Abstract![]() Moving from 100K NHD to 24K Resolution: Case Studies Track: Water Resources Author(s): Paul Andrews, Thomas Dewald, Bill Kramer Currently, EPA's Watershed Assessment, Tracking & Environmental Results (WATERS) system is integrating various EPA Office of Water programs with waters georeferenced (reach indexed) to the 100K National Hydrography Dataset (NHD). As progress is made to implement higher resolution versions (1:24K) of the NHD, geographic representations of water databases will become more detailed and accurate. Examples of states moving to represent their Water Quality Standards, assessed waters, and 303(d)/TMDL impaired waters at the 1:24K scale will be examined. NHD-based GIS tools will be highlighted showing technical approaches to facilitate the transition to higher resolution georeferencing. Paul Andrews RTI Center for Environmental Analysis 3040 Cornwallis Rd. PO Box 12194 Research Triangle Park , NC 27709-2194 USA Phone: (919) 990-8631 Fax: (919) 990-8600 E-mail: andrewsp@rti.org Thomas Dewald U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water 401 M Street SW 4503F Washington 20460 USA Phone: (202) 260-2488 Fax: (202) 260-1977 E-mail: dewald.tommy@epamail.epa.gov Bill Kramer U.S. Envrionmental Protection Agency Standards and Health Protection Division 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Mail Code 4305 Washington 20460 USA Phone: (202) 260-5824 Fax: (202) 260-9830 E-mail: kramer.bill@epamail.epa.gov |