GIS For a Large Chemical Warfare Materiel Investigation/Remediation Project in Washington, DC


Author: Marianne Cardwell

Abstract: This paper covers the use of GIS for a large chemical warfare materiel (CWM) investigation project in northwest Washington, D.C. The goal of the Spring Valley FUDS project is to identify and remediate CWM and chemical contamination for more than 1,200 residential properties in one of D.C.'s most exclusive neighborhoods. A variety of off-the-shelf and customized Esri GIS solutions have been applied to support daily sampling efforts, conduct historical photographic analyses, perform footprint analysis to identify areas of likely contamination, focus geophysical investigation work, and perform a number of data/database management tasks. An ArcIMS Web site has also been created to facilitate stakeholder involvement.

I. Introduction

During World War I, the U.S. Government established the American University Experiment Station (AUES) to investigate testing, production, and effects of noxious gases, antidotes, and protective masks. The AUES was located on the grounds of the current American University and used additional portions of property in the vicinity to conduct this research and development of chemical warfare materiel (CWM), including mustard, Lewisite, and Adamsite agents, irritants, and smokes. Immediately after the war, these activities were transferred to other locations; the site was restored, and returned to the owners.i

Over the years the area was developed to its current point, comprising approximately 1200 homes, multiple residences of foreign ambassadors, a university, a seminary, and various commercial properties. Figure 1 shows the location of the Spring Valley Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS). In 1993, a contractor digging a utility trench in the area uncovered buried military ordnance.ii So far, approximately 700 pieces of ordnance have been collected in the neighborhood, and extensive testing has been conducted to determine CWM-contaminated locations.

The Spring Valley FUDS project is a high visibility project: from late 2000 to mid 2002, it appeared three times on the cover of the Washington Post, and four times on the cover of the metro section of the Washington Post. Additionally, it has had extensive coverage in the local media, as well as a feature article in the Washingtonian magazine.

Spring Valley FUDS Location

Figure 1

The Spring Valley FUDS project has been ongoing, intermittently, for over nine years, and has, over that time, greatly increased in scope. Since 1993, some five major phases of sampling, or operable units, have taken place, up to the current phase (called OU-5), which involves a comprehensive Spring Valley FUDS-wide soil sampling for arsenic contamination with additional testing for other contaminants at remaining points of interest of concern. This effort involves the sampling of approximately 1200 residential properties and 300 half-acre non-residential lots.iii

Spring Valley Operable Units

Figure 2

II. GIS Applications to Spring Valley

Within the larger scope of work, GIS has been used to achieve project goals in a number of ways. As can be seen above, the sampling extent at Spring Valley has steadily increased over time. This, and the length of time since the start of the project, has proved to be a challenge in managing the GIS database. The following sections will detail some of the off-the-shelf and customized solutions that have been developed to help the management of the GIS database, as well as some interesting spatial analyses done for the project and the efforts in providing information to all stakeholders through a web site containing various reports, sampling results, and an ArcIMS mapping service.

a. Determining Sample Locations

The sampling process was determined by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and consists of two main steps, illustrated in Figure 3. First, a property is quadrant or half sampled. Properties located in the Central Testing Area (CTA) are quadrant sampled, with 6 samples taken in every quadrant. Each quadrant's subsamples are mixed together to obtain a composite arsenic result for each quadrant. Properties located in the Comprehensive Sampling Area (CSA) are half sampled, with 8 samples taken in every half. Each half's subsamples are mixed together to obtain a composite Arsenic result for each half. If one of the composite samples' arsenic result is elevated (greater than 12.6 parts per million), grid sampling is performed. The same 20' x 20' grid was used for the entire site. The elevated grids are then remediated according to the United States Army Corps of Engineers's (USACE) recommendations, and the resident's preferences.

For each sampling phase, a right-of-entry (ROE) is required from the resident or property owner.

Sampling Process

Figure 3

b. Data Integration

As noted earlier, the sampling effort has been extensive, and has required extensive coordination between different parties. GIS has played a large role during this phase of the project. Figure 4 illustrates the different steps required for sampling.

GIS helped during the creation of a sampling plan as well as during every step of the sampling process. There was also extensive coordination between different parties, such as the surveyor, the laboratory, the realty division of the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), which tracked ROEs, and finally, field personnel, and the management team. GIS was used to prepare maps for the sampling plan as well as to provide counts of houses for every area, provide field maps for the field sampling team, update the Access database created to track all ROEs, sampling status and results, display sampling results on small and large scale maps, as well as provide data to the surveyor, and incorporate data received from the surveyor.

Process Steps

Figure 4

c. Stakeholder Involvement

With the comprehensive sampling involved in OU-5, it was necessary to provide information to the residents so that they may keep informed as to the details of the project. Reports were available at a local library, but it was determined that a website would be useful to make these reports available digitally. In addition, an ArcIMS mapping service was created to allow residents to look at information for their property and their neighborhood. Finally, sampling results were made available online so that USACE employees involved in the project were able to see the latest sampling results. These results are password-protected and only available to USACE and Parsons employees for privacy issues.

Figure 5

Figure 6

d. Spatial Analysis

During 2000 and 2001, the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) EPIC branch analyzed historic photographs from 1918, 1922, 1927, and 1928. The result of this in-depth analysis was the creation of 8 GIS layers showing ground scars and stressed vegetation for each year. A ground scar is an area of bare soil, apparently the result of human activity. A ground scar could be an indication of some type of environmental significance, such as contaminated soil. Stressed vegetation, on the other hand is a manifestation of vegetation stress and damage, such as mortality or defoliation, that is potentially attributable to external environmental factors.iv

In 2001, during the extensive and comprehensive sampling of the entire Spring Valley FUDS, it was established that further work needed to be done to find any buried ammunition that might still be located in the ground. This is meticulous and expensive work, which could not be conducted for the entire FUDS. It was determined properties needed to be identified that were most likely to contain such ordnance. To do so, the USACE devised a classification scheme that would take a look at historic ground scars and stressed vegetation areas determined by EPA EPIC, the difference in elevation from 1917 to 2000 (determined from a 1917 USGS map and a 2000 aerial survey), and arsenic results from any operable unit. Each residential property and half-acre non-residential lot was assigned a four-digit number based on the following scheme:

To facilitate the process of assigning the 4-digit code to each lot, an Avenue script was written in ArcView. This allows us to rerun the script and update the 4-digit code when new arsenic results are obtained during the sampling process. The use of GIS in this case was crucial to the success of the scheme. Doing this by hand would have been a tremendous endeavor. Each time new data is received, the script is rerun, and within about 1 minute, the new classification code is assigned to each lot. In addition, if the USACE wishes to modify the script, such as changing the arsenic parameters for digit 2, this can be easily done by changing one or two lines of code.

III. Lessons for Effective Management of Large GIS Databases

a. Standardization & Automation

To keep a standard format for all maps produced for this project, Parsons created an ArcView extension to quickly create standardized maps. Figure 7 shows the interface of this extension. This extension has proved so useful that its use has expanded to all other GIS projects. It has allowed Parsons to provide consistent maps, with consistent titles, scales, and layouts, while reducing the time required to do so.

Layout ExtensionLayout Extension

Figure 7

b. ODB Manager

From April 1999 to May 2002, over 2000 maps were created for the Spring Valley project. This is a large number of maps, and these cannot easily be saved in ArcView project files (*.apr). To resolve this issue, Parsons developed a custom ArcView extension to manage these maps as Object Database Files (*.odb). These maps were saved in a separate directory as ODB files and managed in a DBF table. Three tables were created to manage views, layouts, and graphics. These tables maintain the following information: (view/layout/graphics) descriptive name, date last modified, map scale (for layouts), ODB filename, and the APR the map was created in. This extension has allowed us to quickly and easily find maps that were created over two years ago, which is needed on a regular basis.

ODB Manager

Figure 8

c. Data Organization

Although there has always been only one GIS analyst working on the project at any one time, there have been about 3 different people working on this project since 1993. It was only in 1996 that an academically trained GIS analyst started working on the GIS aspects of the project, and none of the GIS personnel has had any training in CWM projects. They were only given the bare minimum of information, sufficient to create the map required at any one time. These factors, and the tremendous evolution of GIS technology over the last few years led to a GIS database in serious need of restructuring.

When reorganizing the database, and converting the datum of the data from NAD27 to NAD83, it was decided to follow the basic structure of Spatial Data Standards (SDSFIE). Figure 9 shows the current data structure for the project. This basic structure has been very effective for data storage, and allowed GIS professionals unfamiliar with the project to quickly locate the data layers necessary for their tasks.

Data Organization

Figure 9

IV. Conclusion

Overall, GIS has proved to be an extremely useful tool for this project. One of the most important conclusions to be drawn from the use of GIS at Spring Valley is that it is very beneficial for the GIS professional to understand as many aspects of the entire project as possible. As the project has evolved, the role of GIS expanded from, essentially simple cartography, to frequent use of geographic database programming and spatial analysis. This expansion has occurred only slowly, over time, as the capabilities of GIS were demonstrated to clients and the GIS professional came to understand client requirements. For example, the historical Spatial Analysis mentioned above was started by hand by USACE employees. It was only during a meeting that the author mentioned that this could be done much more efficiently using GIS. Also, for the last year, the author has provided mapping and dynamic geographic services at monthly partnering meetings. These efforts have been so useful that the author will now also be present, as needed, at monthly Resident Advisory Board meetings to allow the residents to see the data visually and provide for improved communications between the client and the public in general. In all of these areas, it was not just the use of GIS that has provided a more useful result for clients, but the ability of the GIS professional to understand the specific requirements of a complex task and develop customized GIS solutions tailored to those needs..


The author wishes to thank everyone who has worked on the Spring Valley project for their support and patience, especially Tom Bachovchin, Ed Bishop, James Taylor, Sean Buckley, Deepak Bhinge, Pete Crowley, Sarah Meyers, Susan McQuilkin, Mike Beardslee, and Travis King of Parsons; Major Michael Peloquin, Sherri Anderson-Hudgins, Greg Nielson, Mike Rogers, Lan Reeser, Ted Henry, and Al Goldman from the United States Army Corps of Engineers; and last but not least Michael Cardwell.


i. Work Management Plan - Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study - Spring Valley Operable Unit 4, Washington, DC (August 2000)- p. 1-3. (
ii. Spring Valley FUDS - Project Overview (
iii. Spring Valley FUDS - Operation Unit Summaries, July 26, 2001 (
iv. Spring Valley FUDS -

Author Information:

Marianne Cardwell
GIS Programmer/Analyst
10521 Rosehaven Street
Fairfax, VA 22030
Phone: (703) 934-2302
Fax : (703) 591-1305