Abstract![]() Collection and Visualization of DGPS Bathymetric Data Track: Water Resources Author(s): Sean Hartnett This paper describes the creation of bathymetric maps utilizing Trimble ProXR DGPS and ArcGIS. Data collection begins with the integration of depth soundings with DGPS positional data. In ArcGIS this data is processed and merged into a point data file of lake bottom elevations. In ArcScene, the lake DEM is combined with adjacent land-based DEMs and both are used to render TINs or GRIDs. ArcScene supports virtual explorations of these 3D surfaces and the draping of DOQ images over the surfaces. ArcScene also supports the integration of other types of data and the calculation of volume statistics. Sean Hartnett University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Geography Geography UW-Eau-Claire p255 Eau Claire , WI 54702-4004 USA Phone: 7158347301 Fax: 7158366027 E-mail: hartnesg@uwec.edu |