Abstract![]() Lessons Learned Developing a Complex Geodatabase while ArcInfo 8.x Evolved Track: Database Design, Automation, and Management Author(s): Brian Wopershall, Lindle Willnow, Ellen Cyran An application was developed for Cleveland, Ohio's Water Division using ArcInfo and ArcSDE to model its distribution system's hydraulic and include all 4,500 miles of pipes and appurtenances. The client required conformance with relational database standards. However, to use ArcInfo, the ArcFM Water data model had to be adapted to match the conceptual database design. Several important lessons were learned in developing this project during the time between the release of ArcInfo 8 and the release of ArcGIS 8.1. The paper will discuss database development, custom tool development to add client-required functionality, database tuning, and performance issues. Brian Wopershall Metcalf & Eddy Water Engineering 1300 East Ninth Street Suite 1215 Cleveland , OH 44114 USA Phone: 216-910-1929 Fax: 216-910-2010 E-mail: brian_wopershall@metcalfeddy.com Lindle Willnow Metcalf & Eddy Water Engineering 1300 East Ninth Street Suite 1215 Cleveland 44114 USA Phone: 216-910-1923 Fax: 216-910-2010 E-mail: lindle_willnow@metcalfeddy.com Ellen Cyran Northern Ohio Data and Information Service College of Urban Affairs, Cleveland State University 1717 Euclid Ave. Cleveland 44115-2105 USA Phone: 216-687-3745 Fax: 216-687-5068 E-mail: ellen@urban.csuohio.edu |