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ArcGIS Underground: Wastewater Management with CCTV
Track: Water Distribution, Wastewater, and Stormwater
Author(s): Timo Luostarinen, Dean Gipson, Eric Wessels

The City of San Diego manages more than 2,900 miles of sewer pipelines, which requires proactive management to prevent sewage spills. During the past year the City has made the elimination of all sewage spills a top priority. As a result, the City launched a program to inspect more than 800 miles of sewer mains and trunk sewers using mobile closed circuit-television (CCTV) units. These inspections result in huge amounts of video and attribute data. The City desired an automated solution to store, manage, and access the data. A GIS-based prototype solution, which incorporated ArcGIS 8.1, online video, online images, Oracle, and ArcSDE, was developed for use by engineers. The application was built in Visual Basic Application (VBA) using ArcObjects 8.1 and non-GIS components such as MSFlex grid, ADO (ActiveX Data Object), and MSVideo Player. The application allows engineers to view videos, sort data, and produce reports based on the pipe's structural conditions and maintenance needs. In addition, the application incorporates a condition assessment module that groups pipes into maintenance, rehabilitation, or replacement categories based on data gathered as part of the inspections. This information automates the engineers' process of prioritizing pipelines for rehabilitation and replacement work. This application reduces manual efforts that take many months to complete to a streamlined process spanning a few weeks.

Timo Luostarinen
San Diego Data Processing
Data Services
3950 Calle Fortunada
San Diego , CA 92123
Phone: 858 503-7217
Fax: 858 503-7381

Dean Gipson
City of San Diego
Metropolitan Waste Water Department
9192 Topaz Way
MS 901A
San Diego 92123
Phone: 858 292-6438
Fax: 858 292-6310

Eric Wessels
9444 Farnham St.
Suite 300
San Diego 92123
Phone: 858 712-8400
Fax: 858 712-8333