2004 UC Proceedings Abstract


Contact Us Before You Plan
Track: Federal Government Systems
Author(s): Sandrine Bielmann

Norfolk Public Works Center main objective is to employ a GIS for the utilities sector of the government that will enhance billing and engineering workflow. This project will standardize spatial information and include detailed data relating to utilities for the region. All information will be available electronically and will include spatial, graphic and tabular data. To provide the accurate maps and data, all utilities are surveyed by using GPS with sub-meter accuracy. The result of these objectives will improve information flow and provide the government with precise and accurate data. This project will be imparting more benefits to PWC than providing utility maps. CUBIC, a billing and engineering software linked to ArcGIS Schematics, and MAXIMO, an electric work order and utility maintenance management system, benefit from our data collection increasing the accuracy and consistency of facilities being billed and daily tasks assignment.

Sandrine Bielmann
Public Works Centers
9742 Maryland Avenue
Norfolk , VA 23511
Phone: 757 445 8558
E-mail: bielmannsa@pwcnorva.navy.mil