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Street Centerline Data: The Key Component of LBS
Track: Location Services
Author(s): Dana Fenner, Steve Eberhart

It would be quite difficult to implement LBS without the inclusion of a street centerline database with associated attributes in the solution. This session will cover the key components of what attribute information is required as part of a complete street centerline file and how different applications such as a navigable or routable solution require the use of different data sets. The session will look at how LBS is changing the way consumers and businesses rely on geographic and location information on a daily basis. Topics will include an overview of five different LBS markets: AVL/Fleet, Internet, telematics, wireless/handheld, and in-vehicle navigation systems.

Dana Fenner
Geographic Data Technology
Sale & Marketing
11 Lafayette Street
Lebanon , NH 03766
Phone: 603 643 0330
Fax: 603 643 6808

Steve Eberhart
Geographic Data Technology
Business Development
11 Lafayette Street
Lebanon 03766
Phone: 603 643 0330
Fax: 603 643 0315