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CitiStat: Mapping Municipal Performance
Track: State and Local Government
Author(s): Bill Ballard

CitiStat, Baltimore Mayor Martin O'Malley's approach to municipal management combines an innovative performance measurement process with the appropriate application of geographic and information technology. An evolution of the CompStat management model, developed by the New York Police Department in the early 1990s, CitiStat extends the concept to all the major services of Baltimore's City government. CompStat was popularized by the TV show "The District" that portrays the real life Jack Maple as the City's relentless crime fighter. The presentation will describe the history of CitiStat in Baltimore and provide an update on its impact on some of the City's most critical issues. Also discussed will be the adoption of the CitiStat concept and approach by other U.S. and international governmental organizations.

Bill Ballard
City of Baltimore
Mayor's Office of Information Technology
100 N. Holliday Street, 6th Floor
Baltimore , MD 21202
Phone: 410.396.4106
Fax: 410.625.8707