2004 UC Proceedings Abstract


Managing GPSGeodetic Network in Seismic and Volcanic Areas Using GeoNetGIS
Track: Mining and Geosciences
Author(s): Paolo Cristofoletti

This paper presents the methodologies involved in the use of GIS techniques to manage geodetic information from GPS networks in seismic and volcanic areas. Management of different geodetical, geological and seismic database gives us a new challenge in the interpretation of crustal deformation and the range of tools available, making it a GIS platform for earthquake risk assessment. The large amount of data provided by GPS networks, combined with different and independent observations, such as epicentre distribution of recent and historical earthquakes, geological and structural data, photo interpretation of aerial and satellite images, can aid in the detection and parameterization of seismogenic sources. GeoNetGIS allows us to create and deliver a wide range of maps, digital and 3-dimensional environment data analysis with ArcScene tools for geophysical users and civil defense companies, also distributing them on the Web or in wireless connection realized by ArcPad.

Paolo Cristofoletti
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia Roma
GIS Geodesy GPS
via di Vigna Murata 605
Roma 00143
Phone: +39.06.51860248
E-mail: cristofoletti@ingv.it