environments are the development (or staging area) and the production environment.
The development environment is a staging area for all new applications and data. Application development requests are processed first in the development environment. This environment possesses an identical structure to the production environment so that developers may test new applications and data without disruption of the normal services in production. Application development and testing may include load balancing, customizing user interfaces, stress testing, and incorporating new data into a previous production unit. No end users have access to the development environment.
The production environment is the final area for all tested applications and data. Finalized applications are stored in the production environment after the appropriate user group signs off on the application or data. End users have access based on their user class to the production environment.
GIS Mapping Solutions Project Phases:
In order to develop the most robust and capable applications GIS development must follow an iterative process. Iteration allows the developers to explore the user’s requirements and culminate those requests into a working application. The ultimate goal of any GIS development project in the Health and Human Services area is to create the most useful application possible that benefits the largest amount of people. In order to attain this goal the GIS development team must follow five phase when approaching a new GIS project.
Strategy is the first phase in the GIS Mapping Solutions Project. The strategy phase determines the scope of work that the project will undertake and defines the goals needed to guarantee success of the project. When the scope and goals are properly defined at the onset of the project the final outcome of the process will better represent the needs of the users. This phase would determine the audience of the mapping solution, the interaction the user group would have with the application, and the means of access for users.
Design is the second phase in the GIS Mapping Solutions Project. Here, the GIS team will determine the detailed user requirements and begin creating the initial view of a mapping solution that meets the requirements. Detailed user requirements are obtained through interaction with user workgroups, but might also come from commonly used documents, frequently used web pages, and internal operational programs. The initial design serves as a high-level guide to the mapping application that will be developed and involves the input from multiple user types.
Develop is the third phase in the GIS Mapping Solutions Project. In this phase the developers will create a fully functional mapping solution that the users will test. This map should adhere to the designs developed in the previous phase.
Deploy is the fourth phase in the GIS Mapping Solutions Project. After developing the mapping solution, the GIS Team will deploy the mapping solution over the internet through a GIS portal communication medium. This portal will give access to the proper user group while providing the necessary functionality determined in the initial phases.
Manage is the fifth phase in the GIS Mapping Solutions Project. In managing the mapping solution the GIS Team can identify any issues that surface through implementation. Training on the mapping solution also comes out of this phase as increased numbers of users interact with the map. Also, the GIS Team will monitor the system for potential enhancements and any change in requirements through interactions with greater technology and the user workgroups. Iteration occurs at every step in the process as the requirements change and the necessary functionality changes.
Figure 2: GIS Mapping Solutions Project Phases
The examples below are necessary components of any GIS project. The two documents set a generic work plan for each mapping project given to the GIS Team. Also, a phased timeline describes the implementation of GIS initiatives in an organization.
ID |
Task_Name |
Duration |
Predecessors | ||
1 |
Map |
113 days |
2 |
Development |
29 days |
3 |
Requirements Gathering |
21 days |
4 |
Create Project Folder on Development Server |
1 day |
5 |
Prototype Development |
21 days |
4 | ||
6 |
User Design Signoff |
7 days |
5 | ||
7 |
Production |
63 days |
2 | ||
8 |
Design ETL Process |
21 days |
9 |
Data Validation |
21 days |
8 | ||
10 |
Develop Production Documentation |
7 days |
9 | ||
11 |
User Implementation Signoff |
7 days |
10 | ||
12 |
Complete Documentation |
7 days |
11 | ||
13 |
ArcIMS Map Migration |
21 days |
7 | ||
14 |
Convert shape files to an axl file |
3 days |
15 |
Create website in ArcIMS designer |
3 days |
14 | ||
16 |
Customize website |
10 days |
15 | ||
17 |
Migrate Documentation |
5 days |
16 |
Figure 3: Tactical Phases for Implementing GIS Tools
Standards Adherence and Creation:
Any standard created for the Department of Public Welfare in the State of Pennsylvania is based on the standards defined by the National Spatial Data Infrastructure.
Executive Order 12906 calls for the establishment of the NSDI, defined as the technologies, policies, and people necessary to promote the sharing of geospatial data throughout all levels of government, the private sector, the non-profit sector, and the academic community. Several agencies act as agents to the NSDI to develop and promote standards including PASDA, PAGIC, and the FGDC.The Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access (PASDA) is Pennsylvania’s official geospatial information clearinghouse and the Commonwealth’s node on the NSDI. The Pennsylvania Geospatial Information Council (PAGIC) is an organization established by a Memorandum of Agreement on June 10, 1999, between the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania agencies, boards and commissions, the Legislative Office of Research Liaison, and participating partners consisting of statewide associations and nonprofit organizations. The Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) coordinates the development of the NSDI that encompasses policies, standards, and procedures for organizations to cooperatively produce and share geographic data. The 17 federal agencies that make up the FGDC are developing the NSDI in cooperation with organizations from state, local and tribal governments, the academic community, and the private sector.
Currently, there are a few States with laws surrounding the realm of GIS. As an example, the State of Texas has very specific laws on GIS information about projection, about metadata, and about map presentation. The State of Pennsylvania has defined several similar laws about GIS information and Deloitte Consulting is committed to following those standards where they exist.
However, there are instances where Deloitte Consulting is assigned to State GIS projects that either do not have standards in place or are not aware that standards exist. In these cases it is imperative that Deloitte Consulting inform the client of the current standards or discuss the creation of standards in the Strategy phase. All shape files used for the mapping projects were projected in the recommended projects as suggested by these governing bodies. Also, metadata collection was based on standards developed by the FGDC.
Project Design and Development:
After discussion of Deloitte Consulting’s GIS Methodology the next logical area to talk about is the application produced after following the above steps. The first area described in the sections below is the structure of the EDW. This diagram displays the flow of information as data enters the EDW. Included in the diagram are any applications that interface to the EDW. Also included in this section is a description of GIS integration with the data warehouse. This description includes information about the current environment at DPW and the user workgroups established to gather requirements.
Several of the maps created in the Public Sector from the above methodology are also discussed in this section. These maps include the ArcIMS Childcare Providers map, the ArcIMS Employment and Training Program map, the RouteMap IMS Personal Care Homes map, the RouteMap IMS ETP and Childcare Providers map, and the ArcIMS Office of Income Maintenance Information map.
State Of Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare:
The Department of Public Welfare for the State of Pennsylvania began creating a Data Warehouse five years ago after realizing that a central repository for welfare information was a necessity. After the creation of that warehouse the State realized that to analyze that information they would need several tools. One of those tools is GIS. Deloitte Consulting found Data Warehouses to be a natural starting point for developing GIS tools for several reasons.
In order to fully understand the methodology Deloitte Consulting used to develop and deploy GIS tools there is a need to describe the framework of the warehouse developed at DPW. Figure X below, diagrams the current environment at the DPW. Included in the diagram are applications not directly associated with GIS, but play a factor in the overall systems design.
Figure 4: DPW Operating Environment Diagram
Enterprise Data Warehouse Integration:
Deloitte Consulting’s approach to GIS is evolving with the creation of Enterprise Data Warehouses. Data Warehouses lend themselves well to GIS and Deloitte Consulting found that State clients naturally progressed to a maturity level where they were comfortable with their warehouse and willing to view data in maps. However, Deloitte Consulting does not feel that State governments are compelled to develop an entire Data Warehouse to pursue their GIS efforts. Essentially, any State agency that has a centralized repository of spatial data can implement E-Government GIS solutions.
Integration with the EDW serves as a major boost to GIS development at the DPW. The EDW establishes the initial standards on data quality from every program office that requests a map. These standards reduce the effort on the part of the GIS team to secure data and verify that the information is correct. Two components of the EDW environment lend to a reduced time frame in creating GIS solutions to business questions. These two components combine to generate all the data necessary for developing a mapping solution. The first component is the Development-Production environment currently existing at the DPW. The second component is the user workgroups developed for each Program Office at DPW.
The Department of Public Welfare’s current environment includes two logical areas developed through the necessity based on the requirements of their enterprise data warehouse. Similarly, this environment is applicable to the services that will be developed from GIS tools. These two functional areas are the "Development" and "Production" areas. Essentially, the two areas are the same in terms of logical structure, however their purposes have slight contrasts. Figure X depicts the interaction between the functional areas and the user workgroups.
Figure 5: GIS Mapping Production/Development Environment
The Development area exists to test all data and applications before moving that system to Production. The GIS Development area begins with a request from the user workgroup. The requirements derived from that request are implemented in a "test" map located on a Development area server. Workgroup users have access to this server and begin their interaction with the GIS tool.
When the users and the GIS team finalize all their requirements and validate the data included in the map, the application is migrated to the GIS Production area. The Production area is located on a different server than the Development area and each map is automatically refreshed with the most current data on a set time frame. All users have access to the GIS Production maps.
One of the first components of the Data Warehouse environment is the user group. User workgroups meet with the Data Warehousing team and request that data be entered into the warehouse. User workgroups also request services from the Data Warehousing team including cubes, reports, and maps. These services allow the users to access their information from the warehouse in a useful form and fashion.
The user workgroups meet with the warehouse staff and determine data requirements. This process defines various amounts of information including data types, table size, access speed requirements, and data source location. Often, the requirements gathering process is iterative and can last an extended period depending on the amount of information in question.
After determining the data requirements the Deloitte Consulting staff on the warehouse project will use the Informatica Powermartâ software to develop transformation logic. Transformation logic essentially defines a process of creating the data source, any data transformations, and data target locations. The warehouse team refers to this as the Extraction, Transformation, and Loading process or ETL. The ETL process for any given user group should clearly and accurately place the users data and requirements into the warehouse.
After information is added to the warehouse the GIS developer has the responsibility of transposing the information to a map. Deloitte Consulting uses the data provided by Esri on the county level in Pennsylvania as a starting point for shape file creation. The original outline of the State of Pennsylvania is used while determining the data that will enter the map. This information is relayed from the user requirements meetings. ArcView scripts are created on the GIS Webmaster’s machine with the SQL connect extension that allows the ArcView script to communicate through an ODBC to the Oracle 8i Data Warehouse. The Oracle 8i client must be installed on the client machine in order to ensure that the connection works correctly.
The script then calls a login to the database and runs a SQL query from the table source created by the ETL process mentioned above. The script will then join the information from the table in the warehouse to a temporary table in the ArcView project. The script will begin to create new fields in the shape file and calculate the values for those new fields based on the values in the joined fields. This effectively refreshes the map for a specific month based on the table in the warehouse. When the calculation in complete the script removes the join and saves the project.
Geocoding Software Integration:
An essential portion of integrating GIS into the Public Sector is the use of geocoding software to maximize the effectiveness of stored address information in the warehouse or another central information repository. Integration of the geocoding software into the Enterprise Data Warehouse operating environment involves individuals that understand the data as well as the proper tools to geocode address information. The DPW team implemented the following strategy for maintaining the accuracy of geocoded address data elements:
HOUSE NUMBER – required information
STREET NUMBER – required information
STREET NAME – required information
ZIP CODE – required information
ZIP+ 4 – relaxed data
While providing mapping solutions to the Office of Mental Retardation (OMR) of DPW, the consulting team experienced first hand the difficulties involved in developing accurate point thematic maps while using zip code data on HMO addresses. All geocoded points stacked up at the centroid location of the zip code polygon. It became clear that a more accurate geocoding software tool was required such that it will perform the geocoding operation on the actual street address and not be limited to the use of a zip code or the zip + 4 data.
Further more, it became clear that address data and attribute information from several program offices (OMR, OCYFS, and OIM) such as licensing facilities, HMO’s, and day-care centers had considerable inaccuracies. These inaccuracies included misspellings, variations in identifying different entities (Medicaid recipients, Day Care Centers, HMO provider addresses and corresponding recipient data), and incorrect information.
Welfare data on recipients and providers stored in the Data Warehouse archives activities related to disbursement funds. Increasingly, the Department of Public Welfare (DPW) wished to determine the distribution of State and Federal funds for these recipients and providers. The addresses for both the recipient and the provider generate from different program offices, yet this information alone is insufficient to pinpoint exact locations of these parties.
The geocoding software by INNOVATIVE SYSTEMS, Inc. called Innovative Dictionary System was primarily being used for accurately identifying recipients, licensing facilities and managed care organizations through verification, matching, standardization, and geocoding of their addresses in spite of errors, misspellings, and variations.
Innovative Dictionary System was selected by DPW as the preferred software due to its strong address geocoding and standardizing capabilities. Approximately 6,000 childcare facilities in PA were address matched and geocoded with an accuracy of more than 89% match during the demonstration for DPW. In addition, this geocoding software allowed easy inter-operatibility between UNIX and NT platforms.
Necessary Features of Geocoding Systems:
Enhanced Knowledge Base |
Processing capabilities should be based on a proprietary knowledge repository of more than 2.5-million name and address-related words, and more than 100,000 word patterns. |
Accept Any Fixed-Length Input Record |
The Innovative Dictionary System offers the flexibility to process a wide variety of customer record formats. |
Allow User-Defined Error And Review Codes |
The Innovative-Dictionary System enables you to pre-select a series of data conditions to be flagged as errors, or requiring further review. These records can then be automatically processed through the Innovative-Review™ Productivity Tool. |
GUI Setup Wizard |
The Innovative-Dictionary System's GUI Setup Wizard, with helpful descriptions of all dictionary options, makes it easy to tailor the system's parameters and error flags to your needs. It includes a test parser, as well as interfaces to the Innovative-Review Productivity Tool. |
Address Standardization |
The process by which the address in a record corrected to meet specific pre-defined formats that is structured around the user needs, USPS carrier route codes and naming conventions for street and house number. |
Address Matching |
The process where the input/raw address data is compared with the USPS standard address ranges for that particular address record. Verifying the existence of an address with numbers and names to the corresponding exact numbers and names for a particular address makes the match. |
Address Geocoding |
The process by which addresses are assigned a Latitude and Longitude value corresponding to their actual location on a map. |
Software Capabilities |
Observations |
Address Scrubbing |
100% |
Modularity |
The address matching, geocoding components can be broken up into separate modules and installed on different platforms or computers |
Streamline process |
Process – from Delivery of address tables to the Data Warehouse as extracts, to the complete geocoded tables in the ORACLE Warehouse with address standardization |
Address Geocoding |
89% of addresses were geocoded |
ZIP + 4 Capabilities |
Geocoding of address records at the ZIP +4 level was handled well |
Online/Batch processing |
Geocoding capabilities can be extend to a batch process or as an online method |
Integration |
The software allows easy integration with existing hardware and software platforms. |
API Customization |
Customizable application interfaces allows different data capture applications developed as front-end tools. |
Selection Criteria and Assessment:
The geocoding accuracy of address data elements improved with more restrictive conditions/criteria as seen from these results. As a result of this analysis it was decided by the GIS team that all program offices had to have their data corrected and standardized once for all by using the geocoding procedure outlined earlier thus accurately identified the corresponding address data elements of recipients, providers and licensing facilities. The geocoded data sets were then used for developing customized maps in ARCIMS and RouteMap IMS applications.
The results of the geocoding process are shown below when House number, street name, and zip code were relaxed. Only 16% did not match in this case.
Figure 6: Geocoding Results with Relaxed Conditions
The next result set of the geocoding process show when House number, street name, and zip code fields are required. Here, 38% did not match.
Figure 7: Geocoding Results without Relaxed Conditions
Childcare Providers in ArcIMS:
The first map described in this paper is the Childcare provider map. The Office of Income Maintenance attended their user group meeting and approached Deloitte Consulting with the task of developing a map that displayed the relative concentrations of Childcare providers in a County view and a Zip code view, while providing the address of these providers as additional information. The GIS development team determined that the views were possible in the same map as scale dependent layers and that ASP pages could be utilized to extract the addresses directly from the warehouse. Set upon the task, the development team began piecing together the location of the data in the warehouse from the workgroup.
Figure 8: Childcare Providers ArcIMS Application County Zoom Level
The completed map is represented above in figure X. The map utilizes the default window formatting of ArcIMS as a starting point. The intent is that the GIS team will slowly transition the State government users over to GIS usage since they had no previous experience. After a maturing process the users will begin to see a more customized map with the Departments logos and other amenities.
A few of the functional uses for this map are the dark outline indicating service areas, color gradation eliciting density of providers, hyperlinking functions, and querying functions. The dark outline represents a requirement of the user workgroup. Often, State governments will designate "areas" or "zones" to target enforcement of policies or measure performance for programs. Childcare falls into one of these categories of Human Services and Pennsylvania is easily broken into major areas of monitoring. The greatest distributions of people in the state exist in two counties, namely Allegheny and Philadelphia counties where the cities of Pittsburgh and Philadelphia exist, as seen in the darkest shadings on the map in figure X. The outlines in the map show the conceptual boundaries of these areas as the State views them. The color gradation was discussed above.
Also, built into the map is a scale dependent layer that changes the view of the map when zoomed closer to an area of interest. In the Childcare Providers map the zip code view is scale dependent and becomes visible when the user zooms into a county. In figure X below, the concentration of Childcare Providers is shown for the Zip Code level. The functional use of the map is similar for the County Zoom Level and the Zip Code Zoom Level.
Figure 9: Childcare Providers ArcIMS Application Zip Code Zoom Level
The hyperlinks built into the map are direct links to an ASP page on the server that returns the childcare provider information for the county selected. The shapefile on which the map is built contains this link for every county. The hyperlink button on the map merely takes that link and calls the ASP on a new page. The data retrieved by this link comes directly from the warehouse. The resultant information is displayed in the format as given in figure X, below.
Figure 10: Supplemental Childcare Providers County Hyperlink Report in ArcIMS
This result set serves a few services to the map users. First, this result allows users to retrieve address information for constituents in the event that clients request that type of data. Second, State workers are often asked for mailing labels by several sources in order to elicit responses from registered childcare providers. This page allows State employees to quickly produce that information. Thirdly, this information can be plotted on another map and used to compare the client’s address to the address of the provider on the map.
Similarly, a Zip Code Level Hyperlink Report is available when users zoom to the Zip Code level and make the Zip Code Layer active. Where the above report lists the Childcare Providers by a user selected County, the report shown in figure X below shows Childcare Providers for a selected Zip Code.
Figure 11: Supplemental Childcare Providers Zip Code Hyperlink Report in ArcIMS
Employment and Training Programs in ArcIMS:
The second map described in this paper is the Employment and Training Program (ETP) map. After presentation of the Childcare Provider map, OIM approached Deloitte Consulting with the ETP project. Similar to the Childcare Providers map, the ETP project was concerned with the location of several sites across the State of Pennsylvania. The proposed ETP map would display the relative concentrations of ETP sites in a County view while providing the address of these providers as additional information. The GIS development team determined that ASP pages could be utilized to extract the addresses directly from the warehouse.
Figure 12: Employment and Training Program ArcIMS Application
The completed map is represented above in figure X. The map utilizes the default window formatting of ArcIMS as a starting point. A few of the functional uses for this map are the dark outline indicating service areas, color gradation eliciting density of providers, hyperlinking functions, and querying functions. The dark outline represents a requirement of the user workgroup. The greatest distributions of people in the state exist in two counties, namely Allegheny and Philadelphia counties where the cities of Pittsburgh and Philadelphia exist, as seen in the darkest shadings on the map in figure X. The outlines in the map show the conceptual boundaries of these areas as the State views them. The color gradation was discussed above.
The hyperlinks built into the map are direct links to an ASP page on the server that returns the employment and training program information for the county selected. The shapefile on which the map is built contains this link for every county. The hyperlink button on the map merely takes that link and calls the ASP on a new page. The data retrieved by this link comes directly from the warehouse. The resultant information is displayed in the format as given in figure X, below.
Figure 13: Supplemental ETP County Hyperlink Report in ArcIMS
Personal Care Homes in RouteMap IMS:
The third map described in this paper is Personal Care Homes (PCH) map. The PCH Map represents DPWs maturity in utilizing GIS tools. Similar to the Childcare Providers and ETP map, the PCH project is concerned with the location of several sites across the State of Pennsylvania. The proposed PCH map would display the relative locations of PCH sites across the State. However, the PCH map utilizes two new technologies incorporated to the EDW environment.
The first technology is the Geocoding Software that accepts the address information for Personal Care Homes in the State as input and outputs the geocoded location of the data. The second technology is RouteMap IMS as a mapping tool. RouteMap provides a standard view of data on a map, an ability to find the address and locations of certain data points on the map, and the ability to route between these data points and other addresses on the map.
Figure 14: Personal Care Homes Initial
Map View () in RouteMap IMS
The initial map view shows the user any information
added to the map and a general area of interest. In figure X above, the State of
Pennsylvania is shown with several locations labeled with an icon. In this view
users can print the shown map (), zoom to the fullest extent
of the map (
), zoom into a particular area (
zoom out of a particular area (
), pan the screen to another
area (
), identify one of the features on the map (
), measure the distance between two objects (
), and select any number of items on the map
[retrieving their information] (
Figure 15: Personal Care Homes Find
Feature () in RouteMap IMS
The Find view shown in figure X allows the user to search for a particular address on the map and any data points located within a specified distance to the user’s address. There are two screens on the find view. The first view is a ‘Find Nearest’ function with the functionality described above. The second screen allows the user to find a specific address and place that address on the map.
Figure 16: Personal Care Homes Route
Feature () in RouteMap IMS
The Route view shown in figure X allows the user to input addresses into the form and find the Quickest or Shortest routes between the addresses. A user may enter multiple addresses at one time and also may search for other data points added to the map. In the PCH map the user can search and add a start address, then search and add a PCH address, then search and add another address, and possibly search and add another PCH address. Next, the user can press the ‘Find Route’ button and the map will return a mapped route to take with the written directions.
ETP and Childcare Providers in RouteMap IMS:
The fourth map described in this paper is the ETP and Childcare Providers RouteMap IMS map. With the release of the newest version of RouteMap IMS came advancement in the capability of Health and Human Services mapping solutions. As seen in previous maps, ETP and Childcare Provider data were displayed in relative concentrations to their county or zip code, while links returned the actual addresses for those providers. Members of the user workgroup were anxious to give users in the community the ability to find the locations of these sites relative to their own address. RouteMap IMS 2.0 allows the capability to enter your own address as a start location, but also map a route to multiple stops from different geocoded data sets.
The ETP and Childcare Providers map gives Internet users (not only DPW Intranet users), the ability to locate their own address as well as the route, distance, time, and directions to multiple ETP sites and Childcare facilities. Also, the GIS Team began to experiment with customization of the RouteMap user interface because the team felt the user workgroups and GIS user population were maturing in their use of maps. The ETP and Childcare Providers map gives a customized view of the information, while retaining all the functionality of the previous maps.
Figure 17: ETP and Childcare Providers Map Customized in RouteMap IMS
Office of Income Maintenance Philadelphia Information Map in ArcIMS:
The fifth map described in this paper is the OIM Philadelphia Information map. After the GIS Team developed the Childcare Providers map and the ETP Projects map, OIM users began to mature in their general GIS knowledge and use. On recommendation of the users, the GIS Team was asked to develop a map based on the welfare reimbursement programs of Cash, Food Stamps, and Medical Assistance. Each of these programs contains several sub-categories of information that define the distribution of welfare to recipients in the State of Pennsylvania.
The proposed map for OIM would display one the three programs with the user having the ability to change the measures on the map. The first map, shown in Figure 18 below shows the layout for Philadelphia County. In meeting with the user group and gathering requirements, the user group decided that two views of the data were necessary for the creation of this map. The views are explained in greater detail below.
The initial screen gives the user a choice of data views. On the left of the screen is a pull-down menu that allows the user to choose the view they desire; either Administrative District or Zip Code. Philadelphia County is the only view available so far, because of a large data migration issue. The workgroup decided that an initial view of Philadelphia would be beneficial until the GIS Team could resolve the data issue.
Figure 18: OIM Philadelphia Information ArcIMS Application
The first view is Administrative Districts as defined by OIM. The shapefile created for this view was developed from the initial zip code shape file on the Esri data CD. Initially, the Administrative Districts were only shown on paper and the shapefile used above needed to be developed.
This view contains three layers to view information based on the program the user wishes to view; Cash, Food Stamps, or Medical Assistance. On every layer there are five measures that change the relative concentrations for the associated Districts in Philadelphia County. These measures are the Number of Cases, the Number of Budgets, the Number of Recipients, the Benefit Issuances, and the Benefit Amount. This view is shown in Figure 19, below.
Figure 19: OIM Philadelphia Information District Map by Cash
The second view is Zip Code view of the same area, namely Philadelphia County. The shapefile created for this view was taken from the zip code shape file on the Esri data CD. This view contains the same three layers as the Administrative Districts view and users can view information based on the program they wish; Cash, Food Stamps, or Medical Assistance. On every layer there are five measures that change the relative concentrations for the associated Zip Code in Philadelphia County. These measures are the Number of Cases, the Number of Budgets, the Number of Recipients, the Benefit Issuances, and the Benefit Amount. This view is shown in Figure 20, below.
Figure 20: OIM Philadelphia Information Zip Code Map by Food Stamps
Documentation is an essential component of the EDW E-government GIS tools. Accompanying the creation of every map are five documents that describe the steps taken to create that map. The documents developed include the Data Extraction Procedures, the Metadata Development, the Customization Documentation, the User Refresh Manual, and the Website Flow Diagram. The development of Documentation serves two main purposes for the Department of Public Welfare. These purposes include the ability to recreate a mapping solution in the event that the map is lost from the system and the transfer of knowledge from Deloitte Consulting practitioners to the client.
The final phase in the creation of e-government solutions coupled with GIS technology is the implementation of a portal. Portals are traditionally defined as information delivery pages or websites. The portal perpetuates the dissemination of information regardless of format or type and integrates this data from multiple sources. Of course, there are many systems that allow for the integration of data, however, portals serve as a ‘one-stop’ delivery mechanism over a system independent medium; the Internet. The strength of a portal lies in the comprehensive integration of all the components in its delivery systems. This includes tools, applications, contents, and other interface features presented on the website.
The most poignant examples of portals in the marketplace are Excite, Yahoo, CNN, or MsNBC. Information from different sources on weather, news, stocks, and consumer products is accessible through a single location tailored to the users’ needs. Comparably, integrated search engines allow these portals to connect to more information sources in a seamless process, thus extending the users’ access from a single location. In the case of GeoSpatial portals such as GISCafe, Geocommunity, or TenLink, information portrayed to users is specific to the GIS industry. These portals include information on data sources, on white papers, on employment, on business news, and on many other areas.
However, portal technology depends heavily on the ability to traffic data into your website so users can use your applications. Accessing, retrieving, and displaying data over a GIS portal is even more dependent on the transfer of data from multiple sources in multiple formats. A technology has emerged in the marketplace that allows an efficient processing and storing of data, usable in all GIS tools. The eXtensible Markup Language (XML) is becoming the foundation for data transfer over the web, including applications in e-commerce. XML allows an organizations to defines the format and type of data they receive/transmit over a common connection while parsers associated with XML allow organizations to process data they receive.
Esri has taken a lead in adapting this technology to their current products. ArcIMS already possesses XML processing capabilities; in fact it is the heart of their current Internet Mapping Server software. AXL files are the Arc eXtensible Language files that describe the shapefiles used in an ArcIMS mapping. These files use properly coded XML tags to define all aspects of a shapefile and parts of its presentation including ramping color, ramping ranges, shapefile location, shapefile fields used, and much more. This link from ArcIMS to XML is the ridge that allows data to be taken from a source to a mapping to a portal.
Currently, E-government portals relay information about government business, including local town meetings, Department of Motor Vehicles Licensing forms, Internal Revenue Service taxing districts, and the proceedings of the last meeting of Congress. However, these portals could include urban planning maps, zoning regulation maps, location and direction to Childcare Providers in your area, concentration of Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) across your State, and much more. Portals will also include further interactive components that allow citizens to pay taxes, collect information on unemployment, and provide feedback to their local or state government entities. However, E-government portals with GIS components allow the dissemination of spatial information in addition to more common textual/content information. Maps provide a strong visual approach in providing effective information.
After carefully examining the mapping needs of different Program offices like the OCYFS, OMR, and OIM, it became clear to the GIS team to define and design the GIS portal for the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare that would encompass all the unique information delivery requirement of the different program offices.
OCYFS was primarily concerned in identifying day-care centers, licensing facilities such as retirement and nursing homes in order to determine optimum routes to and from a facility. The RouteMap application software would have to be integrated for this purpose within the portal. On the other hand, OIM spatial data requirement meant display through polygon thematic maps information on the disbursement of welfare funds by County and Region. OMR (Office of Mental Retardation) required maps that provided a percentage count on medical provides by region and county with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Both these mapping applications required ArcIMS incorporation within the Portal.
The design of the portal would include assigning unique id (Identification Numbers - based on type of mapping project request and the Program Office) for each of the different program offices and making the data readily available after request are made through the use of DPSR (Data Processing Service Request). The DPSR forms would also be an integral part of this GIS portal, shown in Figure X below. Thus users from the respective Program Office’s will be able access their maps (created in either ArcIMS or RouteMap IMS) for any kind of data analysis, statistical evaluations, or preparing a general report. These reports could be created using different parameters and different spatial references (at the Regional, the County, or the State level).
Figure 21: Portal Implementation for Offices at the Department of Public Welfare
The GIS Portal implementation Strategy for DPW has been a beneficial undertaking both for the managing project partners (Deloitte Consulting DPW staff and Independent Consultants) as it has allowed easy access to real and historical information from the Enterprise Data Warehouse. The ‘One-Stop’ Information Delivery page as part of the E-government GIS solution allows more than one program office to access information on more than one dimension about its business data (related to welfare) from the Warehouse simultaneously. Besides, historical data, current information by Region, County, City, or State can also be presented in a map.
Furthermore, the extension of some maps to the general public benefits the constituents of the State of Pennsylvania. Particularly in the RouteMap IMS maps, we see viable portal applications that large communities of users can access. The demand for these applications is evident when considering the surge of the Internet and the current websites developed by the Office of Occupational and Labor Market Information, Delaware Department of Labor.
It is justifiable to believe that as more and more services are offered to the citizens by Local, State, and Federal government agencies, the need for the analysis and the evaluation of geographically related data will require some form of mapping solution. Most likely the delivery of spatial information that can be shared both internally within government agencies and externally with the population at large will be done via the Internet. Designing and developing GIS Portals will constitute an integral part of the total E-government solution.
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