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Sharing Data Linked to a Constantly Changing National Hydrography Dataset (NHD)
Track: Water Resources
Author(s): Cindy McKay, Jennifer Hill

The NHD is a framework for linking water resources information to the stream network. The content of the NHD is constantly growing and improving. The 1:100,000-scale NHD continues to be updated. In addition, an NHD of higher-resolution data is becoming available for parts of the country. At any given time, users of the NHD may have different versions of the same scale or different scales. How do these users share the value-added information they have painstakingly linked to the NHD? This paper addresses the technical aspects of efficiently sharing linked data across versions and scales of NHD.

Cindy McKay
Horizon Systems Corporation
482 Montalto Drive, Suite 100
Herndon , VA 20170
Phone: 703-471-0480
Fax: 703-742-3965

Jennifer Hill
Horizon Systems Corporation
482 Montalto Drive, Suite 100
Herndon 20170
Phone: 703-471-0480
Fax: 703-742-3965