Abstract![]() Digital Mapping Server Implementation for National Guard Counterdrug Programs Track: Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Author(s): Melinda Higgins, Rama Sivakumar, John Breckenridge To address the extensive GIS requirements and build a GIS foundation for the National Guard Counterdrug program, the Georgia Tech Research Institute and the Naval Research Laboratory are working to deploy a Digital Mapping Server (DMS). The DMS will be a virtual server that provides a portal to GIS data without the enduser having to manipulate, handle, or reformat the data. This system will allow federal, state, and local governments to access geospatial data from verifiable sources. ArcIMS and government off-the-shelf technologies will generate map services for both ArcGIS and Web browser clients. Melinda Higgins Georgia Tech Research Institute EOEML 925 Dalney Street Mail Code 0834 Atlanta , GA 30332 USA Phone: 404-894-4971 Fax: 404-894-6285 E-mail: melinda.higgins@gtri.gatech.edu Rama Sivakumar Georgia Institute of Technology College of Architecture 276 Fifth Street, NW Mail Code 0695 Atlanta 30332 USA Phone: 404-894-0129 Fax: 404-385-0450 E-mail: siva@arch.gatech.edu John Breckenridge Naval Research Laboratory Stennis Space Center Mapping, Charting, and Geodesy Branch Stennis Space Center Code 7441 Stennis Space Center 39529 USA Phone: 228-688-5224 Fax: 228-688-4853 E-mail: jbreck@nrlssc.navy.mil |