Abstract![]() GenoSIS: Genome Data Interpretation Using GIS Track: Modeling Author(s): Mary Dolan, Constance Holden, M. Beard, Carol Bult Advances in DNA sequencing have resulted in data generation that has far outpaced the available visualization and analysis tools needed for efficient interpretation of this data. To understand the biological significance and interconnectedness of this data, the Jackson Laboratory developed the Genome Spatial Information System (GenoSIS) as an application of the concepts and tools of geographic and spatial information science for the interpretation and modeling of genome data. The implementation of "spatial genomics," which uses Esri ArcGIS and Oracle Spatial, allows the reuse of existing spatial analysis, classification, query, and visualization tools for genome data analysis. Mary Dolan The Jackson Laboratory NCGIA, National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis University of Maine Boardman Hall 329 Orono , ME 04469 USA Phone: (207)581-2143 Fax: (207)581-2206 E-mail: mary_dolan@umit.maine.edu Constance Holden NCGIA, National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis Spatial Information Science and Engineering University of Maine Boardman Hall 125 Orono 04469 USA Phone: (207)581-3952 Fax: (207)581-2206 E-mail: cholden@spatial.maine.edu M. Beard NCGIA, National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis Spatial Information Science and Engineering University of Maine Boardman Hall 348A Orono 04469 USA Phone: (207)581-2147 Fax: (207)581-2206 E-mail: beard@spatial.maine.edu Carol Bult The Jackson Laboratory NCGIA, National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis 600 Main Street Bar Harbor , Maine 04609 Phone: (207)288-6324 Fax: (207)581-2206 E-mail: cjb@informatics.jax.org |