Abstract![]() Building a GIS-Based Decision Support System for SSO Prevention, Rehabilitation, and O&M Track: Water Distribution, Wastewater, and Stormwater Author(s): Jacobus Prins, Christopher Murray In a study for the Sonoma Valley County Sanitary District (District) and ArcView GIS interface was developed to structure an SSO prevention plan for the District's sewer system. This interface utilized land use, sewer inspection data, reported overflows, flow monitoring, and hydraulic modeling results to develop an overflow prevention plan. The plan considered upsizing and rehabilitation for the sewers to reduce inflows and infiltration to prevent SSOs. This system will be used to identify future sewer rehabilitation projects based on the sewer's structural condition and the I/I reduction potential. The process includes a feedback mechanism to update the structural condition assessments and confidence levels as more inspection data became available. This paper will illustrate how GIS can be used in building a decision support system to maintain sewer maintenance and system improvement plans for building, managing, and maintaining better sewer systems. Jacobus Prins HDR Engineering, Inc. 271 Turn Pike Drive Folsom , CA 95630 USA Phone: (916) 351-3815 Fax: (916) 351-3888 E-mail: kprins@hdrinc.com Christopher Murray Sonoma County Water Agency P O Box 11628 Snata Rosa USA Phone: (707) 547-1926 E-mail: comurray@scwa.ca.gov |