Jim McKibben and Derold Davis

Integration of GIS with Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) and Asset Management Systems

Much of the information that is maintained in a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) is spatial data about assets that exist in a network with specific locations in space. The use of a GIS can significantly enhance the capabilities of CMMS by supporting additional spatial analysis and the ability to quickly locate geographically dispersed facilities in a water distribution system, a wastewater collection system or other utility networks. This paper will summarize the GIS capabilities associated with some of the major commercial CMMS systems and discuss some of the key issues that must be considered in the development of an integrated CMMS/GIS.

Table of Contents

Definition of Asset and Maintenance Management
     Asset Management
      Maintenance Management
      CMMS Market
           Market Leaders
         Utilities Market for CMMS
Why Integrate GIS and CMMS
Existing Links between GIS and CMMS

      Integration Methods
     Vendor Survey
            Notes of Caution
            Use of Esri GIS Software
            GIS/CMMS Functions
      Survey Responses

List of Tables
Table 1-Typical Information Requirements for Asset Management System
Table 2-CMMS Vendors with Link or Integration with Esri GIS Software
Table 3-ERP/CMMS Links Developed by Third Parties
Table 4-Use of Esri GIS Software Technology
Table 5-GIS/CMMS Functions Provided
Table 6-Summary of CMMS Vendors with Links or Integration with Esri GIS Software



Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) systems and Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) are being implemented by a growing number of both public and private utilities. The worldwide market has been estimated by ARC Advisory Group to be approximately $1.2 billion in 2001, and is expected to increase to $1.8 billion by 2006. [ARC News 3 June 2002]. The growing interest in Asset Management and CMMS is fueled by an increased understanding of the importance of asset and maintenance management in extending the useful life of our aging infrastructure, combined with continued limited resources for improving the infrastructure and an increasingly competitive business climate. The water and wastewater utility markets, which are a small part of the world wide market, are also expressing an increased interest in CMMS. In addition, the release of new financial accounting standards from the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB), most notably GASB 34 and proposed Capacity, Management Operation and Maintenance (CMOM) regulations from EPA, are adding to the increased interest in asset and maintenance management in the water and wastewater utilities market segment. Both of these new mandates will have a significant impact on the development of asset and maintenance management systems [Harlow 2000-Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3]. The impacts of GASB 34 and CMOM on the design of an asset and maintenance management system are covered by many other papers and reports that can be found in the Internet.

Utilities own two major types of assets: geographically dispersed assets such as water distribution systems and concentrated groups of assets such as treatment plants. Geographically dispersed assets are spread over large areas where maintenance crew communication is difficult and travel time is a major cost. Geographically dispersed assets include utility networks such as water distribution systems, sewer systems, storm water collection systems, electrical distribution systems and gas distribution systems. Using an asset or maintenance management system that is integrated or linked to a Geographic Information System (GIS) can enhance the maintenance and management of the geographically dispersed facilities or utility networks. Utilities that are already using GIS to map and manage utility networks may already have much of the data needed for integrating GIS with CMMS.

Concentrated groups of assets are found in water and wastewater treatment plans and in power generation stations. Water and wastewater treatment plants have a much larger number of assets types than are found in a water distribution system or sewer system. In addition, the number of different types of maintenance activities are also larger in treatment facilities. The use of GIS data within the boundaries of a treatment plant or power generation facility may be beneficial, but is not widely used at the present time. Utilities with both geographically dispersed utility networks and treatment facilities with concentrated groups of assets are often faced with implementing two asset and maintenance management systems; one for the utility network and another for the treatment facilities. The integration or linking of GIS and CMMS could eliminate the need to implement two maintenance management systems.

The integration of GIS with CMMS appears to be an obvious match, yet there are very few commercial CMMSs that are integrated with GIS. A review of the available CMMS vendors found only six CMMS vendors that offer GIS integration or linking to their CMMS products. GIS integration or linking is provided by third parties for two additional CMMS vendors.

This paper presents a discussion of some key issues associate with the integration of GIS with asset and maintenance management and will focus on the four following topics:

  • Definition of asset and maintenance management
  • Review of the CMMS market
  • Reasons for integrating GIS and CMMS
  • A review of the existing GIS/CMMS integration systems

Definition of Asset and Maintenance Management

Asset management and maintenance management are two related, but different management processes directed at maintaining the assets and extending their useful life while minimizing the cost of ownership. The implementation of asset and maintenance management is the implementation of new business process to improve asset and maintenance management. The use of EAM and CMMS systems must support these new business processes. Ralph Peters stated in an article on CMMS and effective maintenance, "Simply adding CMMS to maintenance practices and procedures in chaos provides computerized chaos and not better maintenance management and service to the customers of maintenance. Instead, to really benefit from a CMMS requires developing and implementing a system that is tailored to your specific needs." [Peters-1998]

The two terms, asset management and maintenance management, are often used interchangeably, but are really very different business processes. Asset management is directed at reducing the overall cost of attest ownership and maintenance management is focused on reducing the maintenance cost while extending the useful life of the asset. An effective asset management system must include an effective maintenance management system. The issuance of the GASB 34 standards and the pending promulgation of the CMOM regulations have magnified the need for asset management functions and have refined the definition of the asset management functions that must be provided.

Some of the CMMS software vendors offer computerized support for both of these management processes in a single integrated software solution. Some of the integrated ERP systems also include some of the functions normally associated with asset and maintenance management functions. However, asset management and maintenance management are two very different management practices, with related, but different objectives and business processes.

Asset Management

Asset management is a structured program to optimize the life-cycle value of the physical assets by reducing the cost of ownership, while providing the required level of service. [Harlow 2000-Part 1] The objective of an asset management system is to minimize the long-term cost of owning, operating, maintaining, and replacing the asset while ensuring reliable and uninterrupted delivery of quality service. [Harlow 2000-Part 1] The major functions of an effective asset management system are summarized below:

  • Effective asset design. The selection and design of asset must be based on the lowest overall life-cycle cost. The design of a facility with a low initial cost and high maintenance cost or a short life expectancy, is not acceptable in an effective asset management program. The consideration of the cost of maintenance and life expectancy must be included in order to design a system with the lowest total life-cycle cost. Cifford Brown of Ford Motor Company defined the 1-10-100 Rule in 1993; $1 spent up front during engineering to reduce maintenance eliminates a $10 cost to maintain the equipment properly or $100 in cost for a breakdown. [Palmer 1999]
  • Effective maintenance management. Maintenance management must be focused on maintaining the effective capacity of the facilities at a minimum of cost. Maintenance activities should shift from reactive and fixed-interval planned maintenance to predictive and condition based maintenance. [Palmer 1999] [Harlow 2000-Part 1]
  • Effective asset rehabilitation or refurbishment and replacements. The rehabilitation, refurbishment, and/or replacement must be designed to extend the useful life of the asset with the lowest overall life-cycle ownership cost. The selection of the procedures to extend the life of the asset must also include the maintenance cost as well as the rehabilitation or replacement cost. [Harlow 2000-Part 1]
  • Effective asset condition monitoring. The current conditions of the physical assets along with the trends in condition deterioration are important measurements that are used to plan asset rehabilitation or replacement. Asset condition monitoring can be developed from operational information such as run time measurement, temperature measurements and vibration measurements. The condition monitoring data is often generated by the treatment plan control system or from manual measurements or visual inspections. Underground utility networks represent a unique problem since these assets are difficult to inspect. The regular inspection of underground asset is an important element of an effective asset condition monitoring system. The GASB 34 financial reporting requirements require reporting of the assets condition every three years. [Harlow 2000-Part 1]
  • Effective financial planning. A utility must have the financial resources to maintain, rehabilitate, and/or replace its assets. A utility must adopt policies and procedures to develop and acquire the needed financial resources. Privatization of utilities often occurs, not because of perceived operational inefficiencies, but due to inability of the utility to obtain the needed revenue to replace the failing infrastructure assets. [Harlow 2000-Part 1]

Asset management is an engineering and planning process that requires substantial information to be collected from many different parts of the utility. This information must be maintained for many years in order to identify long term trends. The asset management engineering and planning process uses this information to plan and schedule the asset maintenance, rehabilitation, and replacement activities. The information management system that captures, maintains, and provides the needed asset information can not, by itself, provide effective asset management [Autin 1998]. Effective asset management is a business process that uses substantial information to support asset management decisions. The development of the required skills and information to support effective asset management is a long-term endeavor requiring careful planning and implementation. Effective asset management requires information from many disparate information sources.

The primary information management systems that support an asset management system for a water/wastewater utility and the information that they provide are summarized in the following table:

Table 1
Typical Information Requirements for Asset Management System

Information Management System

Asset Management System Function
Geographic Information System (GIS) Provide maps and data of utility network
Provide spatial topology of the utility assets
Provide spatial analysis support such as network maintenance and tracing
Provide the location of asset by address, coordinates, or network location
Provide access and use of other spatial data such as population, land use, and property information
Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) Provide detail design information for past, current, and new utility assets
Financial Information System (FIS) Provide financial information about the utility
Provide the required financial reporting
Provide the cost for asset management including labor, operating expenses, outside service fess, debt service, etc.
Provide project cost information and analysis
Provide operating and capital budget development, management, and tracking
Maintain current value of enterprise assets and depreciation for financial reporting
Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) Provide asset maintenance cost
Provide asset maintenance history
Provide asset inspection data
Provide asset condition assessment
Plant Control System Provide facility operating data
Provide asset operating data
Provide current configuration data
Provide asset condition data
Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) Provide current and historical utility asset documentation
Data Warehouse Maintain historical data from all information management systems
Provide access to historical data
Provide data analysis tools and capabilities to identify short and long term trends
Provide information to support asset management decisions
Hydraulic Models Provide estimates of capacity for water and wastewater systems.
Provide a planning tool for evaluation of current and future system capabilities
Define potential for current and future sewer system overflows

One of the key issues that must be resolved in order to provide integrated asset management information is the development and management of the asset register [Entek 2000]. A consistent method of identifying the utility's assets is needed for all information management systems that will use, generate, and manage asset information. Some of the key questions that must be resolved include:

  • Were will the asset information be stored?
  • What asset information will be stored?
  • How will all of the various information management systems access the asset information?
  • What is the asset identification numbering or identification system?
  • How does the asset identification numbering system relate to the following:
    • Chart of accounts in the financial information system
    • Tag and location identification in the plant control system and SCADA system
    • Asset register in the maintenance management system
    • Asset identification system in the GIS.
  • How will asset information be updated and exchanged between the various information management systems?
  • How will new assets be added to the system and all of the supporting components?
  • How will assets be removed form the system and all of the supporting components?
  • How will asset information be modified and saved?
  • How will historical asset information be saved?
  • How are portable assets such as motors, valves, water meters, and control equipment that can be removed, repaired, and installed in a different location going to be managed?
  • What level of detail will be maintained in the asset register? What level of detail will be required by the other information management systems such as the financial information system?
  • How are the different levels of detail or granularity in the asset data to be managed by the different information management systems? For example, very detailed listing of assets is required in the maintenance management system, while only summary or roll-up asset information is needed in the financial information system. If different levels of asset definition are use in the maintenance management system and the financial information system, how will cost be allocated to the assets?

The utility organization should develop work flow, business process, and conceptual design of the asset management system as part of the process of resolving these and other questions. The final selection of the various software systems that will be used will also influence the resolution of these questions.

Maintenance Management

Maintenance management is an organized process for producing reliable capacity from the utility's facilities [Palmer 1999] at the lowest possible cost. Maintenance management is the process and procedures that are directed at keeping the assets working properly and extending their useful life. Maintenance management is more than efficiently providing asset maintenance; it should be a process to prevent maintenance [Palmer 1999] by providing the needed maintenance at the time to it is needed. Effective maintenance typically has six major steps [Campbell 1995] which are listed below:

  1. Identify the need for maintenance by visual inspection or evaluation of asset performance data such as vibration or performance degeneration. Identify the scheduled preventive maintenance.
  2. Plan the maintenance activity to make sure the all the needed information and resources are available and the proper documentation is prepared.
  3. Schedule needed maintenance activities and identify the maintenance personal who will be assigned the maintenance work. All of the needed resources and any specialized tools and equipment must also be scheduled and made available. The work must be prioritized to insure the critical work is complete first.
  4. Assign the needed crews and resources to the maintenance activity.
  5. Execute or complete the maintenance activity.
  6. Analyze maintenance activities by ensuring that the proper documentation is prepared, the maintenance activities are captured and the actual costs are allocated to the proper accounts and assets. Maintenance costs and performance trends should be monitored to identify opportunities for improving maintenance efficiencies and identifying preventative maintenance activities before major problems develop or assets fail.

Effective maintenance management is a set of business processes that are directed at maintaining and extending the capacity of the utility's facilities and their useful life. Maintenance management is not simply installing a CMMS computer program. CMMS software is just a tool to help a utility provide effective maintenance by making important information available for the maintenance management decision process. Commercial CMMS software packages can provide a very useful tool for assisting a utility in developing their maintenance management system. An initial listing of some of the major CMMS functions is presented below [Weir 2002]:

  • Asset management tracking and monitoring
  • Gauge and instrument calibration management
  • Develop and maintain the asset register
  • Prepare, issue, track, and close predictive, preventive, reactive, and emergency maintenance work orders
  • Provide work order approval as required
  • Obtain and manage outside maintenance activities such as contract maintenance and repairs
  • Scheduling of maintenance resources such as crews, equipment, and parts acquisition
  • Provide resource tracking and utilization reports
  • Manage the maintenance procedure library
  • Provide access to asset documents
  • Define maintenance cost and allocate cost to appropriate assets
  • Maintain historical maintenance records and data
  • Track and manage asset warranties and repairs
  • Report maintenance activities and costs
  • View past, current, and planned maintenance work orders
  • Manage maintenance personnel database
  • Manage parts and materials warehouse or stores
  • Manage stores requisitioning, stock control and purchasing
  • Tack and manage parts and material vendors
  • Provide asset condition monitoring
  • Prepare statistical data and reports

More detailed listings of CMMS functions can be found on several Internet sites that are specifically directed at plant maintenance activates and software systems. Some of the sites that were access during the development of this paper include:

CMMS Market

The market for CMMS and asset management systems is very large. ARC Advisory Group estimates that the CMMS market will increase from $1.2 billon in 2001 to $1.8 billion in 2006 [ARC News-3 June 2002]. Most of the CMMS systems are marketed to a wide range of different industries and the water and wastewater utility's share is only a small part of the total worldwide CMMS market. A review of the above Internet sites will provide clear indication of the large number of different CMMS products that are available and the wide range of industries that they serve. CMMS can be grouped into two major groups [Davis and Mikes 2001]

Asset specific systems. These systems are designed to provide maintenances management for a specific industry with their unique business processes and groups of assets. These system work well in the intended environment, but they are unacceptable in other industries or environments. Examples of this type of system are CMMSs that are specifically designed to provide service for water and wastewater utilities, automotive manufactures, pharmaceuticals, schools and universities, or transportation agencies.

General asset management systems. These systems provide a more generic maintenance management functions that is not directed at a specific industry. These systems typically have greater functionally and flexibility and they usually require significant configuration and tailoring.

The maintenance management system market has also seen the emergence of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. Some of the ERP systems now include significant maintenance management and asset management capabilities. In addition, some of the ERP systems are expanding their asset management and maintenance management capabilities for use in asset intensive industries such as utilities. Gartner Research has a research report that can be purchased that addresses the Midmarket, Asset-Intensive ERP II/EAM/CMMS. The ERP systems offer the advantage of providing close integration of the asset and maintenance management functions with the financial information system, the human recourses systems and the purchasing system.

Market Leaders

Identification of the CMMS market leaders is difficult to obtain. Most of the market information must be purchased from various commercial research organizations and this information is priority with restrictions on its publication. However, three articles were found that provide an indication of CMMS market leaders. Two references where found in the article section of Plant Maintenance Resource Center which provide an indication of the potential market leaders. The first article is a relatively small international survey that was published in 2000 by the Plant Maintenance Resource Center [Plant Maintenance Resource Center 2000]. This survey provides many insights into the major issues surrounding the implementation of a CMMS and you are encouraged to visit this site. This survey identified the three CMMS vendors with the largest number of installations. They are Maximo by MRO Software Inc., SAP, and MP2 by Datastream. Together these three systems accounted for about one half of the total installations surveyed.

A second report also found on the Plant Maintenance Resource Center provided a link to a Gartner research report on Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) systems [Gartner/PSDI 2000]. This report identified the potential market leaders for full ERP systems and for EAM systems, which will require links to an ERP to provide the full capabilities available in a ERP. The market leaders in the ERP market are SAP, J. D. Edwards, and IFS. SAP is not reviewed for midmarket companies. The market leaders for the EAM market are MRO, Datastream and Fluor with Datastream being preferred for the midmarket organzations. Both Mincom and Indus offer best-of-breed EAP capabilities for the large companies. It should be noted that most water and wastewater utilities are in the midmarket range or smaller. Only a small number of the largest water and wastewater utilities would be in included in Gartner's large market range.

A third article was publish by Indus, citing ARC Advisory Group, which indicated that Indus is the leading EAM with a 13.9 percent share of the worldwide EAM software and services market. The article also indicates that "Indus also maintains market share leadership position in software and services revenues in North America, Tier 1 customers…" [Indus-17 June 2002].

Based on these three reports the market leaders for CMMS and ERPs are SAP, MRO, Datastream and Indus. The popularity of these system with water and wastewater utilities in not known. Empirical evidence suggests that these systems are not widely used. MRO and Datastream are believed to have and important part of the water and wastewater market. All of these systems fall in the general asset management system classification presented above.

Utilities Market for CMMS

The use of CMMS by utilities appears to be growing. A review of the CMMS vendors has identified only a few who provide CMMS capabilities directed exclusively at the utilities market. The survey sited in the previous section identified only 2 or 3 percent of the respondents as coming from the utility's industry. Most of the CMMS vendors that service the utilities are focused on the treatment facilities. Empirical evidence suggests that an even smaller number of CMMS vendors provide the ability to manage geographically dispersed utility networks. Only a handful of CMMS vendors have links to Esri GIS software. Some CMMS vendors will use there software and standard procedure to manage geographically dispersed utility networks without the benefit of GIS. Asset numbering systems with links or network data structures may be used to identify or describe the utility network. These structures can provide the topology of the network, but make it difficult to relate the utility network features to other spatial features such as roads or property information. Clearly, the utility market for CMMS is relatively small and will have very little influence on the CMMS market as a whole.

The fact that the utility market for CMMS is relatively small is important and consequence is that utilities may have a difficult time obtaining the capabilities and features needed to manage geographically dispersed network assets. The software "market regime" will provide the features that the market demands. [Wallnau et al. 2002]. The potentially small market for utilities, particularly water and wastewater utilities, will result in a limited ability to influence the major CMMS vendors. However, as the CMMS market matures, the CMMS vendors may begin to look for additional opportunities to expand there market. The ARC Advisory Group report on the CMMS market [ARC News-3 June 2002] stated that the CMMS market has matured. The major growth is expected to be in Application Service Provider (ASP) and this may offer the utilities the opportunity to implement CMMS within their limited capital budgets.

In a survey described later in this paper, it was found that 8 CMMSs that are integrated with GIS or have specific links to GIS. With the exception of Datastream, all of the market leaders identified previously have GIS links provided by the vendor or offered by third parties. Three of these other vendors, Azteca Systems, GBA Master Series, and Hansen Information Technologies, have CMMS systems that are particularly useful for water and wastewater utilities.

Why Integrate GIS and CMMS

GIS can significantly enhance a CMMS by providing the ability to access, use, display, and manage spatial data. The ability to effectively use spatial asset data is important for utilities with geographically dispersed utility networks. Field crews that maintain utility networks rely on maps of the utility network to get to the location of network problems or facilities. These maps are often developed and published with GIS. However, printed map atlases are notorious for being out of date and having missing pages. The ability to include current and accurate map with work orders can greatly increase the efficiency of the field crews.

Some of the other major reasons for integrating GIS with CMMS are summarized below:

  • Provide access to other spatial data. The use of GIS with a CMMS can leverage the utility's investment in spatial data by providing access to other spatial data such as street maps, census data, property information, customer information, and other utility systems data.
  • Provide maps of the utility. The map displays can be used by other information system to aid in the location of problems, system facilities and customers. Map displays could also show the location of all current and past work orders in any selected area.
  • Printing maps that can be used to aid in locating facilities and that can be included in work orders
  • Provide network analysis and tracing that can be used to find other connected facilities. Examples include tracing water mains that are connected to a problem main to identify the location of all of the valves that are required to be closed to isolate the problem water main. GIS can be used to identify the water or wastewater facilities that serve a selected location.
  • GIS can be used to route crews to work locations and reduce travel time.
  • GIS can be used to aid in scheduling and assigning maintenance work to crews that are in a specific area.

GIS is a very powerful tool for evaluating and planning utility network improvements. The use of GIS could greatly enhance the asset analysis that is required to provide the asset management functions that were identified previously. GIS analysis can be used to estimate future water demands and wastewater load that the utility must process. The results of this analysis provide information that is critical to making decisions to expand or improve a utility's network.

Finally, GIS can provide a data integration pathway. GIS has the ability to access and use data form many different sources and some utilities can use GIS to provide the integration of the many different data sources that are maintained by a utility. Most of the data that is maintained by a utility is spatial data and GIS can be used access and use this data.

GIS currently has a limited role in managing assets within the confines of a water or wastewater treatment plant. However, it is the author's belief that GIS could be a useful tool for managing all of the various networks found in a treatment facility, such as the main liquids train, the control system network, the power system network, and all of the various pipe networks for chemicals, compressed air, and various sludge and process flows. Most of these networks contain spatial data and the ability to link all of the various networks together offers interesting possibilities. However, there is only a limited interest in using GIS inside a water or wastewater treatment facility.

Existing Links between GIS and CMMS

Only a few of the numerous CMMSs have links to Esri GIS software. The CMMS systems that have links to Esri GIS software are listed in the following tables. Table 2 lists the CMMS vendors that have developed or are marketing a link to Esri GIS software.

Table 2
CMMS Vendors with Links or Integration with Esri GIS Software

Software Vendor


Internet Site

Azteca Systems, Inc. Cityworks www.azteca.com
GBA Master Series, Inc. GBA Master Series www.gbamasterseries.com
Hansen Information Technologies Hansen's Citizen Relationship Software www.hansen.com
Indus International EMPAC www.indus.com
RJN Group, Inc. CASSView www.rjn.com
The Synergen Series CMMS www.synergen.com

Two other vendors have links that have been developed by third parties and these vendors are listed in Table 3.

Table 3
ERP/CMMS Links Developed by Third Parties
ERP/CMMS Vendor Linking Software Vendor Software Name Internet Site
SAP Public Service, Inc   SAP R/3 3.x to 4.0B www.sap.com
  ESIR1 ArcGIS www.Esri.com
MRO Software   MAXIMO www.mro.com
  ActiveG, LLC MAXIMO MapEngine www.active.com
  GeoNorth LLC   www.geonorth.com
  Inform - Network For Management Systems, Limited   www.informgis.com
1-Links between Esri GSI Software and SAP are also being developed by Esri business partners. These links have not been reviewed in this paper. Those interested in the SAP/Esri links are encouraged to contact Esri. [Esri 2000]

Integration Methods

The identification of CMMS solutions that have been linked or integrated to Esri software was based on information supplied by Lori Armstrong of Esri and by system vendors the authors have identified during their work. Most of the software venders developing GIS/CMMS links are business partners of Esri. The list of the GIS and CMMS links presented above are all of the ones that the authors know about. However, new ones could be under development.

The methods of integrating GIS with CMMS can be grouped into two major categories based on where the asset data is stored. Asset data can be stored in the GIS data base or in the CMMS data base. The first group, which includes most of the GIS/CMMS interfaces, maintaine the asset data in the CMMS database. GIS software is used to access the asset data or provide information that is stored in the CMMS database. GIS features are linked to assets in the CMMS database. Adding a new asset requires the addition of the asset in both the CMMS database and the GIS database. The work order and maintenance data is stored in the CMMS.

The second group, which includes only Azteca Sysems, Inc. actually stores the asset data the GIS database. All assets and their related data are maintained in the GIS database. The addition of a new asset in the GIS database does not require an adjustment in the Acteca's Cityworks database. The work orders and maintenance management functions are maintained in a series of Cityworks tables. Work and maintenance data are linked to assets. All of the maintenance management functions are provide as extensions to Esri's GIS software.

Network tracing is also done differently in the various systems. ActiveG and MAXIMO use MAXIMO's network database to provide the network tracing. Azteca's Cityworks uses Esri's network tools to provide the network tracing.

Vendor Survey

All of the software vendors that provide a link to Esri's GIS software were asked to complete a questionnaire. The questionnaire was designed to provide information about which Esri software technology they are using and plan to use in the future. In addition, the software vendors were asked if they could provide several key functions that are useful in the water and wastewater industries. The results of this survey are included in the appendices.

Notes of Caution

This information is presented as an aid in identifying and evaluating the interfaces between GIS and CMMS. The reader should note the following cautions about the completeness of this survey and the accuracy of the survey results that are presented below:.

  1. The information provided in the survey was provided by the vendor and the information presented in the survey has not been verified. The reader must verify that the vendor's software can provide the indicated functions.
  2. New features and system are constantly being developed. It is reasonable to assume that new integration features, new GIS features, and new CMMS features will be introduced that could significantly alter the information presented in this survey.
  3. New interfaces between GIS and CMMS are being develop and may become public in the near future.
  4. The development of future capabilities and the use of new technologies in the future is presented as an indication of future direction. Selection of software should always be based on existing and verified features and functions.
  5. Most of the CMMS vendors offer the ability to develop custom modules or features. Water utilities may be able to obtain the desired features by having the CMMS vendor develop a custom solution. The development and implementation of custom modules should always be done with caution.
  6. Other interfaces between GIS and CMMS systems may be available. This survey only included the interfaces that the authors knew about.

Use of Esri GIS Software

A summary of the Esri software that is used to integrate or link the GIS to CMMS is presented in Table 4. A review of Table 4 shows that most of the GIS/CMMS integrations and links use the ArcGIS technology. In addition, a review of Table 4 identifies a strong desire to use ArcPad to provide GIS and CMMS on a PDA as indicated by the large number of vendors that are planning future use of ArcPad.

Table 4
Use of Esri GIS Technology
Esri Software
ArcInfo 8.2
ArcView 8.x
ArcGIS Extensions      

ArcGIS Spatial Analyst


Arc3D Analyst


ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst


Arc GIS Publisher


ArcGIS StreetMap USA


ArcPress for ArcGIS


MrSID Encoder for ArcGIS

ArcGIS Data Models
Administrative Boundaries
Electric Distribution
Environmental Facilities
Gas Distribution Model
Land Parcel Model
Telecommunication Model
Transportation Model
Water Utilities
Developer Tools
Map Objects-Java Standard Edition
MapObject-Windows Edition
MapObjects LT
Field GIS
ArcPad Application Builder
Internet Solutions
GIS Web Services
Older Esri Technology
ArcInfo 7.x
ArcView 3.x

GIS/CMMS Functions

The questionnaire also collected information about some of the functions that are provided in the GIS/CMMS interface. A summary of the GIS/CMMS functions is presented in Table 5. The list of functions are representative of the types of GIS/CMMS integration functions that would be used in a water and wastewater utility. The actual functions for using a GIS with a CMMS must be defined by a careful review of the workflows and business practices of the organization implementing the GIS/CMMS integration. These workflow and business practices will be important in the selection of the CMMS and how GIS can be used with the CMMS.

A review of Table 5 shows that most of the GIS/CMMS systems provide the GIS/CMMS functions that were listed. Many of the vendors responding to the questionnaire provided some additional notes and the reader is advise to review these notes in the appendices.

Table 5 
GIS/CMMS Functions
GIS / CMMS Functions
Locating Work Orders
The user can develop a work order that is attached to a specific facility shown on a map of the utility. The user must be able to select the utility feature on a display of the utility map.
The user can locate a work order on a map by an address.
The user can develop and locate a work order with a point on a map. The point does not have to be associated to a map feature of a utility facility.
The user can locate all other work orders on a map displayed within a user specified distance from the following:
  A point picked by the user
  A utility feature picked by the user
  A set of utility features picked by the user
  An existing work order
The user can select an area on the display of the utility map and the system will display all work orders contained within the area.
Selecting Work Orders     
The user can select the type of work orders that will be displayed on a utility map display or printed in a utility map based on the following:    
  Status of a work order such as pending, open, or closed work orders.
  Type of work orders such as planned maintenance or emergency work orders.
  Age of work orders
  Date of work orders
  Work orders completed within a date range
  Work orders completed by a specific crew
  Work orders that have a cost within a user specified range
  Combinations of all the above factors
Locating Facilities    
The user can select a work order and the system will show the location of the facilities on a display of the utility map. The map display scale and display area will be adjusted to present the facilities in the selected work order in the center of the screen and at a readable scale.
The user can select a group of work orders and the system will show the location of all facilities in all of the selected work orders.
The user can specify an address and the system will show the utility features that serve the address.
The user can locate all utility features that are within a specified distance of an address.
The user can locate all other utilities within a specified distance of a selected facility or work order.
Identifying Utility Feature Characteristics    
The user can determine the following characteristics of all facilities in the vicinity of the work order that can be included in a work order    
  Size of facility
  Age of facility
  Facility material
  Depth of facility
  Type of ground surface above an underground facility
  Past work orders associated with the facility
Manage Work Crews    
The user can use the system to route work crews to work orders
The user can use the system to schedule or assign work orders to work crews
The user can identify the work crews that are assigned to work in an area or near a selected address or point.
Provide Network Tracing    
The user can identify all sewer lines that are upstream of a work order
The user can identify all sewer lines that are downstream of a work order
The user can identify the customers that are in the area served by a sewer affected by a work order
Provide Water Main Isolation Management    
The user can locate all valves that must be closed in order to isolate a water system facility
The user can identify all the customers that will be affected by the closure of a water system facility such as a water main, system valve, a water pump station or a water reservoir.
The user can locate the water valves that must be closed to isolate a fire hydrant
The location of an address is based on address ranges on a street base map
The user can specify the type, status and age of the work orders to be mapped


The CMMS market continues to grow, although the CMMS market is considered a mature market. The number of different CMMS vendors is very large and most of the vendors are focused on serving a limited number of industries. The interest in linking GIS to CMMS also appears to be growing, particularly among utilities with geographically dispersed assets found in a utility network such as a water distribution system or a sewer system. However, the number of GIS/CMMS links and integrated system is small. Only 8 CMMS/EAM/ERP systems have existing links to Esri's GIS software and these have been included in Table 7.

Table 6
CMMS Vendors with Links or Integration with Esri GIS Software
Software Vendor CMMS Internet Site
Azteca Systems, Inc. Cityworks www.azteca.com
GBA Master Series, Inc. GBA Master Series www.gbamasterseries.com
Hansen Information Technologies Hansen's Citizen Relationship Software www.hansen.com
Indus International EMPAC www.indus.com
MRO Software MAXIMO www.mro.com
RJN Group, Inc. CASSView www.rjn.com
SAP Public Service, Inc SAP R/3 3.x to 4.0B www.sap.com
Synergen, Inc. The Synergen Series CMMS www.synergen.com

Two of the key technical issues that must be addressed when implementing an integrated or linked GIS/CMMS are:

The storage of asset data - The asset data can be stored in the GIS database or in the CMMS database. The work flows for adding an asset must be carefully defined since they can impact both the GIS database and the CMMS database.

The management and identification of the asset register - The asset identification number is needed by both the GIS and the CMMS. The structure of the asset register identification system can have an impact on the ease of adding or removing assets. The importance of the asset register is increased when the GIS and CMMS must be linked or integrated with other applications such as a financial information system, a plant control system, a document management system, or a data warehouse.



Survey Responses

ActiveG LLC for ActiveG MAXIMO MapEngine a link to MAXIMO by MRO Software
Azteca Systems. Inc. for Cityworks
GAB Master Series, Inc.for GBA Master Series
Hansen Information Technologies for Citizen Relationship Software
Indus International for ------EMPAC
Inform - Network For Management Systems Limited for a link to MAXIMO by MRO Software
RJN Group. Inc. for CassView
Synergen, Inc. for The Synergen Series CMMS



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