2004 UC Proceedings Abstract


The Enhancement of ArcGIS With Fuzzy Set Theory
Track: Application Development
Author(s): Zuhal Akyurek

Geographic data, stored and processed in a GIS, form a conceptual model of the real world. The abstraction of the real world to construct the conceptual model unavoidably results in differentiation between objects of the real world and their representation in GIS (i.e., computer). Since classical set theory is used in conventional GIS software systems to model uncertain real world, the natural variability in the environmental phenomena can not be modeled appropriately. In this study, a system to enhance commercial GIS software, namely ArcGIS, with fuzzy set theory is designed and implemented. The proposed system allows users to incorporate human knowledge and experience in the form of linguistically defined variables into GIS-based spatial analyses, handle imprecision in the decision-making processes, and approximate complex ill-defined problems in decision-making processes and classification.

Zuhal Akyurek
Middle East Technical University
Geodetic and Geographic Information Technologies
METU Civil Eng Dept. Water Resources Lab.
Ankara , Ankara 06531
Phone: 90-312-2102481
Fax: 90-312-2101002
E-mail: zakyurek@metu.edu.tr