Abstract![]() Meeting GASB-34: An Integrated Software Approach for Highway Departments Track: Transportation and Logistics Author(s): Bill Elliott Spurred on by GASB-34, transportation departments are implementing GIS-based asset management systems. Condition assessment data for highway assets are collected by field inventory or routine inspection and recorded in the GIS. These systems provide powerful capabilities for spatial query, analysis and reporting of highway assets. What these systems lack today are integrated software tools for automatically updating asset condition and valuation changes as the result of on-going maintenance activities and completed refurbishment projects. This presentation will highlight commercially available software that both integrates maintenance activities with asset management, and supports asset level-of service calculations needed for GASB-34 Modified Approach compliance. Bill Elliott Exor Corporation 3 Ballard Way Suite 303 Lawrence , MA 01843 USA Phone: 978-738-0673 Fax: 978-738-8936 E-mail: belliott@exorcorp.com |