Abstract![]() Integrating GIS with Distributed Applications Using Dynamic Data-Sharing Mechanisms Track: Application Development Author(s): Robert Burnett, Spyridon Tzemos, LaMar Stoops Effective integration of a stand-alone GIS (e.g., ArcView 3.x) into a complex distributed software application requires an efficient, reliable mechanism for passing data and function requests to and from the GIS component. This paper describes the use of dynamic data-sharing mechanisms to integrate GIS capability into a multi-jurisdictional distributed emergency management information system. These mechanisms include dynamic layer updates from spatial and attribute information shared via a distributed relational database across multiple sites; storage of private and shared "viewmarks" to facilitate consistent GIS views; and asynchronous inter-process communication using function queuing and a data sharing link library. Robert Burnett Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) Information Sciences and Engineering 902 Battelle Boulevard P.O. Box 999, Mail Stop K7-22 Richland , WA 99352 USA Phone: 509-375-2313 Fax: 509-375-3641 E-mail: robert.burnett@pnl.gov Spyridon Tzemos Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) Information Sciences and Engineering 902 Battelle Boulevard P.O. Box 999, Mail Stop K7-22 Richland 99352 USA Phone: 509-375-3683 Fax: 509-375-3641 E-mail: spyridon.tzemos@pnl.gov LaMar Stoops Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) Information Sciences and Engineering 902 Battelle Boulevard P.O. Box 999, Mail Stop K7-22 Richland 99352 USA Phone: 509-375-2843 Fax: 509-375-3641 E-mail: lamar.stoops@pnl.gov |