AbstractMaintaining a Landbase for a Multi-Agency GIS Consortium Track: Database Design, Automation, and Management Author(s): Lee Hartsfield, Brian Raber The first portion of the presentation will focus on describing the Leon County/Tallahassee interlocal agreement. An emphasis is placed on the volume of common databases that have been created more economically due to sharing cost and people. Due to the success of this cooperative venture, more people are using the GIS. As a result, a detailed maintenance plan had to be developed to ensure that the information in the GIS was accurate and up-to-date. The second portion of this presentation will highlight the efforts being made to create a long-term maintenance strategy. The combination of a cooperatively funded maintenance effort, the ArcView Change Tracking extension, and in-house soft-copy photogrammetry is how users will obtain current and reliable land base data. Lee Hartsfield Tallahassee Leon County GIS Joint Project GIS 301 South Monroe Street Tallahassee , FL 32301 USA Phone: (850) 488-2818 Fax: (850) 922-0099 E-mail: LEEH@mail.co.leon.fl.us Brian Raber Merrick & Company GIS, Survey, LiDAR, Photogrammetry 2450 South Peoria Street Aurora 80014 USA Phone: 303-751-0741 Fax: 303-745-0964 E-mail: brian.raber@merrick.com |