Abstract![]() Traffic Safety Analysis: A Spatially-Enabled Technology Track: Transportation and Logistics Author(s): Roman Arellano, Sheila Sarkar, Michael Long A spatially enabled system for the management of traffic information with an objective to mitigate traffic hazards within a local government jurisdiction is described. The system involves coordinated activity between police and traffic engineering departments with reporting to the state Department of Transportation. The main components are Collision Reporting & Mapping, Archival, Analysis, and Corrective Action to mitigate high-risk intersections and street segments identified by the system. Typical report formats are illustrated. The application combines data entry and report generation in Microsoft Access and spatial analysis in ArcGIS for improved traffic safety engineering and law enforcement. Roman Arellano Engineering Systems 355 S. Grand Ave., Suite 3292 Los Angeles , CA 90071-1560 USA Phone: 213-625-7636 Fax: (213) 625-3824 E-mail: roman@engineeringsys.com Sheila Sarkar California Institute of Transportation Safety (CITS) Civil and Environmental Engineering, SDSU 5500 Campanile Drive San Diego 92182 -1324 USA Phone: (619) 594-0164 Fax: (619) 594 0175 E-mail: msarkar@mail.sdsu.edu Michael Long City of National City Engineering 1243 National City Blvd. National City 91950-4301 USA Phone: (619) 336-4386 Fax: (619) 336-4397 E-mail: mlong@ci.national-city.ca.us |