2004 UC Proceedings Abstract


Turkish Cadastre Automation System With Esri Technology
Track: Cadastral and Land Records
Author(s): Orhan Ercan, Emin Bank

Current advances in geoprocessing, geovisualization, geodatabases, and the successful results of GIS applications orient clients, institutions, and organizations to establish their GISs and manage their process and data inventory with these systems. Esri technology is being using in such a way in the Cadastral site in the Turkish Land Registry and Cadastral Information System. This is an example GIS application for an integrated and enterprise solution. In the pilot project which includes more than 1 million owners, more than 90,000 parcels have been completed and imlemented at two cadastre offices, five land registre offices, one regional office, and the General Directorate within a hierarchical structure. ArcObject on ArcEditor were used to developed Cadastre Application Software Package, ArcSDE were used to storage and manage data, ArcIMS were used to share data. This paper presents the system architecture, cadastral data and process modeling, and data Web services for external users.

Orhan Ercan
Geodesy and Photogrammetry
Tapu Kadastro Genel Mudurlugu
Dikmen Yolu No:14
Çankaya , Ankara 06100
Phone: +90 312 4136630
Fax: +90 312 4136602
E-mail: oercan@tkgm.gov.tr

Emin Bank
13.cad. No: 14 Beysukent
Ankara , Ankara 06530
Phone: +90 312 2356430
E-mail: ebank@islem.com.tr