Abstract![]() The City of Chicago's IMS-Based Automated Liquor Licensing System Track: State and Local Government Author(s): Jerry Johnston, Kauser Ravzi, Anna Fan The City of Chicago has developed an automated system to facilitate the issuance of liquor licenses. Two ArcIMS applications were developed for this purpose--one that determines whether an applicant address is restricted for certain types of liquor licenses, and one that automatically identifies all registered voters living within a fixed radius of the proposed license site and sends them a notification postcard. This new, automated system offers a number of advantages over the previous paper-based methodology including higher overall accuracy in identifying potentially affected voters and a dramatic reduction in the time required to carry out the licensing process. Jerry Johnston Pangaea Information Technologies 14 E. Jackson Blvd. Suite 1325 Chicago , IL 60604 USA Phone: 312-986-9471 Fax: 312-986-9477 E-mail: jjohnston@pangaeatech.com Kauser Ravzi City of Chicago Business and Information Services 50 W. Washington Suite 2700 Chicago 60602 USA Phone: 312-744-5459 E-mail: kravzi@cityofchicago.org Anna Fan City of Chicago Business and Information Services 50 W. Washington Suite 2700 Chicago 60602 USA Phone: 312-742-2668 E-mail: afan@cityofchicago.org |