2004 UC Proceedings Abstract


Real-Time Incident Tracking in ArcIMS
Track: Transportation
Author(s): Eric Herman

Technology is increasingly helping to better manage highway systems. This presentation highlights the New York State Thruway Authority's internal application to view current highway incidents. The application uses ArcIMS and ArcMap Server technology to make connections to a relational database, populated from the Computer Aided Dispatch system. Using dynamic segmentation and the Thruway's route system, the data is rendered as an event layer, and displayed to Authority staff via the organization's intranet Web site. The presentation gives a background history of the system, advances in the technology that have enabled these capabilities, and a description of the final application's architecture and functionality.

Eric Herman
New York State Thruway Authority
200 Southern Blvd
Albany , NY 12209
Phone: 518-471-5890
Fax: 518-436-3068
E-mail: eric_herman@thruway.state.ny.us