Abstract![]() Environmental Data Delivery Using ArcIMS and Web Intelligence: Perfect Together Track: Application Development Author(s): Lawrence Thornton, Conrad Jacoby The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection has developed i-Map New Jersey, an ArcIMS Intranet/Internet application that enables NJDEP staff to view and perform basic GIS analyses on permitting and enforcement data residing in NJDEP's departmentwide Environmental Management System (NJEMS). Now, the NJDEP has added water quality monitoring data from NJSTORET and has integrated the reporting functions of Business Object's Web Intelligence to the i-MapNJ application. Users can do spatial and data selects in i-MapNJ, then pass the data to Web Intelligence where custom reports have been created. The results of these reports are fed back across a bridge from Web Intelligence to ArcIMS for viewing and manipulation in i-MapNJ. This application represents the best of two worlds, data and spatial manipulation over the I-net. Lawrence Thornton New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Office of Information Resources Management 401 East State Street P.O. Box 428 Trenton , NJ 08625 USA Phone: 609-633-8144 Fax: 609-292-7900 E-mail: lthornto@dep.state.nj.us Conrad Jacoby New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Office of Information Resources Management 401 East State Street P.O. Box 428 Trenton 08625 USA Phone: 609-633-1203 Fax: 609-292-7900 E-mail: cjacoby@dep.state.nj.us |