Abstract![]() Using ArcIMS to Facilitate Enterprise GIS in a Small City Track: State and Local Government Author(s): Boomslang Meade, Ken BROWN This paper documents the use of ArcIMS to implement enterprisewide access to GIS applications at the city hall of a residential community with a population of 38,000 residents. "Enterprise GIS," by definition, contemplates every department that could potentially be enhanced by the use of GIS technology using a customized application, such as ArcIMS, as the vehicle for fully functional access to such technology. This paper focuses on describing how ArcIMS can be instrumental in enabling multiple departments to maximize their interaction with GIS applications: in effect, moving GIS from single user "project- based" applications to a multiple user "enterprise application" facilitated by ArcIMS. Boomslang Meade City of Coconut Creek, FL GIS-division/'I.S."DEPARTMENT. 4800 W. Copans Rd. Coconut Creek , FL 33063 USA Phone: 954:956-1516 Fax: 954-956-1424 E-mail: bmeade@creekgov.net Ken BROWN City of Coconut Creek, FL GIS-division/"I.S." DEPARTMENT. 4800, W. Copans Rd. Coconut Creek , 33063 USA Phone: 954:956-1461 Fax: 954-956-1424 E-mail: Kbrown@creekgov.net |