Abstract![]() Implementing GIS Across an Army Major Command Track: Defense and Intelligence Author(s): David Keys, Stacey Guthiel Headquarters, U.S. Army Military District of Washington (MDW) decided to develop and implement an SDS-compliant major command GIS. This paper will describe a system that evolved from installation-unique approaches to a major command standards-compliant template. The paper will describe how MDW integrated legacy databases and pushed the maintenance responsibility down to data-owner levels. The paper will also describe how development has been centralized. David Keys Military District of Washington Environmental 103 Third Ave Building 42 Fort McNair , DC 20319-5058 USA Phone: 202-685-2843 Fax: 202-685-6104 E-mail: keysd@fmmc.army.mil Stacey Guthiel Performance Group Incorporated (PGI) 17147 Dahlgren Road King George 22485 USA Phone: 540-663-9000 Fax: 540-663-2298 E-mail: sguthiel@pgi-va.com |