2004 UC Proceedings Abstract


Modeling the Propagation of DEM Uncertainty in Flood Inundation
Track: Water Resources
Author(s): Musa Yilmaz, Nurunnisa Usul, Zuhal Akyurek

All GIS datasets suffer from inherent error and it is now generally recognized that error problems is significant in GIS analysis. In GIS integrated flood inundation modeling, where topographic conditions of the river network are obtained from a Digital Elevation Model (DEM), error inherent in the DEM will propagate through the analysis till its outputs. In this study, a methodology named as uncertainty propagation modeling (UPM) is presented for evaluation of DEM uncertainty while investigating its propagation in flood inundation modeling. Hydraulic computations are performed by integrating ArcView and HEC-RAS and Monte Carlo Simulations method is utilized for uncertainty propagation modeling. In UPM, a set of random realizations of the DEM are first created. Flood inundation modeling is then performed over each DEM to obtain a range of flood inundation modeling outputs. Finally uncertainty propagation is based on the analysis of all model performances.

Musa Yilmaz
Water Resources Lab.
ODTU K4 Su Kaynaklari Lab.
Ankara 06531
Phone: +903122102485
Fax: +903122101002
E-mail: musa@metu.edu.tr

Nurunnisa Usul
Middle East Technical University
Civil Engineering
ODTU K4 Su Kaynaklari Lab.
Ankara , Ankara 06531
Phone: +903122105448
Fax: +903122101002
E-mail: nurusul@metu.edu.tr

Zuhal Akyurek
Middle East Technical University
Geodetics Geographical Information Technologies
ODTU K4 Su Kaynaklari Lab.
Ankara , Ankara 06531
Phone: +903122102481
E-mail: zakyurek@metu.edu.tr