Abstract![]() Using ArcGIS for Traffic Signal Timing Track: Transportation and Logistics Author(s): James Miller, Kevin Broecker The presentation will cover the process needed to integrate data from third party software into ArcGIS 8.1 for traffic signal optimization on a countywide basis. The purpose of this study was to determine where and when traffic signal timing needed to be adjusted to help optimize the flow of traffic for more than 300 signalized intersections. The presentation will review the work flow for reformatting data from the Synchro Traffic Signal Timing software and making it useful in ArcGIS. The types of data collected, the database design, and how the data is analyzed to optimize traffic signals will be reviewed. James Miller Hubbell, Roth & Clark, Inc. GIS 555 Hulet Drive Bloomfield Hills , MI 48303-0824 USA Phone: 248-338-9241238 Fax: 248-454-6312 E-mail: jmiller@hrc-engr.com Kevin Broecker Hubbell, Roth & Clark, Inc. GIS 555 Hulet Drive Bloomfield Hills 48303-0824 USA Phone: 248-338-9241208 Fax: 248-454-6312 E-mail: kbroecker@hrc-engr.com |