2004 UC Proceedings Abstract


GEO-STORM: A Tool for Floodplain and Watershed Management
Track: Water Resources
Author(s): Catherine Adams

Prince George's County, Maryland provides floodplain studies for developers, engineers, and private citizens, as well as conducts studies for FEMA funded watershed and floodplain delineation projects. Geo-STORM is a tool that combines GIS with Hydrologic Models (TR-55 and TR-20) and Hydraulic Model (HEC-2) to complete floodplain and watershed management studies. Geo-STORM incorporates GIS functionality with the models reducing the time needed to complete the studies. Some of the capabilities include: automatic calculations of drainage area, runoff curve numbers, flow path and regimes (sheet, shallow concentrated, or channel flow), and water surface elevations enabling automatic delineation of the floodplain.

Catherine Adams
Prince George's County
9400 Peppercorn place
Suite 610
Largo , MD 20707
Phone: 301-883-5990
E-mail: caadams@co.pg.md.us