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Using GIS to Produce Impervious Surface Coefficients from National Land Cover Data
Track: Remote Sensing Imagery
Author(s): David Jennings

National Land Cover Data (NLCD) and county level planimetric impervious surface data were utilized to derive an impervious coefficient per NLCD class. Results show that coefficients fall into two distinct groupings (rural and urban) based upon the apriori percent imperviousness per sample area. Coefficients for most NLCD classes are larger for urban/suburban sample areas due to the greater "mixed-pixel" relationship of land cover. This is particularly evident for the forested and agricultural classes. Also evident is the need for scale dependent sampling strategies. Results are limited to the mid-Atlantic region of the United States, however the methods can be extended to any physiographic region covered by the NLCD.

David Jennings
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive
555 National Center
Reston , VA 20192
Phone: 703-648-4293
Fax: 703-648-4290