Abstract![]() Serving USDA NRCS National Geospatial Data Status Information Via ArcIMS Track: Metadata and Data Publishing Author(s): Michele May, J, Nechero The USDA NRCS National Cartography and Geospatial Center is the technical leader for NRCS in cartography, remote sensing, global positioning systems, and geographic information system (GIS) technology. In May 1996, NCGC was designated the NRCS clearinghouse for geospatial data for the agency. As a major distributor of geospatial data to support national, state, and local field needs, providing up-to-date information about the status and availability of various data layers developed, maintained, or distributed by the NRCS is an ongoing challenge. Several status maps, including SSURGO, DOQ, HU, and WRP layers, are now being served via ArcIMS using a combination of SDE layers and shapefiles. These maps were formerly provided online as JPG or PDF files. The transition to ArcIMS has led to more highly automated, efficient maintenance processes and has provided increased functionality for end users while affording ArcIMS experience applicable to other projects. Michele May USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service National Cartography and Geospatial Center 501 W. Felix St., P.O. Box 6567 Federal Center, Bldg. 23 Fort Worth , TX 76115 USA Phone: (817)509-3459 Fax: (817)509-3469 E-mail: mmay@ftw.nrcs.usda.gov J, Nechero USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service National Cartography and Geospatial Center 501 W. Felix St., P.O. Box 6567 Federal Center, Bldg. 23 Fort Worth 76115 USA Phone: (817)509-3366 Fax: (817)509-3469 E-mail: snechero@ftw.nrcs.usda.gov |