AbstractTerrain Regionalization Using GIS Geomorphometric Methods Track: Modeling Author(s): Jacek Blaszczynski Scientists involved with studies of ecosystems generally understand that terrain morphology has a profound impact on a variety of ecosystem processes, and that this impact increases with the increase in relief. Ideally, therefore, at least in high relief locations, grouping areas of landscape into clusters of morphologically similar units should help to recognize the approximate boundaries of similar ecological subsystems and quantitatively analyze the relationship between terrain form and ecological processes. This paper proposes and describes automated GIS terrain regionalization methods that rely only on geomorphometric information contained in digital elevation data. Jacek Blaszczynski BLM National Science and Technology Center Branch of Science Applications Denver Federal Center Bldg. 50 P.O. Box 25047 Lakewood , CO 80225-0047 USA Phone: (303) 236-5263 Fax: (303) 236-0358 E-mail: jblaszcz@blm.gov |