AbstractMapping and Managing Pathways to the Past Track: Ecology, Archaeology, and Conservation Author(s): Rebecca Apple, James Cleland, Jackson Underwood Portions of the desert Southwest have changed little through time. As inhospitable as these landscapes may appear, archaeological and ethnographic evidence indicates that humans have been traversing California's deserts for thousands of years. Until recently, the mapping of ancient trail systems has suffered from lack of precision that limited project planning efforts, despite the fact that the trails are very significant to modern Native Americans. This presentation demonstrates how global positioning system mapping can provide land managers with high-quality locational information. Compiled GIS layers are placed over topography to address points of origin, destinations, and periods of use. Rebecca Apple EDAW 1420 Kettner, Blvd. Suite 620 San Diego , CA 92101 USA Phone: (619) 233-1454 Fax: (619) 233-0952 E-mail: appler@edaw.com James Cleland EDAW 1420 Kettner Blvd. Suite 620 San Diego 92101 USA Phone: (619) 233-1454 Fax: (619) 233-0952 E-mail: clelandj@edaw.com Jackson Underwood EDAW 1420 Kettner Blvd. Suite 620 San Diego 92101 USA Phone: (619) 233-1454 Fax: (619) 233-0952 E-mail: underwoodj@edaw.com |